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Brady J.M. — The theory of computer science: A programming approach |
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Program schema Section 3.4.3 211
Programmer's assistant 12 215
Programming languages 10
Projector functions 96ff 125
proof 73 138 178 198
Propositional logic 73
Push button machine 21
Push down automaton 90
Quintuples (for a TM) 33
R-value 242
Ragland, L.C. 178 207
Reading head 30 31
Recn (default name for primitive recursion) 101 125
Recogniser (FSM) 24
Recursion 137 143 160 214
Recursion induction 138 154 161
Recursive function theory 2 Section
Recursive set see "Decidable"
Recursively decidable see "Decidable"
Recursively enumerable see "Enumerable"
Reduction of a lambda expression 70 226 230
Reduction sequence for a lambda expression 70
Regular grammar 91
Regular sets of sequences 24 60 91
Reliable programs of software 13ff Chapter
Renaming conversion of a lambda expression 225 230
Replacement operator (of VDL) 240
Replacement rule of inference 158
Retraction sequence 229 244
reverse (function) 154 163
Reverse block TM 41
Reynolds, J.C. 12 225 242
Ritchie, D.M. 109 113ff
Robinson, A. 209
Rogers, Hartley, Jr. 71
Rosser, B. 71
Rule of inference 69 73 138 157 198
runtime stack 125 127 see
Russell, B. 4 8 37 52 54
S-expressions 137 Section 165 214 230
Sanderson, J.G. 224
schemas see "Program schemas"
Scott, D. 7 8 47 199 221 224ff 229ff 244
SECD machine 235 238 240 241 251
Self application 7 146 224 227 243
Semantics 10 41 50 71 138 188 198 Chapter see
Semi-decidable 67 see
Sequences of inputs 20 23 Section 30
Shannon, C. 5 Section
Sharing machine see "CSEDM machine"
Sheperdson, J.G. 5
Simplification systems 206
Simulator 6 92 117 Section
Snowdon, P. 215
STACK 125 127 222 238
stack frame 235 251
Standard Turing computable 127
| State (of a machine) 8 21 Section 28 31 50 119 138 222 230 235 243
State vector 138 159 172
Static link 236
Statistical sampling 182
Stoy, J. 244
Strachey, c. 199 218 221 222 223 241ff 251 252
Strategies for constructing functions 93 150
Stream 218 239
Strong equivalence of program schemas 156
Structural induction 111 174
Structured programming 95 180 198 201 215
Sturgis, H.E. 5
Substitution see "Logical substitution"
Substitution rule of inference 158
Successor function (succ) 96 125
Suzuki, N. 193 207 215ff
Symbolic execution 179 182ff
Symbolic expressions 137 see
Syntax 10 Section 138 149 169 198 224
Tag 188 see
Tape 30ff
Tarski, A. 223 229
Terminates (proving that a program does) 8 13 71 195 208 212
Testing, of a program 13ff 175 Section
Theorem 69 73 138
Three valued logic 156
Thue, A. 83
Thunk 223 232
Transform (function of SECD machine) 235
Turing computable 37ff 127
Turing machine (TM) 1 2 5ff 19 28 Section Section 62 88 105 117 125 130 139 209
Turing machine computation 31
Turing's thesis 4 5 40 55 62 69 92 Chapter 139
Turing, A.M. 4 5 6 19 Chapter Section Section 69 74ff 209
Undecidability 1 209 214
Undefined as a truth value 156
Universal Turing machine (UTM) 5 Section 43 46
Unsolvable problem 2 52
Valid wff 73
van Wijngaarden, A. 4 71
Verification condition 189 206
Vienna definition (VDL) 174 218 Section
Virtual machine 222
von Henke, F.C. 208ff 216ff
von Neumann, J. 187
Vyssotsky, V.A. 181
Wadsworth, C.P. 244 249ff
Waldinger, R.J. 101 208
Wang, H. 5 47ff
Weak equivalence of programs 156
Wegbreit, B. 208
Well formed formula (wff) of a logical system 73
while command 198 229 239 245 246
Winograd, T. 12 75 215
Wirth, N. 201 233
Word problem of groups 73
Y (the fixed point finder) 146 224 231 234
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