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Allen R. — Windows Server Cookbook
Allen R. — Windows Server Cookbook

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Название: Windows Server Cookbook

Автор: Allen R.


This practical reference guide offers hundreds of useful tasks for managing Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, Microsoft's latest server. These concise, on-the-job solutions to common problems are certain to save you many hours of time searching through Microsoft documentation. Topics include files, event logs, security, DHCP, DNS, backup/restore, and more.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 696

Добавлена в каталог: 07.09.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
renaming      [See also naming]
renaming, Active Directory objects      
renaming, computer accounts      
renaming, computers      
renaming, files/folders
renaming, security accounts
renewing IP addresses      
replacing, files      
replacing, folders      
Reply status message (ping)
Request timed out status message (ping)
requiring strong passwords
reservations, creating      
resetting, computer accounts      
resetting, passwords      
resetting, trusts      
Resource Kit, accessing      
resource records      
resource records, creating/deleting      
resource records, querying
resource records, scavenging      
responding to attacks
restarting servers      
restoring, Active Directory      
restoring, DHCP databases      
restoring, metabases
restoring, registry      
restricting access
restricting access, event logs
restricting access, IIS
restricting access, physical      
restricting access, registry
restricting access, to shares
retention policies, configuring event logs      
rmdir command
robust service restart script      
roles (FSMO)
routes, managing      
runas.exe command      2nd
running, alternate credential scripts
running, DHCP Servers on domain controllers
running, processes, viewing
running, scripts as services      
running, tasks      
running, tasks, via Group Policy
running, tasks, via login scripts
running, tasks, when users log on      
running, tasks, with alternate credentials      
running, tasks, with remote servers      
running, tools (with alternate credentials)      
sc utility
scavenging resource records
scheduling tasks      2nd
Schema NC (Active Directory partition)
schtasks.exe command      
SCM (Service Control Manager)      
scope, DHCP      
scope, DHCP, activating/deactivating      
scope, DHCP, configuring options      
scope, DHCP, creating      
scope, DHCP, managing leases
scope, group accounts, modifying
screensaver locking, enabling      
Scripts      [See also VBScript]
scripts, ALockout.dll
scripts, command-line options      
scripts, error checking      
scripts, Excel, reading/writing from      
scripts, iisback.vbs
scripts, login, running tasks via      
scripts, mass admin password changer
scripts, output
scripts, output, sending in emails
scripts, output, writing to files
scripts, overview of
scripts, processes
scripts, processes, terminating      
scripts, processes, troubleshooting
scripts, robust service restart      
scripts, running (with alternate credentials)      
scripts, Service Monitor
scripts, services, running as      
scripts, simple adsi.vbs      
scripts, viewing forests (Active Directory)
scripts, Windows Component, installing      
scripts, writing
SDDL (Security Descriptor string)
sdelete.exe command
Searching      [See also queries]
searching, Active Directory      2nd
searching, DHCP (on subnets)      
searching, domain controllers      
searching, event logs      
Searching, files      
searching, folders
searching, FSMO role holders      
searching, open files      
searching, open folders      
searching, processes      2nd
searching, processes (open files)
searching, Registry      
searching, services      
searching, user logon times      
searching, volumes      
searching, with WQL      
secure channels, testing      
Secure Communication dialog box      
Security Alert dialog box
Security Descriptor string (SDDL)      
security, accounts      
security, accounts, disabling      
security, accounts, renaming
security, ADSI connections      
security, auditing      
Security, best practices
security, configuration analysis      
security, critical patches, installing      
security, files, deleting      
security, mass admin password script      
security, Microsoft's 10 laws of      
security, passwords      
security, passwords, disabling LM hash      
security, passwords, requiring strong      
security, passwords, resetting      
security, renaming accounts      
security, screensaver locking, enabling      
security, vulnerabilities, receiving notification of      
seizing FSMO roles
SelfSSL utility
servers, casual use of
servers, critical failures, troubleshooting      
servers, desktop wallpaper, putting information on      
servers, DHCP      [See DHCP]
Servers, DNS      [See DNS]
servers, domains
servers, domains, joining to      
servers, domains, testing secure channels      
servers, Exchange Server 2003      [See Exchange Server 2003]
servers, multiple, searching event logs      
servers, naming      
servers, restarting/shutting down      
servers, tasks, running with remote      
servers, uptime, viewing      
Service Control Manager (SCM)      
Service Creation Wizard      
service packs, installing via applications      
Services snap-in (services.msc)      
services, accounts/passwords, configuring      
services, actions, performing automatically      
services, antecedent/dependent, viewing      
services, default      
services, deleting      2nd
services, load order, viewing      
services, MyMonitor      
services, permissions, granting      
services, processes, searching      
services, robust service restart script
services, scripts, running as
services, searching      
services, Service Monitor script      
services, starting/stopping      
services, startup history, viewing
services, startup type, configuring
services, viewing
set command      
Set statements (VBScript)      
setacl.exe tool      
setting      [See also configuration]
setting, accounts (services)      
setting, drive letters (of a volume)      
setting, labels (of a volume)
setting, maximum size of event logs      
setting, priority of processes      
setting, registry (keys/values) with group policy      
setting, registry, configuring maximum size of      
setting, startup type (services)      
shares, creating/deleting      2nd
shares, enabling web sharing      
shares, NETLOGON      
shares, publishing (in Active Directory)      
shares, restricting      
shares, restricting access      
shares, viewing      
shortcut.exe command
shortcuts, creating      
Shutdown Tracker, disabling      
shutdown.exe command      
shutting down servers      
sidtoname tool      
simple adsi.vbs script
size, event logs      
size, event logs, configuring      
size, event logs, viewing      
size, files/folders, searching      
size, registry, configuring maximum      
SOA (Start of Authority)      
Software Update Services (SUS)      
software, deleting      
specifying alternate credentials      
specifying alternate credentials, running scripts with      
specifying alternate credentials, running tools with      
spreadsheets, reading/writing from scripts      
srvinstw.exe (Service Creation Wizard)      
SSL certificates      
SSL certificates, backing up
SSL certificates, enabling
SSL certificates, installing
stacks, installing IPv6      
Start of Authority (SOA)
starting, DNS Server      
starting, Exchange Server 2003      
starting, IIS      
starting, services      
startup, customizing      
startup, folders, running when users log on      
startup, history (services), viewing      
startup, type (services), configuring      
statistics, DHCP, viewing      
statistics, DNS utilization, viewing      
statistics, performance, enabling (disks)      
statistics, processes, viewing      
StdRegProv WMI Provider      
stopping, DNS Server      
stopping, Exchange Server 2003      
stopping, IIS      
stopping, services      
storage groups (Exchange Server 2003), creating      
stores (mailboxes)      
stores (mailboxes), creating      
stores (mailboxes), mounting/dismounting      
strong passwords, requiring
stub zones (DNS), creating
subinacl command
subinacl.exe command
subnets, searching on DHCP Servers      
subst command      
suffixes (DNS), configuring
superscope, creating
Support Tools, accessing      2nd
support, Help and Support Center      
SUS (Software Update Services)      
suspending processes      
Sysinternals File Monitor tool      2nd
Sysinternals LoadOrd (loadord.exe) utility      
Sysinternals Process Explorer tool      2nd
Sysinternals Process Explorer tool, searching      
Sysinternals Registry Monitor (regmon.exe) tool      
Sysinternals TCPView tool      2nd
sysocmgr command      2nd 3rd
system configuration      
system configuration, applications, installing      
system configuration, Automatic Updates
system configuration, Automatic Updates, configuring      
system configuration, Automatic Updates, disabling      
system configuration, command-line interfaces, applying      
system configuration, dates/time/time zones, setting      
system configuration, environment variables, setting/viewing
system configuration, page files, configuring      
system configuration, properties, viewing      
system configuration, servers      
system configuration, servers, customizing startup
system configuration, servers, disabling Manage/Configure Your Server screens
system configuration, servers, joining to domains      
system configuration, servers, naming      
system configuration, servers, putting information on desktop wallpaper      
system configuration, servers, restarting/shutting down      
system configuration, servers, testing secure channels
system configuration, servers, troubleshooting critical failures      
system configuration, servers, viewing uptime      
system configuration, Shutdown Tracker, disabling      
system configuration, VBScript, applying      
system configuration, Windows Component, installing/uninstalling      
system configuration, Windows Server 2003, activating      
System Managed option I      
system time, setting      
SYSTEMDRIVE default environment variable      
systeminfo.exe command      
SYSTEMROOT default environment variable
tasklist.exe command      
tasks, deleting      
tasks, listing automatic      
tasks, listing scheduled      
tasks, running      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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