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Glimm J., Jaffe A. — Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View |
Предметный указатель |
Phase, separation 470
Phase, space 3ff 31
Poisson bracket 6 276
Poisson process 119 120
Polarization identity 204 258
Polymer expansion 398ff 402
Positive operators 129ff
Pressure 28 29 35 37 65 77ff 230
Probability measure see "Minlos' theorem" "Functional
Pure state see "State" "Phase" "Equilibrium
Quadratic perturbation 206ff 211ff
Quantum see "Field"
Quantum, number 25
Quantum, theory 3ff 94ff
Random path representations 419ff
Random walks 119 225 419 421
Reconstruction theorem, quantum field theory 98ff 379ff
Reconstruction theorem, quantum mechanics 94ff
Reflection 54 164 165 262 265 395
Reflection group 237
Reflection invariance 177ff 234ff
Reflection, bounds, multiple 60 236ff 242ff 252 254 261 265 266 322 325 337 396
Reflection, bounds, nonsymmetric multiple 242ff 261ff 265
Reflection, positivity 55 90 92ff 101 104 160 161 177ff 234ff 237 238 239 240 242ff 250 252 262 337 396
Reflection, positivity, gauge theory 446ff
Relative form bound 131
Renormalizable 218 219
Renormalization 19 77 157 180ff 202 212 215ff 296ff 300 316 356 460 463
Renormalization, charge 112 299 300 355
Renormalization, field strength 216 282 297ff 342 344 469
Renormalization, group 78 339 342 348 399 407 448
Renormalization, mass 297 300 398 401
Renormalization, transformation 447ff 454ff
Renormalization, vacuum 157 296 300
Riesz representation theorem 124 126
Rotator model 71 86ff 330ff
S matrix 295ff see
Scale transformation 162 174 199 307 326
Scaling 118 343
Scaling, hyperscaling 350 351
Scaling, limit 119 344 353ff
Scattering 22 23 215 295ff 356 461 462
Scattering, asymptotic completeness 23 274 275
Scattering, Bethe — Salpeter equation 188 275 300ff
Scattering, Haag — Ruelle theory 286ff
Scattering, time-dependent methods 273ff
Scattering, time-independent methods 292ff
Schroedinger equation 7 8
Schroedinger hamiltonian 94 111
Schroedinger picture 7 8 9
Schroedinger representation 10 12 13 14 16 19 20 23 25 93 244 246
Schwartz distribution 53 54 90 282 286 353
Schwartz space 12
Schwinger functions 96
Self-adjoint operator 126 127
Semiclassical 76ff
Series expansion 37ff 211ff 339 356ff see
Sigma model 437
Skeleton inequalities 432
Soliton 85 86 274 317 470ff
Spectral theorem 125ff
Spin 10 11 27 57 69ff 81 84 86 115 116 157 160 308 309 330
| Spin wave 86
Spin, two component 71ff 86ff 330ff 333ff
Spontaneous magnetization 80 81 336
Stability of matter 22 38 39 98
State 6 7ff see "Ground "Vacuum
State, equation of 29 35
State, mixed 75 394
State, particle 86
State, pure 7
State, scattering 23 275 300
State, space 31
Statistical mechanics 6 28ff 75ff
Stochastic differential equations 153ff
Stochastic integrals 150ff
Superrenormalizable 218 219 255 281 284 296 316
Superstring theory 437—438
Supersymmetry 438
Symmetric operator 126 127
Symmetry breaking 78ff
Symmetry unbroken 86ff 330ff see uniqueness
Temperature 32ff
Thermodynamic limit 22 32 34
Trace class 132ff
Transfer matrix 74 87 94 96 234 347
Translation of a Gaussian measure 207
Translation of a non-Gaussian measure 208
Tree, decay 410ff
Tree, graphs 406ff
Tree, maximal 449 455
Truncated functions 63 286
Tunneling 85
Ursell function 63
VACUUM see "Renormalization"
Vacuum bubbles 401
Vacuum energy 415
Vacuum expectation value 132 286 287
Vacuum nonuniqueness 320 356 399
Vacuum state 95 98 115 116
Vacuum uniqueness 51ff 92 98 99 316 317 393ff 399
Verification of axioms see "Axioms"
Vertex 182ff 213 217 218 348 354 see "Renormalization charge"
Vortex 37 86ff 331
Wave operator 277 280
Wick constant 188 206 223
Wick dots 109 231
Wick monomials 109 186 189 255
Wick order 16 106 180ff 193 195 199 203 204 210 211 212 227 230 232 250 259 297 320 327 328 413
Wick ordering group 319
Wick polynomials 188 206 256 257 259 358 467
Wick products 183ff 186 202ff
Wick reorder 166 193 194 204ff 326 329
Wiener measure 43ff 48 137 138 168 225 245 369ff
Wiener path, Hoelder continuity 142
Wightman 97ff 102 119 265 275 282 283 287 379ff
Wightman axioms 98ff 379ff
Wightman functions 98ff
Wigner's Theorem 9
XY model 71 86ff 330ff
Yang — Mills equation 439
Yang — Mills theory 120 157 215 218 437ff 457ff
Yukawa 120 157 215 355 463ff
Zero mode 456
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