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S. Barry Cooper — Computability Theory (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series)
S. Barry Cooper — Computability Theory (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series)

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Название: Computability Theory (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series)

Автор: S. Barry Cooper


Computability theory originated with the seminal work of G?del, Church, Turing, Kleene and Post in the 1930s. This theory includes a wide spectrum of topics, such as the theory of reducibilities and their degree structures, computably enumerable sets and their automorphisms, and subrecursive hierarchy classifications. Recent work in computability theory has focused on Turing definability and promises to have far-reaching mathematical, scientific, and philosophical consequences. Written by a leading researcher, Computability Theory provides a concise, comprehensive, and authoritative introduction to contemporary computability theory, techniques, and results. The basic concepts and techniques of computability theory are placed in their historical, philosophical and logical context. This presentation is characterized by an unusual breadth of coverage and the inclusion of advanced topics not to be found elsewhere in the literature at this level.The book includes both the standard material for a first course in computability and more advanced looks at degree structures, forcing, priority methods, and determinacy. The final chapter explores a variety of computability applications to mathematics and science.Computability Theory is an invaluable text, reference, and guide to the direction of current research in the field. Nowhere else will you find the techniques and results of this beautiful and basic subject brought alive in such an approachable and lively way.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 424

Добавлена в каталог: 09.02.2014

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