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Wooldridge M. (ed.), Muller J. (ed.), Tambe M. (ed.) — Intelligent Agents II
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Название: Intelligent Agents II
Авторы: Wooldridge M. (ed.), Muller J. (ed.), Tambe M. (ed.)
Аннотация: This book is based on the second International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI'95 in Montreal, Canada in August 1995. The 26 papers are revised final versions of the workshop presentations selected from a total of 54 submissions; also included is a comprehensive introduction, a detailed bibliography listing 355 relevant publications, and a subject index. The book is structured into seven sections, reflecting the most current major directions in agent-related research. Together with its predecessor, Intelligent Agents, published as volume 890 in the LNAI series, this book provides a timely and comprehensive state-of-the-art report.
Рубрика: Computer science /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 455
Добавлена в каталог: 16.02.2014
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3T architecture 187—200
Ability 18
Ability to commit 30
Accordance 25
ACTALK system 316
action 26 65 72
Action, preconditions 73
Agenda 27
Agent, autonomous 33
Agent, building shell 235—250
Agent, description language (ADL) 257
Agent, lightweight 49
Agent, mobile 49
Agent, reflective 49
Agent, specifications for 91
Agent, tracking 156—170
Agent-oriented architectures 33 79 92 148 249 299 332 338 349
AGENTSPEAK language 262
Air-traffic control 111
Alarm mitigation 231
Alarm structure 232
ALARMS system 219—234
Allen, J. 123
Anthropomorphism 3 12
Application agents 252
ARCHON system 248
Aumann, R. 148 149
Autism 168 411
Automata 90 101
awareness 21
Baron-Cohen, S. 168
Bates, J. 404 411
BDI (belief-desire-intention) 33—48 76 93 185 203—218 222
Beaudoin, L. 392
Behaviour-based layer 378
Behaviours 66
Belief 3 33—48 92 113 149
Belief, revision 115 361—375
Bidding strategy 291
Binmore, K. 148
Branching time 50 76 79
Brandenburger, A. 148 149
Bratman, M. 45 222 223
Bridgeland, D. 123
Bringing it about 81
Budget constraints 290
Carberry, S. 411
Catach, L. 47
Cawsey, A. 123
Choice 79 84—86
Church, A. 301
CLIPS system 256
Cloning 274
CLOS system 395
Cognition-based architecture 267—282
Cohen, P. 42 47 349
Collaborative negotiation 117
Commitments 18 26 229
Competence 209
Completeness 42
Conflict, management 236 244—247
Conflict, resolution 116 119
CONGOLOG language 336 338
Consumer agents 284
Context management 370
Contract, law 6
Contract, net protocol 254
Conversation, classes 239
Conversation, conversation rules 239
Cooperation knowledge 241
Cooperative, game theory 127
Cooperative, information distribution 243
Cooperative, planning layer 378
Coordination 236
Coordination, language (COOL) 238
Coordination, protocol 128 241 348
Credibility 245
CTL* (logic) 53 77 81
Dangers 227
Decision, theoretic planning 288
Decision, theory 147
Deniability 245
Dennett, D. 143—151 288
Deontic logic 3—4 6—11
Design stance 149
Desire 33—48
Determinism 84—86
Determinism, weak 50 56
Dialogue model 114 119
DIBERT system 364—375
Digital libraries 285—286
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 37
Discourse 113 116
Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) 128 132 143 173 299
DMARS system 167
Dollar auction 148
Domain 113
Durfee, E. 167
Dynamic logic 54 66 81 337
Effect axioms 333
Endowments 290
Epers (electronic personality) 1
Epistemic logic 18
Equilibrium points 131 132 147
Error recovery rules 239
Execution failure 381
Facilitators 353
Fagin, R. 22
Failure 65
Failure, set 67
Ferguson, I. 167
Fisher, M. 47 338
fixpoint 36
FORKS application 384
Frame problem 333
Galliers, J. 115
Game theory 127 144 145—148
Games in extensive form 133
Games in normal form 130
GARRY system 103
Genesereth, M. 2
Georgeff, M. 223 409
GLAIR system 99—101
Goal 24
Goal, sketch 97 102 105
GOLOG language 343
Good conduct 5
goods 290
Grosz, B. 123
Grounded semantics 81
Haas, A. 333
Halpern, J. 22 37 147
Hayes-Roth, B. 167
Hintikka, J. 92
Historical correctness 29
Hohfeld, N. 7
Huhns, M. 123
ICMAS conference 408
iffail connective 68
Incentive engineering 288
Information agents 4—5 129—130
Informational attitudes 17
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) 158
Intention 33—48 50 56—59
Intentional stance 50 144 149 288
INTERRAP architecture 376—390
IRMA architecture 159 222
Jennings, N. 111 249
Joshi, A. 115
Junior intelligent agents (JIAs) 267
Kaelbling, L. 91 93 338
Kanger, L. 7
Karnow, C. 1
Kautz, H. 411
Ketchpel, S. 2
KIF language 249 263 352
Know-how 50 55 59—61
Know-that 50 55
Knowbots 129
Knowledge 18 79 149 308
Knowledge, common 174
Knowledge, level 50 288
Knowledge, representation 301
Knowledge, sharing effort 351
KQML language 238 249 262 263 338 347—360
Kripke, S. 7 29 35
Krogh, C. 93
Ladder of agenthood 144—145
Lambda calculus 301—302
Laws of motion 65 73
Legacy software 236
Lemmon, E. 7
Levesque, H. 42 47 334 349
Lindahl, L. 7 9
Liveness properties 91
Local planning layer 378
Logical omniscience 21
MAAMAW workshop 408 410
Macro issues 408
Maes, P. 409
MAIL language 262
Makinson 8
MAPL language 262
Market, agent 289—291
Market, oriented programming 283—297
Markov, chains 379
Markov, processes 379
Martin-Loef, P. 303
Maxiconjunctions 8
Maximally consistent set 35
McCarthy, J. 12
Mental state 33—48 76 157
Message layer 253
Micro issues 408
MIX architecture 199 251—265
Modal logic 4 6 34
Modal logic, axiom 4 35 89
Modal logic, axiom 5 35 89
Modal logic, axiom K 89
Modal logic, euclidean 35
Modal logic, KD system 6 35
Modal logic, serial 35
Modal logic, small model property 36 43
Modal logic, tableau proof methods for 33—48 92
Modal logic, total 35
Modal logic, transitive 35
Model, description logic 241
Model, sharing 158
Model, tracking 158
MODSAF architecture 159
Moore, R. 17
Morley, D. 122
Moses, Y. 37 147
Motion rules 398
Motivational attitudes 17
Myerson, R. 148
Nash equilibrium 127 130—132
National information infrastructure 347
Negotiation 116
Network agents 252
Normative positions 8 13—14
Norms 5 8—9 11 12
Norse mythology 4
Obligation 6 8 17
ontologies 236 397
Open information systems (OIS) 315
Opportunity 18
Organizational modeling 242
OZ project 393 411
Path formulae 81
Pattern of behaviour 378
Payoff matrix 146
payoffs 131
Pednault, E. 333
Permission 6
Physical stance 149
Pnueli, A. 94
Pollack, M. 115 401
POP-11 language 392 395
POPRULEBASE system 395
Positive normal form 36
Practical reasoning 27
Preferences 17 21
Prestructure 36
Probabilistic decision function 379
Problem solving 113
Producer agents 284
Propose-evaluate-modify cycle 112—124
Provability 35
PRS architecture 167
Public key encryption 4
Pursuit task, 173
Rand, A. 144
Rao, A. 167 223 409
Rational agents 288—289
Rationality 34
Rationality, postulates 34
REACTALK system 318
Reactive plan recognition 167
Realism 24 34 42
Realism, strong 44
Realism, weak 34 42
Reason maintenance 361
Reciprocity 144
Recursive modeling method 143 145—151 172—173
RESC approach 158—159
Rosenschein, J. 2 123
Rosenschein, S. 81 91 93 338
Rosner, R. 94
Safety properties 91
Scenario 52—53 55 77
Scheduling 209
Scherl, R. 334
Schubert, L. 333
Segerberg, K. 81
Senior intelligent agents (SIAs) 267
sensing 65 66
Sergot, M. 8
Services 290
SHADE architecture 249
Shared plan 112
Shoham, Y. 92 288 410
Side-effect problem 21 46
Sidner, C. 123
SIM_AGENT architecture 199 392—407
Singh, M. 349
Situation calculus 333
Skills 190
Sloman, A. 233
Small model property 35
SOAR architecture 159 162 165
Social laws 11
Soundness 35
State formulae 81
Stit (see to it that) 6 80 87—88 93
Strategy 131
Sub-formulas 36
Supply chain 237—238
Tableau proof methods 33—48 37 39 92
Tactics 67