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Fields D.K., Saunders S., Belayev E. — IntelliJ Idea in Action
Fields D.K., Saunders S., Belayev E. — IntelliJ Idea in Action

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Название: IntelliJ Idea in Action

Авторы: Fields D.K., Saunders S., Belayev E.


This book will help developers dig a little deeper into IDEA and
embrace its streamlining features which allow for more time to be
spent on project design rather than code management. Without some
educational investment, however, IDEA can be just another editor.
That then, is the purpose of this book. To not only get you up and
running quickly, but to teach you how to use IDEA's powerful software
development tools to their fullest advantage. Important product
features, including the debugger, source code control, and the many
code generation tools, are carefully explained and accompanied by
tips and tricks that will leave even experienced IDEA users with
"Eureka!" moments of informed programming. Coders just graduating
from NOTEPAD and Java IDE veterans alike will profit from the
powerful and timesaving expertise provided in this essential
programmer's resource. IDEA is a next-generation IDE for Java, an
Integrated Development Environment. As the term IDE implies, IDEA
integrates or combines all of the tools needed to develop Java
software into a single application and interface. In other words,
IDEA is a tool that helps develop Java applications more quickly,
easily, and intelligently. IDEA can help with every phase of a
project, from design and development to testing and deployment. This
book is based on the IntelliJ IDEA Java development environment
software from JetBrains, version 5.0

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 549

Добавлена в каталог: 27.06.2006

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