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Mark J. Kilgard — OpenGL Programming for the X Window System
Mark J. Kilgard — OpenGL Programming for the X Window System

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Название: OpenGL Programming for the X Window System

Автор: Mark J. Kilgard


This was the first book I purchased on openGL. This book is a very good introduction to openGL. If I might add one peice of advice to the up and coming linux Graphics programmers. DO NOT shy away from windows openGL programming books. Once you understand the concepts you will easily apply them to your linux or unix work. I think that every unix/linux openGL programmer should have this book, as well as the RED and BLUE openGL programming guide books on their book shelf. One last word. All of these books will primarily focus on understanding the concepts and to do this they spend alot of time working with the GLUT libraries. It will be up to you to figure out how to integrate this with QT or Motif. However....this book does have a section on openGL programming with Motif....if you use QT however you will be learning on your own. It isn't impossible or even that hard. It does however require a good hacker like approach. One last word while on the subject. You might also want to purchase a good book on linear algebra or mathematics for computer graphics if you plan on rendering more than a few simple programs.

Good luck to you.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 568

Добавлена в каталог: 23.02.2014

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