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Название: Cases in Technological Entrepreneurship
Автор: Petti C.
`Cases in Technological Entrepreneurship offers an updated and comprehensive view of the main issues and concepts related to the entrepreneurial activities in technology intensive environments. Filled with outstanding examples and case studies, it is a great book for managers looking for best-practices, for academics and students researching in the field of technoentrepreneurship looking for fresh material and for public organizations willing to foster technoentrepreneurship in their regions or countries.' - Fran???§ois Th???©rin, Executive Education (Europe) and U21 Global The book examines from different perspectives a number of fundamental issues in the process of transforming technological innovations into profits. Key cases and field insights from distinguished contributors show the role and the practices of government bodies, universities, private investors and companies within the transformation of new ideas into value, in start-ups as well as in incumbents. The book takes a systemic view of technological entrepreneurship, positioning the topic at the interface between entrepreneurial and strategic perspectives within the emergent strategic entrepreneurship field. The multidisciplinary topics and approaches analyzed within the book will be appreciated by international practitioners dealing with fostering and practising technological entrepreneurship for or inside public and private organizations, particularly in Europe and in Emerging Economies. The experiences and field analysis represent good cases and findings for scholars delivering courses in technology and innovation management, economics of innovation, strategic management of technology and innovation.
Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно
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Год издания: 2009
Количество страниц: 177
Добавлена в каталог: 14.04.2014
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