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Schaeffler J. — Digital Video Recorders: DVRs Changing TV and Advertising Forever
Schaeffler J. — Digital Video Recorders: DVRs Changing TV and Advertising Forever

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Название: Digital Video Recorders: DVRs Changing TV and Advertising Forever

Автор: Schaeffler J.


Four specific trends are driving the DVR industry: consumer content choice, consumer content control, personalization of content libraries, and the ability to transfer content from device-to-device and person-to-person. ''Digital Video Recorders'' features a macro and micro views of the already established yet still burgeoning DVR industry. As part of the NAB Executive Technology Briefing series, this book gives you a wealth of market knowledge, business models, case studies, and industry insignts explained in a non-technical fashion.

''Digital Video Recorders'' discusses the impact of the technology across many different industries and platforms, explains hardware, software and technology of set-top boxes, DVR infrastructure, on-screen guides, planning and scheduling, content security, and more. Whether you are an executive in the broadcast, telecommunications, consumer electronic, or advertising space, you will expand your knowledge on DVR impact, explore new business opportunities, and get a brief overview of the technical terms needed. You will also be able to accurately analyze and understand the trends, projections and other data, all of which will help lead to the expedited growth and development of DVR industry. * Part of the NAB Executive Technology Briefing series which brings you industry technology information in a consice market brief
* Quickly get up to speed on terms, market, and the business of the DVR industry
* Packed with real-world case studies and exclusive market research for a comprehesive insight

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 320

Добавлена в каталог: 27.03.2014

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