Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kaiser G. — Quantum physics, relativity, and complex spacetime: Towards a new synthesis |
Предметный указатель |
Admissible 49 100 112 339
Affine group 46
Analytic signal 239
Analytic vector 116
Analytic-signal transform 243ff 335 343
Anticommutators 292
Averaging operator h(S) 62ff 75
Bosons 293
Bra-ket notation 6ff
Canonical anticommutation relations 294
Canonical commutation relations 9 11 162 276
Canonical transformation 211
Cartan subalgebra 117
Central extension 168
Characteristic function 312
Charge 264ff 282 296
Charge current 284 296
Charge, density 283 296
Coherent state representation 13ff
Coherent state, canonical 9ff 115
Coherent state, Galilean 172ff
Coherent state, holomorphic 130
Coherent state, interpolating 302ff
Coherent state, relativistic 190ff
Complex line bundle 323
Complex manifold 129
Complex structure J 70ff
Complex vector bundle 328
Configuration space S 208 212
Conjugation operator C 72
Connection 322ff
Connection form 324
Connection, Riemannian 323
Connection, type (1, 0) 333
Consistency condition 22 340
Contraction limit 121 145ff 161
Control vector y 195 272
Coset spaces 109
Covariant derivative 324ff
Curvature 331
De Broglie's relation 4
Decomposition 82ff
Decomposition, complex 87ff
Differencing operator g(S) 75
Dilation 45 58 336
Dilation equation 63
Dilation operator D 62
Dirac equation 393
Dirac equation field 289ff
Directional holomorphy 247
Electromagnetic field F 326
Electromagnetic potential A 325
Energy 4
Evaluation maps 32 190
Exponential step function 241
fermions 293
Fiber 323
Fiber metric h 325 329
Field coherent state 308ff
Filter, bandpass 45
Filter, complex Z, 85ff
Filter, high-pass 78ff
Filter, low-pass 65
Fourier transform 3 5
Fourier transform, windowed 34 36
Fourier — Laplace transform 240 244 344
Frame 18ff 33 37 49
Frame bundle 159
Frame, discrete 38—40 55
Functional integral 316
Galilean group 163ff
Gauge group 327
Gauge symmetry 300
Gauge transformation 324
General relativity 321
Gordon identity 297
Group frame 95ff
Group frame, holomorphic 113ff
Group frame, homogeneous 103ff
Haar basis 63 75
harmonic oscillator 11 145ff
Heisenberg algebra 9
Heisenberg picture 198
Hilbert transform 247 345
Hilbert transform H 243
| Holomorphic gauge transformation 329
Home space V 65
Home versions 65
Homogeneous space 110
Interpolation operator 65
Killing form 119
Klein — Gordon equation 185ff
Klein — Gordon field 273ff
Light cones 189
Lorentz group 157
Lorentz metric 2
Lorentzian spacetime 2
Mass m 162
Mass shell 185
Metric 322ff
Minimal coupling 326
Moebius transformation 140
Momentum 4
Multiscale analysis 58 64
Natural units 5
Naturality 65
Non-relativistic limit 225ff
Number operators 281 295
Orientation 213
Oversampling 41
Particle coherent state 266
Pauli exclusion principle 293
Phase space 36 156
Phase space, 202 207ff 279ff
Planck's Ansatz 4
Poincare group 157ff
Polarization (of frequencies) 301
Position operators 162 198
Probability current 207ff 215 219
Probability density, relativistic 206
Quantization 162—163
Radon transform 342
Reconstruction 38 40 82ff 336ff
Reconstruction, complex 87ff
Regularized current 285 298
Representation of group 33 96 124
Representation of vector space 8
Representation, projective 112
Representation, Schroedinger 9 105
Representation, square-integrable 49 112
Reproducing kernel 22 29ff 49 193 287 298
Resolution of unity 8 15 18ff 23 24 37 49 205ff
Root 118
Root subspace 118
Root vector 118
Sampling rate 50
Sampling, time-frequency 40
Schroedinger equation 169
Section (of bundle) 109
Shift operator S 60
signal 34
Spin coherent state 135
State space 159
Statistics 293
Stereographic projection 145
Symplectic form 135 208ff
Symplectic geometry 155
Temper vector 197 272
Tube 190 249
Two-point functions 193 268 287
Uncertainty principle 5 10 163
Vector bundle 328
Vector potential 326
Wave number vector 4
Wavelet 44
Wavelet transform 44ff 334ff
Wavelet, mother (basic) 44 58 75 79
Weight 126
Weyl — Heisenberg, group 38 104 159ff
Wick ordering 282ff
Wightman axioms 252ff
Window 35
Window, relativistic 58 178 334
X-ray transform 245 341
X-ray transform, windowed 334ff
Yang — Mills field 331—332
Yang — Mills field potential 331
Yang — Mills field theory 327
Zitterbewegung 301
Zoom operators H, H* 66 84
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