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Kallen G. — Elementary particle physics |
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Frazer, W.R. 233
Freden, S.C. 426 465
Friedman, L. 335
Fry, W.F. 443 455
Fubini, S. 232
Fujii, A. 410
Fujii, T. 412
Fulco, J.R. 233
Fung, S.Y. 281 286 287
G-Parity 314
Gabathuler, E. 152
Gadios, J.A. 443
Gaillard, J.M. 424 466
Garland, R. 412
Garwin, E. 78
Garwin, R.L. 23 356 414
Gasiorowicz, S. 127 144
Gates, D.C. 151
Gelfand, N. 208 211
Gell-Mann, M. 242 394 397 405 438 485
Gerhart, J.B. 348 349
Gershtein, S.S. 397
Gessaroli, R. 206
Gidal, G. 24 281 286 287
Gilbert, F.C. 426
Glaser, D.A. 426 471 480
Glasser, R.G. 497
Goebel, C. 168 316
Goldberg, M. 39 287 289 466 492
Goldberger, M.L. 124
Golden, R.L. 244
Goldhaber, G. 253 254 292
Goldhaber, S. 253 254 292
Goldschmidt-Clermont, E. 412
Good, M.L. 35 39 40 280 290 293 443 447 466 491
Gorman, J.G. 78
Goussu, O. 465
Goyal, D.P. 36
Grard, F. 244 465
Graves, C. 471
Gray, L. 39 287 289 466 479 492
Graziano, W. 40 280 290 293
Gregory, B.P. 245 287 291
Grimellini, L. 479
Gross, L. 335
Guerriero, L. 208
Gyromagnetic ratio, -particle 24
Gyromagnetic ratio, electron 23
Gyromagnetic ratio, proton 24
Haatuft, A. 39
Haddock, R.P. 27 28 33 390 428
Hadley, J. 28 52
Hagerty, P.E. 294
Hagopian, V. 294
Halpern, J. 376 425
Halsteinslid, A. 466
Hamermesh, M. 299
Hamilton, D.R. 336
Hamilton, J. 67
Hand, L.N. 231
Hansen, K.H. 426
Harris, G. 426
Harrison, F.B. 372
Hart, E.L. 39 287 289 294 466 479 492
Harth, E.M. 493
Harting, D. 79
Hassan, F. 37 38 465
Hayward, R.W. 356
Heckman, H.H. 33 38 428 467
Heintze, J. 404
Heitler, W. 6
Helicity 355 390
Henderson, C. 39 466
Hendrie, D.L. 348 349
Henry, G.R. 390
Herrmannsfeldt, W.B. 350 351
Herz, A.J. 497
Hildebrand, R.H. 411
Hoang, T.F. 275
Hogg, W.R. 152
Holladay, W.G. 447
Holley, W. 275
Holloway, L. 376 425
Hooper, J.E. 426
Hoppes, D.D. 356
Horwitz, N. 294
Hough, P.V.C. 294
Hudson, R.P. 356
Hughes, I.S. 493
Humprey, W.E. 263
Hutchinson, D.P. 23
Huwe, D. 280 281 287
Huzita, H. 443 455
Hyams, B.D. 414
Impeduglia, G. 412
Invariance properties, charge conjugation 308 311
Invariance properties, general formalism 299
Invariance properties, isotopic spin invariance 75 245
Invariance properties, space reflection 300 302 306
Invariance properties, time reflection 318 321 322 361
Isaacs, P. 71
Isotopic spin, -meson 207
Isotopic spin, -particle decay 470
Isotopic spin, -meson 190
Isotopic spin, -meson 65
Isotopic spin, -meson nucleon scattering 75
Isotopic spin, -meson 184 185
Isotopic spin, -particle decay 483
Isotopic spin, -resonance 289
Isotopic spin, baryons 240
Isotopic spin, conservation in -meson nucleon reactions 75
Isotopic spin, conservation in strange-particle reactions 245
Isotopic spin, general formalism 57 64 66
Isotopic spin, K*-meson 291
Isotopic spin, K-meson decay 428 430 436 444 448 451
Isotopic spin, K-meson nucleon scattering 256
Isotopic spin, K-mesons 240
Isotopic spin, nuclear levels 63
Isotopic spin, nucleons 60
Isotopic spin, Y*-resonances 274 281
Jabiol, M.A. 465
Jackson, J.D. 267 361
Jain, P.C. 426
Jauch, J.M. 6 326
Jauneau, L. 39 466
Jenkins, T.L. 151
Jensen, J.E. 294
Jensen, J.H.D. 394
Johnson, W.B. 185 188
Johnston, R.H.W. 37 38 426 465
Jost, R. 232 316 332
Judd, D.L. 410
K*-meson 290
K-meson, decay branching ratios 427
K-meson, decay properties in general 426
K-meson, isotopic spin 240
K-meson, mass 33 35
K-meson, mass difference of neutral particles 443 469
K-meson, parity, relative -particle 494
K-meson, parity, relative -particle 274
K-meson, regeneration of 438
K-meson, scattering by nucleons 246
K-meson, spin 428
K-meson, strangeness 239
Kadyk, J.A. 426 462 463
Kaellen, G. 6 121 124 227 232 314 332 397 536
Kalbfleisch, G.R. 205 290 291 466
Kamefuchi, S. 124
Kaplon, M.F. 465
Karlson, E. 54
| Keefe, D. 37 38 250 254 275 465 479 480
Kehoe, B. 497
Kennedy, C.A. 23 351
Kenney, R.W. 151
Keren, J. 466
Kernan, W. 78
Kerth, L.T. 250 254 274 476 481
Kikuchi, T. 479 493
Kim, C.O. 78
Kinoshita, T. 349 387
Kinsey, K.F. 90
Kluyver, J.C. 79
Knapp, D.E. 90
Knop, G. 414
Koch, W. 466
Kopelman, T. 479
Kopp, J.K. 294
Kornblum, H.N. 465
Kraemer, R. 206
Kramer, P. 208 211
Kraybill, H. 186
Krohn, V.E. 361
Kroll, N. 54
Kruse, H.W. 372
Kurie diagram 335
Kusumegi, A. 79
Kutikov, I.E. 351
Laberrigue-Frolow, J. 465
Lach, J. 185 188
Lai, K.W. 294
Lambe, E.D.B. 24
Landau, L.D. 366
Lande, K. 464
Lander, R.L. 294
Landovitz, L.F. 349 387
Langer, L.M. 335
Lanou, R.E. 208
Larsen, R. 404
Lasich, W.B. 37 38 465
Lathrop, J.F. 411
Law, M.E. 208
Le Tourneux, J. 349 388
Leboy, E. 294
Lederman, L.M. 24 356 375 410 411 414 424
Ledley, B. 79
Lee, J. 414 426
Lee, T.D. 316 356 366 489
Lee, W. 253 292
Lee, Y.K. 405
Legros, M. 151
Lehmann, H. 124 127 144
Leith, D.W.G.S. 152
Leitner, J. 39 287 289 294 466 479 492 493
Lemonick, A. 275 376 425
Lendinara, L. 479 496
Leon, M. 26 52
Leptonic charge 374 394
Leptons, table 4 see "Neutrino"
Levy, F. 465
Lewin, C. 465
Lewis, G.M. 152
Lichtman, S. 39 287 289 492
Lillethun, E. 79
Limentani, S. 494
Lind, V.G. 466
Lipman, N.H. 151 412
Lippman, B.A. 102
Liu, L. 495
Lloyd, L.J. 244 294
Loar, H. 48
Lodge, J. 36
Loh, E.C. 426 464
London, G.W. 294
Long, E.A. 71
Low, F.E. 103 106 124 168
Lueders, G. 332
Luers, D. 450 452
Lundy, R.A. 375 411
Lynch, G.R. 190 205
MacDonald, W. 349
Macq, P.C. 390
Maglic, B.C. 190 193 205
Maltsev, Y.M. 74 246
Mandelstam, S. 13 144
Mandl, F. 17 525
Manelli, I. 471
Mann, A.K. 464
March, R. 178 184
Marin, P.C. 414
Markowitz, S.M. 79
Marr, R.B. 349 387
Marshak, R.E. 394
Martin, R. 71
Mason, C.J. 36 426 465
Massam, T. 390
Massimo, J.T. 208
Mathur, P.C. 426
Maung, T. 275
Mayer-Kuckuck, T. 405
McGuire, A.D. 372
Mehlhop, W.A.W. 294
Meisner, G.W. 244
Mellissinos, A.C. 465
Meltzer, C. 206 493
Menes, J. 23
Merlin, M. 37 38 465
Mermond, R. 412
Merrison, A.W. 151 412
Mesons, tables 4 211 294 see "K-meson" "K*-meson" " " "
Meyer, S.L. 375
Miari, G. 455
Michel parameter 387 392 396
Michel, F.C. 405
Michel, L. 314 387
Miller, D. 208 211
Miller, D.G. 231
Miller, D.H. 206
Miller, R.H. 412
Minguzzi-Ranzi, A. 497
Mistry, N. 424
Mittra, I.S. 39 287 289 450 452 466 492
Miyake, K. 90
Mo, L.W. 405
Moffat, R.J.D. 335
Moller, C. 13
Mollerud, R. 39 466
Monari, L. 479 496
Moneti, G.C. 39 287 289 466 492
Morellet, D. 39 466
Morris, T.W. 294
Moskalev, V.I. 78
Mott scattering 215
Muhkin, A. 404
Muller, F. 443
Muller, T. 23
Muller, Th. 390
Murphy, P.G. 250 254 479 480
Murray, J.J. 206 280 281 287
Mykleborst, K. 39
Nagle, D.E. 71
Nagpaul, K.K. 37 38 465
Nakato, T. 242
Nambu, Y. 233
Natali, S.V. 443 455
Nauenberg, U. 208 211
Neagu, D. 438
Nelson, b. 208
Neutrino, different kinds of neutrinos 424
Neutrino, mass 26 336
Neutrino, two-component theory 362 390
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