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Stacey W. — Nuclear reactor physics
Stacey W. — Nuclear reactor physics

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Название: Nuclear reactor physics

Автор: Stacey W.


An authoritative textbook and up-to-date professional's guide to basic and advanced principles and practices Nuclear reactors now account for a significant portion of the electrical power generated worldwide. At the same time, the past few decades have seen an ever-increasing number of industrial, medical, military, and research applications for nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactor physics is the core discipline of nuclear engineering, and as the first comprehensive textbook and reference on basic and advanced nuclear reactor physics to appear in a quarter century, this book fills a large gap in the professional literature. Nuclear Reactor Physics is a textbook for students new to the subject, for others who need a basic understanding of how nuclear reactors work, as well as for those who are, or wish to become, specialists in nuclear reactor physics and reactor physics computations. It is also a valuable resource for engineers responsible for the operation of nuclear reactors. Dr. Weston Stacey begins with clear presentations of the basic physical principles, nuclear data, and computational methodology needed to understand both the static and dynamic behaviors of nuclear reactors. This is followed by in-depth discussions of advanced concepts, including extensive treatment of neutron transport computational methods. As an aid to comprehension and quick mastery of computational skills, he provides numerous examples illustrating step-by-step procedures for performing the calculations described and chapter-end problems. Nuclear Reactor Physics is a useful textbook and working reference. It is an excellent self-teaching guide for research scientists, engineers, and technicians involved in industrial, research, and military applications of nuclear reactors, as well as government regulators who wish to increase their understanding of nuclear reactors.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 707

Добавлена в каталог: 19.02.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Monte Carlo methods, exponential transformation      370
Monte Carlo methods, flux and current estimates      372
Monte Carlo methods, forced collisions      371
Monte Carlo methods, importance sampling      369
Monte Carlo methods, probability distribution functions      365
Monte Carlo methods, Russian roulette      372
Monte Carlo methods, splitting      372
Monte Carlo methods, statistical estimation      368
Monte Carlo methods, variance reduction      369
Multigroup theory, collision probabilities for thermalization      475
Multigroup theory, cross-section definition      107 398 408
Multigroup theory, cross-section preparation      110
Multigroup theory, diffusion theory      123 392 599
Multigroup theory, discrete ordinates      406
Multigroup theory, few group constants      112 390
Multigroup theory, few group solutions, infinite medium      109
Multigroup theory, mathematical properties      108
Multigroup theory, one and one-half group diffusion theory      125
Multigroup theory, perturbation diffusion theory      164 481
Multigroup theory, pin-cell collision probabilities model      527
Multigroup theory, resonance cross sections      see "Resonance"
Multigroup theory, two-group diffusion theory      124 126 130
Multiplication constant      see "$k_{eff}$"
Neutron balance      38
Neutron chain fission reaction, criticality      39
Neutron chain fission reaction, delayed neutron effect on      40
Neutron chain fission reaction, effect of fuel lumping      39
Neutron chain fission reaction, effective multiplication constant      39
Neutron chain fission reaction, neutron balance in a thermal reactor      35
Neutron chain fission reaction, process      35
Neutron chain fission reaction, prompt neutron dynamics      40
Neutron chain fission reaction, resonance escape      38 see
Neutron chain fission reaction, source multiplication      41
Neutron chain fission reaction, utilization      36
Neutron diffraction      21
Neutron energy distribution, fission energy range analytical solution      95
Neutron energy distribution, multigroup calculation      106
Neutron energy distribution, resonances      118
Neutron energy distribution, slowing down range analytical solutions      96
Neutron energy distribution, spectra in $UO_2$ and MOX fuel cells      221
Neutron energy distribution, spectra typical for LWR and LMFBR      43
Neutron energy distribution, thermal range analytical solutions      103
Neutron slowing down density, age approximation      399
Neutron slowing down density, anisotropic scattering      403
Neutron slowing down density, definition      99 395
Neutron slowing down density, extended age approximation      400
Neutron slowing down density, Grueling — Goertzel approximation      401
Neutron slowing down density, hydrogen      398
Neutron slowing down density, scattering resonances      404
Neutron slowing down density, Selengut — Goertzel approximation      400
Neutron slowing down density, weak absorption      100
Neutron slowing down, $B_I$ theory      388
Neutron slowing down, $P_I$ continuous slowing      402 405
Neutron slowing down, $P_I$ theory      384
Neutron slowing down, average cosine of scattering angle      383
Neutron slowing down, average lethargy increase      383
Neutron slowing down, consistent $P_I$ approximation      400
Neutron slowing down, continuous slowing down theory      395
Neutron slowing down, diffusion theory      123 392 599
Neutron slowing down, discrete ordinates      406
Neutron slowing down, down density weak absorption      100
Neutron slowing down, elastic scattering kernel      380
Neutron slowing down, Fermi age      101
Neutron slowing down, hydrogen      97
Neutron slowing down, isotropic CM scattering      382
Neutron slowing down, Legendre moments      see "Legendre moments of elastic scattering transfer function"
Neutron slowing down, slowing down density      see "Neutron slowing"
Neutron slowing down, without absorption      98
Neutron thermalization, collision probability methods for heterogeneous lattices      473
Neutron thermalization, differential scattering cross section      451 455
Neutron thermalization, effective neutron temperature      104
Neutron thermalization, energy eigenfunctions of scattering operator      476
Neutron thermalization, free hydrogen model      453
Neutron thermalization, Gaussian representation      457
Neutron thermalization, heavy gas model      454 465
Neutron thermalization, incoherent approximation      456
Neutron thermalization, intermediate scattering function      456
Neutron thermalization, measurement of scattering functions      458
Neutron thermalization, moments expansion      468
Neutron thermalization, monotonic Maxwellian gas      452
Neutron thermalization, multigroup calculation      472
Neutron thermalization, numerical solution      467
Neutron thermalization, pair distribution function      455
Neutron thermalization, pulsed neutrons      475
Neutron thermalization, Radkowsky model      453
Neutron thermalization, scattering function      455
Neutron thermalization, spatial eigenfunction expansion      475
Neutron thermalization, thermalization parameters for carbon      471
Neutron thermalization, Wigner — Wilkins model      460
Neutron transport theory, boundary conditions      297
Neutron transport theory, collision probabilities      see "Collision"
Neutron transport theory, discrete ordinates      see "Discrete ordinates"
Neutron transport theory, even parity      364 503
Neutron transport theory, harmonics methods streaming operator in various geometries      298
Neutron transport theory, integral      see "Integral transport theory"
Neutron transport theory, interface current      see "Interface current methods"
Neutron transport theory, methods equation      295
Neutron transport theory, Monte Carlo      see "Monte Carlo methods"
Neutron transport theory, partial current      300
Neutron transport theory, probabilities methods current      297
Neutron transport theory, scalar flux      297
Neutron transport theory, spherical harmonics      see "Spherical"
Neutron wavelength      21 426
Nodal methods, conventional methods      545
Nodal methods, double $P_n$ expansion      559
Nodal methods, formalism      87 542
Nodal methods, gross coupling      545
Nodal methods, polynomial expansion      549 558
Nodal methods, transverse integrated diffusion theory methods      547
Nodal methods, transverse integrated discrete ordinates methods      562
Nodal methods, transverse integrated transport theory methods      555
Nodal methods, transverse leakage      548 557 562 578
Nodal methods, variational discrete ordinates methods      572
Noise analysis      179
Nonleakage probability      36 63 162
Nu (number of neutrons per fission)      11
Nuclear reactor analysis, core operating data      266
Nuclear reactor analysis, criticality and flux distribution      264
Nuclear reactor analysis, criticality safety      267
Nuclear reactor analysis, fuel cycle      264
Nuclear reactor analysis, homogenized cross sections      262 see
Nuclear reactor analysis, safety      see "Reactor safety"
Nuclear reactor analysis, transient      265
Nuclear reactors, advanced      261
Nuclear reactors, advanced gas cooled reactor AGR      256
Nuclear reactors, boiling water reactor BWR      246 287
Nuclear reactors, characteristics of power reactors      260
Nuclear reactors, classification by coolant      43
Nuclear reactors, classification by neutron spectrum      42
Nuclear reactors, high temperature gas cooled reactor HTGR      256
Nuclear reactors, integral fast reactor IFR      262 287
Nuclear reactors, light water breeder reactor LWBR      259
Nuclear reactors, liquid metal fast breeder reactor LMFBR      257
Nuclear reactors, MAGNOX      254
Nuclear reactors, molten salt breeder reactor MSBR      260
Nuclear reactors, pebble bed reactor      260
Nuclear reactors, pressure tube graphite moderated reactor RMBK      253
Nuclear reactors, pressure tube heavy water reactor CANDU      249
Nuclear reactors, pressurized water reactor PWR      243 287 288
Nuclear stability      4
ODE solution      677
Optical path length      301
Orthogonality conditions, associated Legendre functions      339
Orthogonality conditions, half-range Legendre polynomials      341
Orthogonality conditions, Legendre polynomials      331
Orthogonality conditions, reactor eigenfunctions ($\lambda$-modes)      600
Orthogonality conditions, spherical harmonics      345
Perturbation theory, adjoint function      see "Adjoint"
Perturbation theory, boundary      506
Perturbation theory, generalized      see "Variational methods"
Perturbation theory, multigroup diffusion theory      164 481
Perturbation theory, reactivity worth      164 484 488
Perturbation theory, samarium reactivity worth      211
Perturbation theory, xenon reactivity worth      214
Photoneutrons      142
Physical constants      671
Plutonium, buildup      204
Plutonium, composition in spent $UO_2$ fuel      205
Plutonium, composition-reactor grade      232
Plutonium, composition-weapons grade      232
Plutonium, concentrations in recycled PWR fuel      220
Plutonium, physics differences between weapons and reactor grade      232
Plutonium, recycle physics effects      223
Point kinetics, adiabatic method      605
Point kinetics, approximate solutions for fast excursions      184
Point kinetics, approximate solutions with feedback      181
Point kinetics, approximate solutions without feedback      146
Point kinetics, derivation of equations      602
Point kinetics, equations      142
Point kinetics, quasi-static method      606
Point kinetics, transfer functions      see "Transfer functions"
Poison, control rods      see "Control rods"
Poison, fission products      see "Fuel burnup"
Poison, samarium      see "Samarium"
Poison, xenon      see "Xenon"
Pontryagin’s maximum principle      640
Power distribution, fuel burnup      207
Power distribution, peaking      76
Power distribution, thermal-hydraulics      267
Power distribution, xenon spatial oscillations      see "Xenon spatial oscillations"
Power iteration      see "Iteration methods"
Power peaking      see "Power distribution"
Prompt jump approximation      149 182
Prompt neutron generation time      143
Prompt neutron lifetime      40
Pulsed neutron measurement      154 475
PUREX separation technology      236
PWR typical composition and cross sections      65 136 137
Pyrometallurgical separation technology      238
Quasi-static method      see "Point kinetics"
Radioactive decay      10 20 41 139 196 207 209 211 215 224 236 271 642
Radioactive waste, cancer dose per Curie in spent fuel      229
Radioactive waste, hazard potential      224
Radioactive waste, radioactivity of LWR and LMFBR spent fuel      225
Radioactive waste, radiotoxic inventory decay of spent fuel      237
Radioactive waste, risk factor      228
Radioactive waste, toxicity factor      229
Reactivity coefficients, delay time constants      175
Reactivity coefficients, Doppler      158 159 166 233
Reactivity coefficients, expansion      161 167
Reactivity coefficients, fuel bowing      167
Reactivity coefficients, nonleakage      162
Reactivity coefficients, power      175
Reactivity coefficients, representative values      163 168
Reactivity coefficients, sodium void      166
Reactivity coefficients, temperature      158
Reactivity coefficients, thermal utilization      162
Reactivity control, BWRs      246
Reactivity control, CANDlls      253
Reactivity control, gas-cooled reactors      256
Reactivity control, LMFBRs      257
Reactivity control, PWRs      243
Reactivity control, RBMKs      253
Reactivity, control rod worth      see "Control rod"
Reactivity, definition      143 604
Reactivity, feedback      157
Reactivity, fuel burnup penalty      205
Reactivity, measurement of      145 153
Reactivity, penalty      206
Reactivity, perturbation estimate      see "Perturbation"
Reactivity, spectral density      178
Reactivity, temperature defect      164
Reactivity, theory samarium worth      211
Reactivity, variational estimate      see "Variational methods"
Reactivity, xenon worth      213 214
Reactor accidents, anticipated transients without scram      275
Reactor accidents, Chernobyl      285
Reactor accidents, energy sources      273
Reactor accidents, loss of coolant      275 283
Reactor accidents, loss of flow      275
Reactor accidents, loss of heat sink      275 283
Reactor accidents, reactivity insertion      275 285
Reactor accidents, Three Mile Island      282
Reactor noise      see "Noise analysis"
Reactor safety analysis, event tree      276
Reactor safety analysis, fault tree      277
Reactor safety analysis, probabilistic risk assessment      276
Reactor safety analysis, radiological assessment      279
Reactor safety, accidents      see "Reactor accidents"
Reactor safety, defense in depth      273
Reactor safety, multiple barriers      271
Reactor safety, passive      287
Reactor safety, radionuclides of concern      271
Reactor safety, risks      279
Reactor startup analysis      665
Reflected reactors      see "Diffusion theory"
Reflector savings      68
Resonance, $J(\xi, \beta)$ function      120
Resonance, $\mathbb{R}$-matrix representation      437
Resonance, Adler — Adler approximation      441
Resonance, Breit — Wigner, multilevel formula      441
Resonance, Breit — Wigner, single-level formula      19 426 440
Resonance, cross sections      6 112 412
Resonance, Dancoff correction      424
Resonance, Doppler broadening      114 123 446
Resonance, equivalence relations      418
Resonance, escape probability      38 117 421
Resonance, escape probability, closely packed lattice      424
Resonance, escape probability, isolated fuel element      421
Resonance, heterogeneous fuel-moderator cell      411
Resonance, heterogeneous resonance escape probability      419
Resonance, homogenized resonance cross section      420
Resonance, infinite dilution resonance integral      418
Resonance, integral      117 415
Resonance, intermediate resonance approximation      420 498
Resonance, multiband theory      431
Resonance, multigroup cross sections      117 420 427 430
Resonance, narrow resonance approximation      118 415
Resonance, overlap of different species      430
Resonance, pole representation      443
Resonance, Porter — Thomas distribution      425
Resonance, practical width      117
Resonance, rational approximation      423
Resonance, reciprocity      414
Resonance, Reich — Moore formalism      441
Resonance, resonance escape probability self-overlap effects      427
Resonance, self-shielding      411 431
Resonance, statistical resonance parameters      428
Resonance, strength function      426
Resonance, unresolved resonances      425
Resonance, wide resonance approximation      118 416
Response matrix      322
Rod drop measurement      153
Rod oscillator measurement      154 177
Rossi-alpha measurement      156
Samarium      209
Sauer rational approximation      423
Self-shielding, resonance      97 411 418 431
Self-shielding, spatial      71 431 518
Soluble poison      206 243
Source jerk measurement      153
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, delayed flux tilts      601
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, direct time-integration      see "Time integration"
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, linear analysis      643
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, Lyapunov’s method for nonlinear stability analysis      630 651
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, methods dynamic programming      639
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, modal eigenfunction expansion      600
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, Pontryagin’s maximum principle      640
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, stochastic      see "Stochastic kinetics"
Space-dependent nuclear reactor kinetics, variational control theory      637
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