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Bentley J. — Programming Pearls |
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Merge sort 5 6 135 183
Mills, H.D. 14 47 166
Mississippi River 59—60
MIX 88
money 9 49 56 63 66 67 91—92 100 164 170 171 180
Monitors see "Profilers"
Moore, J.S. 78
Moran, T.P. 61
Morris, R.H. 186
Multiple-pass algorithms 4 5 7 163
Multiple-pass sort 3
Munro, J.I. 183
Needlessly big programs 3 23—32 99 101 109 123 148 152 181
Newell, A. 57 61
newline character 20 98 140
Nievergelt, J. 83
Nijenhuis, A. 124
Nixon, R.M. 144
Numbers, prime 94
numbers, random 111 118
Numerical analysis 47 79 91 94 135 176
Olympic Games 59
Oppenheimer, R. 67
OR, conditional 86
Overlaying data structures 98 132
Packing, bin 183
Page4-5 3
Paper bags 119
Parnas, D.L. 32
Partitioning routines 109—111 115 116 177—179
Pascal 8 10 53 62 88 100 149 178
Penzias, A.A. vi
Performance bugs 62 64 84 112 143 174 183
Performance requirements 4 13 49 52 54 59 63 64 84 90 143
personal computers 64 66 75 97 98 99 103 117 169 170
Peterson, J.L. 149
Physics 51 67
pictures 28 32 81 99 102
Piecewise-linear functions 168
Pigeons 164
Pike, R. 66
Pinkham, R. 68
pipelines 19 20 139
Plauger, P.J. v 3 4 10 13 15 29 116 139
Pointers 97 102 162 168 178
Political redistricting 4
Polya, G. 31 60 123
Post Office 180
postconditions 43
Potter, H. 68
Precincts 4 117
Precomputed results, store 77 78 82 83 89 101 165
preconditions 43
Prime numbers 94
Primitives 13—15 17
Priority queues 130—132 135 184
probability 124
Problem definition 3 6 17 19 31 53 66 76 78 90 94 102 117 119 122 141 144 164 180 181
Problem-solving process 17
Problems, geometric 80 83
Procedures, inline 113
Process, design 7 30 49 55 59 62 64 76—77 93 99 122 147 150 151
Profilers 52 65 81 88 91 102 174 175
Program verification 35—48 74 85—88 110—112 125—134 166 173 177 179 182
Program verification system 48
Programmer time 3 6 30 48 53 56 63 66 81 82 84 92 96 100 108 115 123 139—140
Programming languages see "AWK" "BASIC" "C" "C++" "COBOL" "FORTRAN" "MIX" "Pascal" "Ratfor" "SNOBOL"
Programming, bottom-up 39 99 125
Programming, dynamic 102
Programming, top-down 37 39 99
Programs, binary search 38 85—88
Programs, generator 94
Programs, isomorphic 166 183
Programs, needlessly big 3 23—32 99 101 109 123 148 152 181
Programs, reliable 7 31 56 63
Programs, robust 7 8 47 56 93
Programs, secure 7 48 55 56
Programs, subtle 14 35 73 74 78 85—88 98 108 110 112 118 129—130 144—146 166 173 176 178
Programs, traveling salesman 98
prototypes 123 140 147 149
Pseudocode 36
Public, J.Q. 26
Punched cards 12 13 24
Purcell, E. 67
Purchase orders 53
Queues, priority 130—132 135 184
Quick tests 60—61
Quicksort 4 109—116 161 175
Radix sort 178
Random numbers 111 118
Random samples 117
Random sets 8 117—124 163 179
Randomizing algorithms 13 111 112
Ratfor 3 4
Recompute answers 94
Records, variable-length 98
Recurrence relations 32 73 79
Recursion 14 45 46 72 109 112 124 165 178 179
Reddy, D.R. 57
Redistricting, political 4
Reingold, E.M. 13 83 165
Relations, equivalence 16
Reliable programs 7 31 56 63
Requirements, performance 4 13 49 52 54 59 63 64 84 90 143
Retrogade analysis 103
Retrospection 123
Reversal, vector 14 17
Rice, J.R. 79 80
Ritchie, D.M. 93
Robust programs 7 8 47 56 93
Roebling, J.A. 63—64
Rotation, vector 11 13 17 18
run time 6 7 12 17 18 30 44 51—53 63 70 74 80 81—92 93 100 104 108 115 119 163 167 172 174 176 183
run-time errors 45 108 169
Safety factors 62—64 146
Samples, random 117
Saxe, J.B. 78 165 187
Scholten, C. 45
Schryer, N.L. 53
Search trees, binary 90 121 142 174
Search, bin 121
Search, binary 12—13 16 18 35—42 82 85—88 90 121 131 136 165 167 169 173 176 183
Search, hash 90 121 142—143 145—146 164 167 168 174 186
Search, key-indexing 7 96 103 121 176
Search, sequential 12 18 46 90 96 131 136 164 183
Secure programs 7 48 55 56
| Sedgewick, R. 19 112 115 116 177 178
Selection Algorithms 18 116 167 179
Sense, common 61 68 94 97 117 144 180 181
Sentinels 90 115 167 174 177
Sequential disk files 136
Sequential search 12 18 46 90 96 131 136 164 183
Sethi, R. vi
Sets, random 8 117—124 163 179
Seven-segment displays 33
Shamos, M.I. 76 124
Sharing storage 98
Shuffling algorithms 122 163
signatures 16 165 167
simplicity 6 7 11 15 27—28 30 44 55 60 65 84 85 86 93—94 96 139 147 152 164 171
Simulations 51 90 131
Skinger, L. vi
Snobol 33
Software engineering vi 30 47 59 61 123 147 153 see
Software tools 10 29 147
Sort routines, system 3 8 20 62 107 113 114 116 140 163 167 183
Sort, bitmap 5—8
Sort, heap see "Heapsort"
Sort, insertion 107 113 175
Sort, merge 5 6 135 183
Sort, multiple-pass 3
Sort, quick see "Quicksort"
Sort, radix 178
Sorting 3—8 16 18 62 107—116 165 167 177 180 185 186
Space see "Squeezing space"
Space, design 5 115 119—122 123 140—143
Sparse arrays 9 95 96
Special-purpose computers 55 102
Specifications 4 54 61 118 129—131 140 143
Spelling checkers 139—150
Spelling correctors 141 143 147 187
Spelling errors 139—150
Spelling suggesters 148
Spots, hot 52 64 88 100 104 112 178
Squeezing space 3 5 7 9 11 14 25 31 62 80 83 90 93—104 115 132 142 145—146 163 176—177
Stanat, D.F. vi
Standish, T.A. 34 102
statements, assert 42 44 85—88 184
statements, break 37
Statements, loop 37
Steier, R. vi
Storage allocation 81 97 101 136
Storage, sharing 98
Store precomputed results 77 78 82 83 89 101 165
Stores, department 9
Strings, variable-length 26—27
Stroustrup, B. vi 184
Stuff, boring 39—41
Subroutines, verifying 43
Subsequence of a vector 12 35 37 69—79 107 109
Subtle programs 14 35 73 74 78 85—88 98 108 110 112 118 129—130 144—146 166 173 176 178
Supercomputers 52 53 66 75 119 170
Surveys 23 117
Symmetry 38 41 98 103
Synthesizer, voice 29
system design 54 61 62 64 102—104 141
System sort routines 3 8 20 62 107 113 114 116 140 163 167 183
System, college registration 8
System, program verification 48
Szymanski, T.G. 80
Table lookup see "Search"
Tables, tax 32 93 167
Tapes, magnetic 8 11 13 16 17 18 65 98 135 165 167
Tarjan, R.E. 137
Tax tables 32 93 167
Telephone companies 30—31
Telephone directories 18 144
Termination 39 45 111 112 169
Test data 8 42 44
Testing 3 8 20 25 33 42 44 47 48 55 81 94 169 185
Tests, quick 60—61
text editors 15 29
Thompson, K. 15 93 102—104
thrashing 93 100
Time, programmer 3 6 30 48 53 56 63 66 81 82 84 92 96 100 108 115 123 139—140
Time, run 6 7 12 17 18 30 44 51—53 63 70 74 80 81—92 93 100 104 108 115 119 163 167 172 174 176 183
Time-space tradeoffs 7 9 17 83 97 98 100 101 147 176
Tools, software 10 29 147
Top-down programming 37 39 99
Tradeoffs 18 62 85 100 102 131 142 147 170 177
Tradeoffs, time-space 7 9 17 83 97 98 100 101 147 176
Transmission, data 9 29 65 66 170 171
Traveling salesman programs 98
Trees 13 52 80
Trees, binary search 90 121 142 174
Trees, implicit binary 126 183
Trigonometric functions 84 94
Tukey, J.W. 141
Turnpikes 78
Ullman, J.D. 9 18 79 164 167
UNIX system 15 19 20 29 93 100 113 114 139 152 174 186
Unrolling, loop 83 87 89
Van Wyk, C.J. 80 81—82 89
Variable-length records 98
Variable-length strings 26—27
Vector addition 46
Vector initialization 9 164
Vector reversal 14 17
Vector rotation 11 13 17 18
Vector, maximum of a 46
Vector, subsequence of a 12 35 37 69—79 107 109
Vectors see "Arrays"
Vectors, cumulative 71 77 161 171—172
Verification, program 35—48 74 85—88 110—112 125—134 166 173 177 179 182
Verifying control structures 43
Verifying subroutines 43
Vitter, J.S. 122
Voice synthesizer 29
Vyssotsky, V.A. vi 18 63 124 149 159 167 170
Waving, hand 15 16
Weil, R.R. 8 12
Weinberger, P.J. 60 136 175
West Point vi 119
Wilf, H.S. 124
Williams, J.W.J. 137
Witt, B.I. 47
Wolitzky, J.I. 67
Wright, M.H. 84
Wulf, W.A. 170
Yeager, C. 6
Zave, P. vi 123
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