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Название: Adequate food for all: culture, science, and technology of food in the 21-th century
Автор: Brown D.L.
The timeliness of this book is obvious: Rice prices tripled between January and May 2008, and overall grain prices increased by 60% between 2006 and 2008 (World Bank, 2008). The rapid rise in food prices is linked to increased energy costs; rapid economic growth in Asia, especially in China and India, which has shifted food consumption patterns; urban migration; demand for grain for biofuel production; and decreased cereal supplies due to reduced planting in the world’s bread baskets and adverse weather (Von Braun, 2007). The World Bank predicts that maize prices will remain more than 50% higher than 2004 levels through 2015, with similar projections for other grains. Food riots by people desperate because of their inability to feed their families have occurred in several countries in Africa and Asia. Providing food security, defined as “physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (World Food Summit, 1996) remains one of the greatest challenges of our time. This volume on nutrition and the food system covers many of the issues that we must address if we are to meet this goal.