Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Langtangen H. — A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python |
Предметный указатель |
**kwargs 681
*= 54
*args 679
+= 54
-= 54
/= 54
animate 455
API 384
aplotter (from scitools) 198
append (list) 57
Application 14
Application Programming Interface 384
arange (from numpy) 211 212
Array (datatype) 176
array (from numpy) 176
Array computing 176
Array shape 212 213
Array slicing 177
asarray (from numpy) 209
Attribute (class) 342
Average 422
base class 480
Bin (histogram) 420
Binomial distribution 166
bits 275
Blank lines in files 294
blanks 17
Body of a function 72
Boolean expressions 55
break 272 307
bytes 275
callable function 357
Callable objects 357
callback function 635
Check an object’s type 28 210 385 483
Check file/folder existence (in Python) 677
Class hierarchy 480
Class relationship, derived class 480
Class relationship, has-a 485
Class relationship, inheritance 480
Class relationship, is-a 485
Class relationship, subclass 480
Class relationship, superclass 480
Closure 497
cmath module 33
command-line arguments 127
commands module 677
Comments 10
Comparing floating-point numbers 113
comparing objects 113
Comparing real numbers 113
complex numbers 31
concatenate (from numpy) 255
Console (terminal) window 4
Constructor (class) 341
convert program 454
Copy files (in Python) 677
Copy folders (in Python) 677
CPU time measurements 683
Cumulative sum 468
Curve plotting 179
datetime module 238 684
Debugger tour 651
DEL 57
Delete files (in Python) 192 412 677
Delete folders (in Python) 677
derived class 480
Dictionary functionality 318
Dictionary, nested 284
Difference equations 236
Difference equations, nonlinear 252
Differential equations 372 508 605
Dir function 388
Directory 1 4 676
Doc strings 83
dtype 209
Duck typing 386
Dynamic binding 490
dynamic typing 386
Easy viz 180
Editor 3
Efficiency 683
Efficiency measure 447
Elapsed time 683
enumerate function 63
Environment variables 676
eval function 121 491
event loop 141
Except 133
exception 138
Exceptions 133
Execute programs (from Python) 677
Execute Python program 7 29 669
Expression 16
factorial (from scitools) 106
Factory function 492
find (string method) 292
First-order ODEs 617
float_eq 114
Fourier series 47
Function arguments, keyword 81
Function arguments, named 81
Function arguments, positional 81
function body 72
function header 72
Function inside function 515
Functional programming 497
Gaussian function 44
getopt module 150
glob.glob function 412 677
global 74
globals function 73 206 640
grid 574
Has-a class relationship 485
Heaviside function 108
Heterogeneous lists 175
Histogram (normalized) 420
Immutable objects 280 367
In-place array arithmetics 207
IndexError 134 135
Information hiding 384
Initial condition 236 606 630
Input (data) 17
insert (list) 57
Instance (class) 342
Integer random numbers 424
Interactive sessions, IPytlion 29
Interactive sessions, session recording (logging) 45
Interactive sessions, standard Python shell 26
Interval arithmetics 393
IPytlion 29
IS 80
Is-a class relationship 485
isdigit (string method) 294
iseq 211
iseq (from scitools) 211
isinstance function 92 210 385 483
isspace (string method) 294
join (string method) 295
Keys (dictionaries) 279
keyword arguments 81 678
Lambda functions 87 90
Least squares approximation 324
len (list) 57
Line break 13
linspace (from numpy) 177 212
List comprehension 63 65
| List files (in Python) 677
List functionality 92
List, nested 64
logical expressions 55
Loops 52
lower (string method) 294
lstrip (string method) 295
Mac OS X 18
Main program 86
Make a folder (in Python) 675
Making graphs 179
Making movie 454
math module 23
Mean 422
mean (from numpy) 423
Measure time in programs 447
mesh 574
Method (class) 58
Method (in class) 342
MOD function 423
Module folders 149
Modules 141
Monte Carlo integration 443
Monte Carlo simulation 433
Move to a folder (in Python) 676
multiple inheritance 550
mutable objects 280 367
named arguments 81
NameError 135
Namespace 350
Nested dictionaries 284
nested lists 64
nested loops 69
Newline character (line break) 13
Newton’s method 247 359
None 80
Nonlinear difference equations 252
Normally distributed random numbers 423
NOT 55
Numerical Python 176
NumPy 176
numpy.lib.scimath module 33
Object-based programming 479
Object-Oriented Programming 479
Objects 20
Operating system (OS) 18
Optimization of Python code 685
Option-value pairs (command line) 130
optparse module 150
Ordinary differential equations 614
os module 675
os.chdir function 676
os.listdir function 677
os.makedirs function 676
os.mkdir function 675
os.pardir 149
os.path.isdir function 677
os.path.isfile function 677
os.path.join function 149 676
os.path.split function 678
os.remove function 192 412 677
os.rename function 676
os.system function 677
Oscillating systems 521 615 626 632
Output (data) 17
Overloading (of methods) 502
parent class 480
PASS 383
Plot (from scitools) 181
plotting 179
Poisson distribution 166
Polymorphism 502
positional arguments 81 678
pprint.pformat 66
pprint.pprint 65
pprint2 (from scitools) 66
Pretty print 65
Private attributes (class) 384
probability 432
profiler.py 685
profiling 685
Protected attributes (class) 367 384
pydoc program 98
pyreport program 42 227
raise 137
random (from numpy) 421
random module 418
Random numbers 417
Random numbers, histogram 420
Random numbers, integers 424
Random numbers, integration 443
Random numbers, Monte Carlo simulation 433
Random numbers, normal distribution 423
Random numbers, random walk 448
Random numbers, statistics 422
Random numbers, uniform distribution 419
Random numbers, vectorization 421
Random walk 448
Range function 61
raw_input function 120
Refactoring 157 375
Regular expressions 308
Remove files (in Python) 192 412 677
Remove folders (in Python) 677
Rename file/folder (in Python) 676
replace (string method) 293
Resolution (mesh) 574
ROUND function 28
Round-off errors 25
Rounding float to integer 28
rstrip (string method) 295
Run programs (from Python) 677
Run Python program 7 29 669
r_ 212
Scalar (math, quantity) 172
Scalar code 178
Scalar differential equations 615
Scaling 243
scitools.pprint2 module 66
scitools.pprint2.pprint 66
scitools.std 180
Search for module files 149
Secant method 264
Second-order ODEs 521 617 630
Seed 418
seq (from scitools) 211
Sequence (data type) 91
Sequence (mathematical) 235
Shape (of an array) 212 213
shutil.copy function 677
shutil.copytree function 677
shutil.rmtree function 677
Slicing 66 292
source code 14
Special methods (in classes) 356
Split (string method) 293
Split filename 678
Spread of a disease (model) 619
Standard deviation 422
Standard error 311
Standard input 310
Standard output 310
statements 15
Static class attributes 390
Static class methods 390
Static class variables 390
Static typing 386
std (from numpy) 423
str2obj (from scitools) 150
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