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Connell J. — Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming |
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.RWP filename extension 53
About Boxes, adding to custom-built ADO control 624—626
Absolute Position property 152 158 170 809
accelerator keys 174
Access (Microsoft) 24 400
Access (Microsoft), Access system (MSys) tables 50
Access (Microsoft), advantages 35
Access (Microsoft), building SQL queries with 376—379
Access (Microsoft), connecting to 151
Access (Microsoft), database types 169
Access (Microsoft), default user name 523
Access (Microsoft), field lengths 159
Access (Microsoft), importing into 776
Access (Microsoft), ISAM files 411
Access (Microsoft), limits of Access 167
Access (Microsoft), multi-table queries 31 32
Access (Microsoft), Query Builder 760
Action argument 263
Activate event 152
Active Server Pages (ASP) see "ASP"
ActiveX automation 767 787
ActiveX automation server 788
ActiveX Data Object (ADO) controls see "ADO"
add-ins 42
Add-ins, API Viewer 241
Add-ins, Application Wizard 42
Add-ins, locating available add-ins 43
Add-ins, Wizards 43
Address Book example 390
Address Book example, 1st Normal Form 394
Address Book example, 2nd Normal Form 395
Address Book example, 3rd Normal Form 397
Address Book example, creating the database with DAO 418
Address Book example, creating the tables 400
Address Book example, eliminating columns 397
Address Book example, eliminating repeating groups 394
Address Book example, splitting tables 395
Address Book example, The Database Analyzer 425
Address Book example, un-normalized fields 392
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) 33 34 35 see "ADO
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), advanced techniques 798
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), advanced techniques, disconnected recordset 798 800
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), advanced techniques, marshalling recordset method parameters 800 801
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), advanced techniques, recordsets disconnected from database 799
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), advantages of ADO 518 519 520
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), analysing data sources 548 549
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), analyzing schema 549
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), object model of ADO 520
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), obtaining data source schema 549—553
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), obtaining data type information 553—555
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), transactions 569—573
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), UDA (Universal Data Access), using 518
ADO Data Control (ADODC) see also "ADO" "ADO
ADO Data Control (ADODC) with DataCombo control 107—113
ADO Data Control (ADODC), adding About Box 627
ADO Data Control (ADODC), adding to programs 90 520—528
ADO Data Control (ADODC), adding to toolbox 85 105
ADO Data Control (ADODC), adding validateRecord event 632 633
ADO Data Control (ADODC), binding data 579 581
ADO Data Control (ADODC), binding data, overview 580
ADO Data Control (ADODC), building 593 595
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connecting to database 522—525
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connecting with recordset 525 527
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connection option, OpenSchema method 548 549 550—555
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connection strings 521
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connection strings, Data Link property box 522—525
ADO Data Control (ADODC), connection strings, options list 568
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built 578 592—600
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, adding About Box 624—626
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, adding properties 600—603
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, bound control connections 630 631
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, converting to .ocx file 634 635
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, locking control size 596 597
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, non-tabular record sources 603
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, recordset object creation 598
ADO Data Control (ADODC), custom-built, Registry listing 635
ADO Data Control (ADODC), database connections 135 151
ADO Data Control (ADODC), display 528
ADO Data Control (ADODC), features 87 90
ADO Data Control (ADODC), handling multiple records using 106
ADO Data Control (ADODC), icons 106
ADO Data Control (ADODC), identifying record position 528
ADO Data Control (ADODC), initializing 528
ADO Data Control (ADODC), OLEDB indicator 106
ADO Data Control (ADODC), properties 529
ADO Data Control (ADODC), Properties window 107
ADO Data Control (ADODC), properties, comparison with DAO data control properties 529 530
ADO Data Control (ADODC), properties, Property Pages 619—623
ADO Data Control (ADODC), RecordSource property 111
ADO Data Control (ADODC), testing database connection 109
ADO Data Control (ADODC), text boxes 527 528
ADO Data Control (ADODC), when to use 134
ADO Data Control object model 530 see
ADO Data Control object model, command object 531—532
ADO Data Control object model, connection object 530—531
ADO Data Control object model, methods 531
ADO Data Control object model, object interactions 531
ADO Data Control object model, properties 531
ADO Data Control object model, recordset object 531
ADO data repeater see "Data repeater"
ADO object model see also "ADO" "ADO
ADO object model, collections 561
ADO object model, command objects 562
ADO object model, DAO object model, compared 562
ADODC see "ADO Data Control"
Aggregate functions, SQL (Structured Query Language) 361
Aggregate functions, SQL (Structured Query Language), combining with WHERE clause 365
Aggregate functions, SQL (Structured Query Language), COUNT 362
Aggregate functions, SQL (Structured Query Language), NULL values 364
Aliasing, SQL 362 363
Alignment property 142 162
AllowUserResizing property 100
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard 344
API (application programmer's interface) 238—240 see
API (Application Programmer's Interface), calls 239 240 253
API Viewer 241—243
App object 222
arithmetic operators 363
AS clause (SQL) 362 363
Asc() function 78
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 76—78
ASP (Active Server Pages) 653 656
ASP (Active Server Pages), hidden fields 685
ASP (Active Server Pages), HTML 654
ASP (Active Server Pages), object model 685
ASP (Active Server Pages), Request object 691
ASP (Active Server Pages), Response object 667
ASP (Active Server Pages), server side scripts 656
BackColor property 305
Bang notation 103
Bang notation, symbol for 103
BETWEEN operator (SQL) 357
Binding 787
Binding collections 581 582
Binding, early 789
Binding, late 788
BOF (Beginning Of File) 148 169—170
BOF (beginning of file), pointers for 148
BOF (beginning of file), properties 149
BOF property 170
BOFAction property 169
BookMark property 170 200
Boolean operators 358
BorderStyle property 223
Bound Column property 112
bound controls 40 84 88.
Bound controls, altered records 145
Bound controls, check box (DAO) 89
Bound controls, combo box (DAO) 89
Bound controls, creating custom 579
| Bound controls, DataCombo (ADO) 90 105 106
Bound controls, DataFields property 143
Bound controls, DataGrid (ADO) 89 106
Bound controls, DataList (ADO) 89 106
Bound controls, DataRepeater (ADO) 90
Bound controls, DataSource property 143
Bound controls, DateTimePicker (ADO) 90
Bound controls, empty fields 145
Bound controls, fields 171
Bound controls, hierarchical FlexGrid (ADO) 90
Bound controls, image (DAO) 89
Bound controls, label (DAO) 89
Bound controls, list box (DAO) 89
Bound controls, list of 89
Bound controls, locking/unlocking 613
Bound controls, masked edit (ADO) 89 104
Bound controls, MS HFlexGrid (ADO) 89 106
Bound controls, MS HFlexGrid (ADO), comparison with standard grid 122
Bound controls, OLE-container (DAO) 89
Bound controls, picture box (DAO) 89
Bound controls, properties 93—100
Bound controls, read-only 88
Bound controls, refreshing current record 170
Bound controls, relationship with data controls 84 122
Bound controls, saving data from 170
Bound controls, text box (DAO) 88 89 91—94
Bound controls, text boxes 630 631
Bound controls, text boxes, adding to forms 138—143
Bound controls, text boxes, labeling 142
Bound list boxes 238
BoundClass module 582—591
BoundColumn property 115—119
business objects 798 799 804
Business objects, remote 804
Business rules 798 799
Cancel property 223
Cancel state 172
Caption property 155 162
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) 664
Charts 49
Charts, creating using Data Form Wizard 70—75
Charts, MS Chart 69
child records 49 65
chr() function 78
Class Builder, Add New Method 295
Class Builder, Add New Method, Method Builder 295
Class Builder, Class Module Builder 277
Class Builder, menu icons 279
Class Builder, Methods tab 296
Class Builder, screen components 276
Class Builder, updating file changes 281
Class Builder, variable declarations 285
class modules 168 797 see "Objects"
Class modules, as data providers 591
Classes 27 797
classes, encapsulation 272—275
classes, inheritance 274
Classes, inheritance, parent/child objects 274
classes, methods 274
Classes, objects as instances of 273
Classes, overview 273—275
Classes, polymorphism 274
classes, properties 274
Client side scripting 656
Client/server system 409—411 653 679 799
close method 171
Close method, connection object 531
Close method, connection/recordset objects 548
code modules 238
Code modules, adding to projects 238 239
collections 412 442
Collections and objects 412
Collections, ADO object model 561
Collections, binding 581 582
Collections, control collections 195
collections, Count property 195
Collections, database 413
Collections, Errors 412 458
Collections, Parameter objects 563
Collections, Workbooks, Excel 788
Collections, Workspaces 412 458
Columns 16
Columns, fields as 52
Comma delimited files, embedded commas 775
Comma delimited files, exporting data 769
Comma Separated Values (CSV) 766
Comma separated values (csv), embedded commas 775
Comma separated values (csv), exporting 770
Command buttons, adding Case Statements 176
Command buttons, control arrays for 173
Command buttons, disabling 184
Command buttons, navigating recordsets using 177
Command object 531
Command object, Parameter object collection 563
Command object, using with multiple connection objects 562
CommandTimeout property 531
CommitTrans method 531
Common dialog box 766 769
Compound primary keys 30
Connect property 169
Connect property, default 151
Connection objects, ADO Data Control 530
Connection objects, ADO Data Control, interactions with recordset object 531
Connection objects, ADO Data Control, methods 531
Connection objects, ADO Data Control, properties 531
Connection objects, custom ADO Data Control 598
Connection objects, Execute method 545 546 547
Connection objects, obtaining provider information using 559—560
Connection objects, OpenSchema method 548—555
connection strings 110
Connection strings, ADO data control 108—110
Connection strings, ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) 543
Connection strings, options for 568
ConnectionString property 107 531
ConnectionString property, connection string display format 110
ConnectionString property, instructions for building connection strings 108—110
ConnectionTimeout property 531
Constants, enumerated 175
Constants, enumerated, adding to class modules 286
Constants, enumerated, lists of 590 591
Control arrays 138
Control arrays, creating 139
Control arrays, indexes for 139 147
Controls see also "ADO control"
Controls, ADO vs. DAO 106
Controls, collections of 195
controls, focus 225
Controls, intrinsic 84 86
Controls, lightweight 174
Controls, locking size of 596 597
Controls, MS HFlexGrid 119
Controls, OLEDB 106
controls, ProgressBar 160
Controls, read-only 119
controls, tab 449
Controls, tree view control 425 451
Cookies 798 806
Cookies, magic see "Handles"
Cookies, reading and writing 690
COUNT function (SQL) 362
Count property 195
CursorLocation property 531
Cursors in disconnected recordsets 801
Cursors, ADO 563 564
Cursors, ADO, default 566
Cursors, ADO, read-only 565
Cursors, ADO, read/write 565
Cursors, ADO, recordset management 564 565 566
Cursors, l-Beam, focus indicator 229
Cursors, types of, Dynamic 567
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