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Segers H. (ed.), Martens K. (ed.) — Aquatic Biodiversity II: The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology)
Segers H. (ed.), Martens K. (ed.) — Aquatic Biodiversity II: The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology)

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Название: Aquatic Biodiversity II: The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology)

Авторы: Segers H. (ed.), Martens K. (ed.)


Freshwater Biodiversity is a much underestimated component of global biodiversity, both in its diversity and in its potential to act as models for fundamental research in evolutionary biology and ecosystem studies. Freshwater organisms also reflect quality of water bodies and can thus be used to monitor changes in ecosystem health. The present book comprises a unique collection of primary research papers spanning a wide range of topics in aquatic biodiversity studies, and including a first global assessment of specific diversity of freshwater animals. The book also presents a section on the interaction between scientists and science policy managers. A target opinion paper lists priorities in aquatic biodiversity research for the next decade and several reactions from distinguished scientists discuss the relevance of these items from different points of view: fundamental ecology, taxonomy and systematics, needs of developing countries, present-day biodiversity policy at European and at global scales. It is believed that such a platform for the interaction between science and science policy is an absolute necessity for the efficient use of research budgets in the future.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 385

Добавлена в каталог: 12.02.2014

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