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Chetverikov D., Kropatsch W. G. — Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 5th International Conference, Caip'93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993. Proceedings
Chetverikov D., Kropatsch W. G. — Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 5th International Conference, Caip'93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993. Proceedings

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Название: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 5th International Conference, Caip'93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993. Proceedings

Авторы: Chetverikov D., Kropatsch W. G.


This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'93), held in Budapest, Hungary, in September 1993. Formerly, the events in this biennial conference series were thought as a forum where East European researchers and professionals from academia and industry had an opportunity to discuss their results and ideas with Western colleagues active in image processing and pattern recognition. Now, CAIP'93 has a much more international scope, and in the future these conferences will not any longertake place only in East European countries, but roam throughout whole Europe. Besides invited talks by Belikova, Gimel'farb, Haralick and Roska, the volume contains 114 contributions, either presented as lectures or posters and carefully selected by a highly competent international program committee from a total of some 230 submissions; thus the book gives a thorough survey on recent research results and their applications in image processing and pattern recognition. The proceedings is organized in 20 sections, for example on image data structures, image processing, edges and contours, Hough transforms and related methods, shape, motion, 3-D vision, character recognition and document processing, biomedical applications, industrial applications, and neural networks.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 873

Добавлена в каталог: 23.02.2014

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