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Mengali U. — Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers |
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Acquisition of frequency 120
Acquisition of phase 206
Acquisition of timing 419
Acquisition, time 127
Ambiguity resolution 204 282 369
AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) 10 17
Bandpass signal see "Signal"
Baseband signal see "Signal"
Basepoint index 364
Bound, Cramer — Rao (CRB) 54
Bound, modified Cramer — Rao (MCRB) 55
Bound, modified Cramer — Rao (MCRB), in frequency estimation 58 60
Bound, modified Cramer — Rao (MCRB), in phase estimation 61
Bound, modified Cramer — Rao (MCRB), in timing estimation 64 67
Channel, AWGN 10 17
Channel, estimation 251 252 259 329 334 338—339
Channel, Rayleigh fading 246
Channel, Ricean fading 246
Closed-loop see "Feedback"
Coherent receiver see "Receiver"
Complex envelope of bandpass noise 18
Complex envelope of CPM signals 28
Complex envelope of linerly modulated signals 16
Correlative state 29
Costas loop 206
CPM (continuous-phase modulation), ML sequence estimation with 29 320—321 479
CPM (continuous-phase modulation), simplified receiver for 31
CRB (Cramer — Rao bound) 54
Cycle slipping 210
Damping factor 222
Degradations, due to frequency errors 27 198 217
Degradations, due to phase errors 20 24—25 36
Degradations, due to timing errors 12 31
Delay-and-multiply method 97 106 133 169 176 506
Demodulation 17
Differential detection 26 34 257
Differentially coherent detection 204 310 458
Doppler bandwidth 247
Dual filter detector 133
Energy per symbol 71
Equilibrium point, spurious 212 387 420 485 495
Equilibrium point, stable 208 420
Equilibrium point, unstable 208 420
Equivalent model 122 207 225 239 419
Error detector, frequency see "FED"
Error detector, phase see "PED"
Error detector, timing see "TED"
Estimation, bounds in parameter 53
Estimation, frequency 79—188
Estimation, maximum likelihood 38 47
Estimation, phase 189 352
Estimation, timing 353 516
Eye opening 12
Fading, fast 333 336
Fading, frequency-flat 245 327 438
Fading, linearly time-selective 336
Fading, Rayleigh 245
Fading, Ricean 245
Fading, slow 248
False lock detection 495
FED (frequency error detector) for CPM 158 167 174 175
FED (frequency error detector) for linear modulation 102 105 118 130
Feedback, frequency estimation with CPM 158 166 175
Feedback, frequency estimation with linear modulation 100 104 119
Feedback, phase estimation with CPM 316 323 481
Feedback, phase estimation with linear modulation 203 206 230 240 273 275 289 414 455
Feedback, timing estimation with baseband transmission 354 374 384 385 392 393
Feedback, timing estimation with CPM 481 484 492 496 498
Feedback, timing estimation with linear modulation 414 417 429 431 440 442 448 454 459
Feedforward, frequency estimation with CPM 155 156 169 177 180
Feedforward, frequency estimation with linear modulation 83 84 105 115 133 140
Feedforward, phase estimation with CPM 312 341 345 349
Feedforward, phase estimation with linear modulation 192 195 277 281 291 295 298 301 467
Feedforward, timing estimation with baseband transmission 354 402 403
Feedforward, timing estimation with CPM 504 507 512
Feedforward, timing estimation with linear modulation 436 467
Filter, derivative matched 117
Filter, matched 10
Fisher information matrix 57
Fractional interval 364
Frequency estimation with CPM, clock-aided 154 156 176
Frequency estimation with CPM, clockless 157 169
Frequency estimation with CPM, data-aided (DA) 154 156
Frequency estimation with CPM, ML-based 157
Frequency estimation with CPM, non-data-aided (NDA) 157 169 176
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, clock-aided 80 97 100
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, clockless 108 133
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, data-aided (DA) 80
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, decision-directed (DD) 97
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, Fitz method 88
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, Kay method 86
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, Luise and Reggiannini method 89
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, ML 80
Frequency estimation with linear modulation, non-data-aided (NDA) 100 108 133
Frequency offset 17
Full response 28
Gardner detector see "TED"
GMSK (Gaussian MSK) 29 149
Hangup 209
Interleaving 249
Interpolator, ideal 360
Interpolator, polinomial 362
Joint phase and timing estimation 412 452 462 478
Laurent expansion 148
Likelihood function 43
Limiter-discriminator receiver 32
Linear modulation 15
Locking range 220
Lodge and Moher receiver 333
Loop bandwidth see "Noise equivalent bandwidth"
Loop equivalent model see "Equivalent model"
LRC (raised-cosine pulse of length L) 149
LREC (rectangular pulse of length L) 149
M-power method 279
Matched-filter see "Filter"
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) 55
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with baseband transmission for timing 64
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with CPM for carrier frequency 60
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with CPM for carrier phase 61
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with CPM for timing 67
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with linear modulation for carrier frequency 58
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with linear modulation for carrier phase 61
MCRB (modified Cramer — Rao bound) with linear modulation for timing 64
| Mean-time-to-slip 244
ML (maximum likelihood), estimation criterion 38
ML (maximum likelihood), frequency estimation 80
ML (maximum likelihood), parameter estimation 38
ML (maximum likelihood), phase estimation with CPM 311
ML (maximum likelihood), phase estimation with linear modulation 190 194
ML (maximum likelihood), sequence detection 30 248 320 479
ML (maximum likelihood), timing estimation 371
Modulation, CPM 28
Modulation, Gaussian MSK (GMSK) 29
Modulation, linear 15
Modulation, MSK 28
Modulation, MSK-type 33 148 308
Mueller and Mueller timing detector see "TED"
Multipath channel see "Channel"
Multiple synchronizers 240
Natural frequency 222
NCO (number controlled oscillator) 356
Noise equivalent bandwidth 126 214 326
Nyquist criterion 11
Oerder and Meyr algorithm 402 435
Open-loop see "Feedforward"
OQPSK (offset QPSK) 16
PAM (pulse amplitude modulation) 10
Partial response 28
PED (phase error detector) for CPM 315 323 481
PED (phase error detector) for linear modulation 206 229 240 271 273 274 289 414 454
Per-survivor-processing 240 259 328
Phase ambiguity 204
Phase error 20
Phase estimation with CPM, clock-aided 311 314 319 339
Phase estimation with CPM, clockless 346
Phase estimation with CPM, data-aided (DA) 311
Phase estimation with CPM, decision-directed (DD) 314 319 481
Phase estimation with CPM, non-data-aided (NDA) 339 346
Phase estimation with linear modulation, clock-aided 190 201 228 236 248 266 286
Phase estimation with linear modulation, clockless 297 299
Phase estimation with linear modulation, data-aided (DA) 190
Phase estimation with linear modulation, decision-directed (DD) 201 228 236 245 412 452
Phase estimation with linear modulation, maximum-likelihood 190 194
Phase estimation with linear modulation, non-data-aided (NDA) 266 286 297 299
Phase noise 224
Phase response 28 148
Phase state 29
Pilot-symbol 252
Pilot-tone 251
Poisson sum formula 393
Power spectral density, with baseband transmission 71
Power spectral density, with linear modulation 72
Pseudo-symbols 33
PSK (phase shift keying) 16
Q-function 23
QAM 16
Quadricorrelator 131
Raised-cosine rolloff function 11
Rayleigh distribution 246
Rayleigh fading see "Channel"
Receiver, coherent with CPM 30 35 310 316 322
Receiver, coherent with linear modulation 19 206 230
Receiver, differential with linear modulation 26
Receiver, differential with MSK-type modulation 34
Receiver, limiter-discriminator 32
Receiver, Lodge and Moher 333
Receiver, maximum likelihood with CPM 322
Receiver, maximum likelihood with linear modulation 248—249
Receiver, MSK-type 310
Ricean distribution 246
Ricean fading see "Channel"
Rolloff factor 11
Root-raised-cosine rolloff function 12
S-curve 120 206 211 232 375 386—387
S-surface 419 481
Sampling, non-synchronous 359
Sampling, synchronous 355
Second-order loop 220
Self noise 130
Self-noise elimination 396
Signal, baseband 10
Signal, CPM 28
Signal, linearly modulated 15
Simplified CPM receiver 31
SLIP see "Cycle slipping"
Static phase error 219
Step-size 118
Survivor 236 259 328
Synchronization, bounds in 53
Synchronization, function, frequency recovery 18
Synchronization, function, phase recovery 18
Synchronization, function, timing recovery 10
TCM (trellis-coded modulation) 29 236
TED (timing error detector) for baseband transmission, early-late 384
TED (timing error detector) for baseband transmission, Gardner 393
TED (timing error detector) for baseband transmission, ML-based 371 491
TED (timing error detector) for baseband transmission, Mueller and Mueller 385
TED (timing error detector) for baseband transmission, zero-crossing 385
TED (timing error detector) for CPM, ad hoc 498
TED (timing error detector) for CPM, ML-based 481 492
TED (timing error detector) for linear modulation, early-late 429 439
TED (timing error detector) for linear modulation, Gardner 431 442 459
TED (timing error detector) for linear modulation, ML-based 414 429 439 448 450 454
TED (timing error detector) for linear modulation, Mueller and Mueller 418 440
TED (timing error detector) for linear modulation, zero-crossing 417 440
Tentative decision 236
Timing adjustment with non-synchronous sampling 366
Timing adjustment with synchronous sampling 357
Timing estimation with baseband transmission, decision-directed (DD) 371
Timing estimation with baseband transmission, non-data-aided (NDA) 391 398
Timing estimation with CPM, decision-directed (DD) 478
Timing estimation with CPM, non-data-aided (NDA) 487
Timing estimation with linear modulation, decision-directed (DD) 413 439 452
Timing estimation with linear modulation, non-data-aided (NDA) 428 433 442 448 450 467
Timing jitter 13
Tracking, frequency 124
Tracking, phase 206 213 232 481
Tracking, timing 377 395 414 417 425 429 431 439—440 442 448 450 454 459 481 492
Unique word 282
Unstable equilibrium point 208
Unwrapping algorithm for phase recovery 284
Unwrapping algorithm for timing recovery 369
VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) 100
Viterbi and Viterbi method 280
Viterbi detector 29 253 322
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