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Whittaker E.T., McCrae W. — Treatise on analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies |
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Abdank-Abakanowicz, B. 214
Absolute integral-invariants 271
Acceleration 14
Actio Agentis 30
Action and reaction, law of 29
Action, least 248
Adjoint systems 287
Admit, to (a transformation) 319
Albeggiani, M.L. 337
am Ende, H. 112
Amontons, G. 227
Angles, Eulerian 9
Angular Momentum, Integral of 59
Anomaly, true, eccentric, and mean 89
Aphelion 86
Apocentre 85
Appell's equations 258
Appell, P. 73 258 279
Apse 86
Armellini, G. 81 412
Attractive regions of a field of force 403
Axes of inertia, principal 124
Axis of rotation, instantaneous 2
Azimuth 19
Bennett, T.L. 356
Bernoulli's principle 186
Bernoulli, Daniel 62 177 186
Bernoulli, John 62 229
Bertrand's theorem on determination of forces 331
Bertrand's theorem on impulses 260
Bertrand, J. 88 260 320 331 332 338 349
Bessel, F.W. 91
Bilinear covariant 297
Bisconcini, G. 411
Block, H. 411
Bocher, M. 183
Bohlin, K. 340 358 407
Boltzmann — Larmor representation of the Last Multiplier 278
Boltzmann, L. 41 278
Bonacini, C. 408
Bonnet's theorem 94
Bonnet, O. 94
Bour, E. 356
Bracket-expressions, Lagrange's 298
Bracket-expressions, Poisson's 299
Brell, H. 259
Bromwich, T.J. 414
Bruns' theorem 358
Bruns, H. 357 358
Burgatti, P. 69 166 325
Burnside, W. 3 5
Cailler, C. 89
Canonical form of equations of motion 264
Cassie, W.R. 118
Cauchy, A.L. 4 124 264 316
Cayley — Klein parameters 12
Cayley, A. 9 12 115
Central forces 77
Centre of rotation, instantaneous 3
Centrifugal forces 41
Cerruti, V. 330 331
Characteristic exponents 400
Characteristic function 289
Charlier, C.V.L. 395
Chasles' theorem 4
Chasles, M. 4
Chretien, H. 90
Christoffel's symbol 39
Christoffel, E.B. 39
Cigala, A.R. 396
Clairaut, A.C. 78
Classical integrals 358
Clebsch, A. 311
Coefficient of friction 227
Coefficient of stability 396
Collinear Lagrange's particles 392
Collision, orbits of 391
Collisions 234
Components of a vector 14
Components of momentum 48
Conjugate point 252
Conservation of angular momentum 59
Conservation of energy 62
Conservation of momentum 59
Conservative forces 38
Constraint 255
Contact-transformation 290 293
Contact-transformation, homogeneous 301
Contact-transformation, infinitesimal 292 302
Continuation, analytic 410
Conway, A.W. 26
Coordinates of a dynamical system 32
Coordinates, elliptic 97
Coordinates, ignorable or cyclic 54
Coordinates, normal or principal 181
Cotes' spirals 83
Cotes, R. 83
Covariant, bilinear 297
Culverwell, E.P. 251
Curtis, A.H. 97 113
Curvature, Least 255
Cyclic coordinates 54
d'Alembert, J. le R. 177 230
Dainelli, V. 96 112 114
Dall' Acqua, F.A. 316
Darboux, G. 80 109 261 333 396
Dautheville, S. 320
Davaux, E. 400
de Brun, F. 166
de Gasparis, A. 356
de Maupertuis, P.L.N. 248
Definite quadratic form 36
Deformation-covariant 111 404
Degrees of freedom 34
Delaunay, C. 413 419 420
density 117
Derriman, W.H. 118
di Pirro, G. 335
Differential form 296
Differential parameters 111
Displacement 1
Displacement, possible 33
Dissipation-Function 231
Dissipative systems 226
Distance, mean 87
Divisors, elementary 183
Donkin, W.F. 264
Dumas, G. 166
Eccentric anomaly 89
Ejection, orbits of 391
Elementary divisors 183
Elimination of the nodes 341
Elliott, E.B. 210
Ellipsoid of gyration 124
Ellipsoid of inertia 124
Ellipsoid, momental 124
Elliptic coordinates 97
Energy, integral of 62
Energy, kinetic 35
Energy, potential 38
Equations, Appell's 258
Equations, first Pfaff's system of 307
Equations, Hamilton's, of motion 263
Equations, Hamilton's, partial differential 315
Equations, Jacobi's 342
Equations, Lagrangian 37
Equations, Lagrangian, in quasi coordinates 43
Equations, Lagrangian, with undetermined multipliers 213
Equations, variational 268
Equidistant Lagrange's particles 393
| Equilibrium-configuration 177
Equilibrium-problem 315
Equimomental bodies 117
Euler, L. 2 8 9 41 72 93 97 100 117 124 127 144 177 248
Eulerian angles 9
Exponents, characteristic 400
Extended point-transformations 293
External forces 32 37
Ferrers, N.M. 215
Field of force 30
Field of force, conservative 38
Field of force, parallel 93
First Pfaff's system 307
Fixity 26
Fixtures, sudden 169
Flux of a vector 14
Flye Sainte-Marie, C. 174
Focus, kinetic 252
Foerster, W. 262
force 29
Forces, Central 77
Forces, centrifugal 41
Forces, external and molecular 32 37
Ford, L.R. 12
Form, differential 296
Forsyth, A.R. 358
Fouret, G. 130
Frank, P. 408
Freedom, degrees of 34
Frictional systems 227
Function, dissipation- 231
Function, Hamilton's characteristic 289
Function, Hamilton's principal 317
Function, Hamiltonian 265
Function, Jacobi's 342
Function-group 322
Galilei, G. 62 72 99 177
Gauss' principle 255
Gauss, C.F. 9 255
Gautier, A. 339
Gebbia, M. 174
Geodesics 254
Glaisher, J.W.L. 80
Gorjatscheff, D. 166
Goursat, E. 262 336
Grant, R. 339
Gravity 27
Green, G. 38
Grinwis, C.H. 89
Grossi, P. 330
Group, function- 322
Group-property 293
Gyration, ellipsoid of 124
Gyration, radius of 118
Gyroscopic terms 195
Hadamard's Theorem 406
Hadamard, J. 69 403
Halphen's theorem 5
Halphen, G. 5 106
Hamel, G. 41
Hamilton's partial differential equation 315
Hamilton's principle 246
Hamilton's Theorem 79
Hamiltonian form of equations of motion 264
Hamiltonian function 265
Hazzidakis, J.N. 102
Herpolhode 154
Hertz's principle 255
Hertz, H. 255
Heun, K. 37
Hill, G.W. 407
Hiltebeitel, A.M. 99
Hirsch, A. 45 287
Hoelder, O. 249
Holonomic 33
Homogeneous contact-transformations 301
Homography 12
Hoppe, R. 130
Husson, E. 166
Huygens, C. 62 72 99 117
Ignorable coordinates 54
Ignoration of coordinates 56
impact 234
Impulse 49
Impulsive motion 48
Index of stability 398
Inelastic bodies 234
Inertia, Ellipsoid of 124
Inertia, moment and product of 117
Inertia, principal axes of 124
Infinitesimal contact-transformations 292 302
Initial motions 45
Instability 186 193 203 .396
Instantaneous axis of rotation 2
Instantaneous centre of rotation 3
Integral of a dynamical system 53
Integral of a system of equations 53
Integral of angular momentum 59
Integral of energy 62
Integral of momentum 58
Integral, classical 358
Integral, Jacobian 354
Integral-invariants 268
Integral-invariants, absolute and relative 271
Invariable line and plane 144 346
Invariant relations 326
Invariants, integral 268
Inverse of a transformation 293
Involution 322
Involution-systems 322
Isoperimetrical systems 267
Jacobi's equation 342
Jacobi's function 342
Jacobi, C.G.J. 104 144 174 251 276 281 287 295 307 316 341 342 349 354
Jacobian integral 354
Jordan, C. 179
Joukovsky's theorem 107
Joukovsky, N. 111
Kasner, E. 409
Kepler, J. 60 90
Kerkhoven-Wythoff, A.G. 222
Kinematics 1
kinetic energy 35
Kinetic focus 252
Kinetic potential 38
Kineto-statics 37
Klein, F. 12 193 207
Kobb, G. 109
Koenigs and Lie's theorem 275
Koenigs, G. 1 88 275
Koetter, F. 166
Kolosoff, G. 167
Korkine, A. 337
Korteweg's theorem 397
Korteweg, D. 398 400
Kowalevski's top 164
Kowalevski, N. 166
Kowalevski, S. 164
Lagrange's bracket-expressions 298
Lagrange's equations 34
Lagrange's equations forquasi-coordinates 43
Lagrange's equations of impulsive motion 50
Lagrange's equations with undetermined multipliers 213
Lagrange's three particles 393
Lagrange, J.L. 34 38 41 50 62 91 94 97 104 156 177 183 248 264 298 316 322 340 393
Lagrangian function 39
Laisant, O.A. 113
Lamb, H. 203 305
Lambert's theorem 91
Lambert, J.H. 91
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