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Capek I., Casas-Vazquez J., Criado-Sancho M. — Physical Properties of Polymers (Advances in Polymer Science) |
Предметный указатель |
Acrylates, monomers 183 185
Acrylonitrile, monomers 152
Activation energy 185 186
Aerosol AY 158 159 168
Aerosol DBM 160 168
Aerosol MA 160 168
AIBN initiator 152 185
Alkyl sulfonate E-30 170
Allyl acetate 158
Ammonium stearate 167
Atlas G 300 167
Batch conditions 195
Baumann plot 10
Benoit/Doty equation 13
Benzoyl peroxide 147 185
Bohdanecky plot 14—15
Branching 189
Bulk properties 39—45
Burchard — Stockmayer — Fixman 10—13
Butyl acrylate, monomer 192—196
Butyl methacrylate 146 196
Cage effect 147
Chain-transfer 141 153 163 192
Characteristic ratio 5—8
Chemical equilibrium 251
CMC 155 158 160 166 168
Coexistence line 233 260
Complex compliance/viscosity 216
Configuration tensor 220
Configurational distribution function 220 223 224
Conformation (steric) factor 6
Coupled diffusion 94—104
Coupling constants 64 65
Critical molecular weight 39
Critical point 233 234 246
Critical temperature 234 235 244
Cylindrical duct, flow 242—243
Degradation of polymers 247—255
Degradation, shear-induced 247—253
Degradation-combination mechanism 250
Dibutyl sulfosuccinate natrium 174
Diffusion flux/effective coefficient 255 256
Diffusion, extraordinary 104—106
Diffusion, segmental 150
Dowfax 2A1 192
Droplet approach 240—242
Dynamic Kerr effect 87—89 126 127
Dynamic scattering 118—124
Dynamical approaches 255—260
Empicol 167
Entanglement parameter 40
Ethyl acrylate 195
Eulytic point 245
Excess free energy 221 222 229
Extended irreversible thermodynamics 217—219 251
Extensional flows 215 225
Fatty alcohol (FA), emulsifier 174 178
Flexibility approach 239 240
Flory hydrodynamic parameter 9—11 34—35 45
Flory — Fox equation 10
Flory — Huggins free energy of mixing 233 234 259
Flow, cylindrical duct 242—243
Gaussian coil approximation 106 107
Gel effect 147 193
Gibbs equation, generalized 217 218
Gibbs free energy 230 237 239
Glass transition, polymer-monomer gel 183
Helical wormlike chain model 8
Helmholtz free energy 218—220 223—225 227 244
Hexyl acrylate 156
Homogenization, shear-induced 245
Inelastic scattering 89—92
Initiation rate 141 147 187
Initiator decomposition 140 145 165 171
Internal variables 220
Kramer's expression, viscous pressure tensor 222
Kratky — Porod wormlike chain model 7
Kuhn statistical segment length 7 14 32 39
Lattice structures 58—60
Liquid crystallinity, molecular requirements 32
Local stiffness approximation 108—110
Maxwell model 214—218
Maxwell rule 263
| Mean-square end-to-end distance 6 33—44
Methyl methacrylate 139 146 148 149 179 196 197
Micelle, monomer-swollen 156 167
Molecular network theory 228
Monte Carlo simulations 76—79 111—114
Neutron scattering 82—86 124—126
Non-Newtonian effects 235—238
Normal modes 224
Nozieres — Quemada model 257 258
Nucleation mechanism 144 145 156 160 194 196 201
Ordinary/extraordinary transitions 89—106
Osmotic pressure 66 73 74 86
Osmotic pressure, shear 261
PEO, macromonomer 147
Peroxodisulfate, initiator 161—164 185
Persistence length 7 13
Persistence length, stiff chain polymers 30—32
Phase diagram, polymer solutions 233
Phase separation mechanism 153
Plateau modulas 5 39—44
PMMA in dimethyl phthalate 245
Polyions, flexible 59 60 69 77 82—89 106—127
Polyions, rodlike 59 68 69 76 77 80 81
Polyions, spherical 58 59 67 68 76 79 80
Polymethacrylates, theta conditions 16
Polystyrene in dioctyl phthalate 235
Polystyrene in poly(vinyl methyl ether) 246
Potassium dodecanate 170
Radical capture 145 147 155 173
Radical desorption 141 144 151 159 188 191 192 197 199
Radical desorption rate 144 159
Radical formation 155 159
Radical occlusion 157 198
Radicals per particle 142 161 163 175 188 198
Rational thermodynamics 219 220
Reactivity ratio 195 196 201
Relaxation times 217 224 230
Reptation model 226 227
Rotational isomeric state model 6—7 15 24—30 34 37—39 45
Rouse — Zimm description 220 223 230 236
Scaling laws 232 259
SDS 158—178 186 196
Shear rate, critical 243
Shear viscosity 215
Shulz distribution 253
Small-angle neutron scattering 8 33—39 45
Smith — Ewart model 144 145 155 156 171
Smoluchovski equation 150
Sodium- -oxyoctadecane sulfonate 157 168
Spinodal curve 236—238 245 260
Stability condition 258 259
Static scattering 118—124
Steady state compliance 217 241
Stiff chain polymers 13—16
Stiff chain polymers, persistence length 30—32
Stored energy 216 219
Stress coefficients, normal 215
Stress difference, normal 229
Structure factor 61—63 69—73
Styrene polymerization 173 174
Subsaturation conditions 198
Tacticity 16 38—39
Tanaka plot 11—12
Termination 140 150 152 153
Termination mechanism, bimolecular 159 163
Ternary interactions 37—38
Thermoelasticity 33 36—37 45
Theta conditions 9—12 33—35 45
Thomas — Windle model 258
Transdecalin in polystyrene 243 255 352
Transfer mechanism 152
Tube diameter 40—44
Unperturbed dimensions 8 45
Unperturbed dimensions, from good solvent data 11—13
Unperturbed dimensions, specific solvent effects 33—38 45
Unperturbed dimensions, tacticity effects 17 38—39
Vinyl acetate 139 179 195 196
Vinyl chloride polymerization 139—201
Vinyl chloride solubility 179
Vinylidene chloride 196
viscosity 66 74—76 86 87 116—118
X-ray scattering 82—84 124—126
Yamakawa — Fujii wormlike cylinder model/parameters 8 14
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