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Hosni Y., Khalil T. — Management of Technology. Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World
Hosni Y., Khalil T. — Management of Technology. Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World

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Название: Management of Technology. Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World

Авторы: Hosni Y., Khalil T.


The dramatic explosion of information, communication and transportation technologies in the last two decades have opened new vistas for industrial and new business development. It is widely recognized that the business paradigms that prevailed during the Industrial Revolution are giving way to new paradigms dictated by the information age, the knowledge age, and the Technology Revolution which we are currently witnessing. This will require us to examine theories and practices used for the creation of wealth and prosperity.The International Association for the Management of Technology is the leading professional organization solely devoted to the education, research and application of Technology Management. The theme of the 2002 Eleventh International Conference on Management of Technology, held in Miami Beach, Florida, was " The Drive Towards the Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World". The intent was to provide a special focus on the explosion expected in E-commerce, supply chain logistics and other opportunities presented by the growth of Internet activities. While many may fail to predict the extent of the impact of the Internet on corporate and national economies, it is timely to explore the opportunities and challenges that such technology provides in the near and not so near future.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 572

Добавлена в каталог: 08.02.2014

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