Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lins S. — Gems, computers, and attractors for 3-manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
-normalization 263
-normalization 263
-move 11
-move 11
-move 11
-move 12
-move 12
-move 13
-class 189
-forest of rigid 3-gems 182
-move 14 154
-representative of a 3-gem 142
-move 14 154
-move 14 154
-move 14 154
-move on G 145
-attractor, an 89
-attractor, the 89
-move 145
-class 15
-classification 15
-essential, 3-gem 15
-move 14 154
-reducible, 3-gem 15
-move 14 154
-residue 26
243 244
-move 11 127
-pair 10 40
-gem 5 53
-symmetries 54
, the sum of the connectivities of surfaces 65
(n + 1)-graph 1
1-dipole 3 35
1-dipole creation 98
1-dipole in 2-gem 98
1-dipole moves 99
2-dipole 3 37
2-gem 19
3-crystallization 35
3-gem 2 20
A-move, -move 131
Admisible triple 261
Alternating presentation of a group 74
Attractor for a 2-manifold 104
Attractor for a 3-manifold 4
B-move, -move 131
Baloon 39
Baloon move 39
Betti number of a 3-manifold 250
Bigon 2 16
Bipartiteness character of a graph 105
Blackboard framed link 81
Blink 8 81
Blink getting absorbed 85
Bond space of a digraph 106
Breaking of a duet 175
Breaking of a handle 122
Breaking of a trio 107
C-move, -move 132
Cancellation of 1-dipole 35 98
Cancellation of 2-dipole 38
Canonical presentation of a 3-gem 63
Code of a 3-gem 30
Code of bipartite connected (n + 1)-graph 63
Code of bipartite non-connected (n + 1)-graph 64
Code of non-bipartite 3-gem 64
Code-colored edges of a 3-gem 127
Code-numbered vertices of a 3-gem 127
Color specification of a 3-page 130
Color specification of a ladder 130
Color specification of a quasi-cluster 130
Color specification of a quasi-cube 129
Color specification of a TS-configuration 129
Colored triangulation 38
Complementary handlebody 9
Complexity of a 3-gem 178
Complexity of a closed 3-manifold 178
Connected sum along p, q 102 114
Connectivity of a closed surface 65
| Contribution of a vertex 137
Creation of 1-dipole 35 98
Creation of 2-dipole 38
Crystallization 35
Cycle space of a digraph 106
D-move, -move 132
Depth-first search (DFS) exploration of a graph 60
Derived 3-gem 235 236
Digraph 106
Dual construction 3
Dual edge 106
Duet in (n + 1)-graph 175
E-move, -move 133
Equivalent 2-gems 99
Equivalent string presentations 55
Essential -class 15
Euler characteristic 105
Expanded gist 54
F-move, -move 133
Face 21
Face of a graph embedded in a surface 17
Framed link 5 77
Free reduction 73
Fusible edge 172
Fusion at two vertices 100
Genus of a Heegaard splitting 66
Geometric dual 106
Handle 120
Handle free, 3-manifold 177
Handle slide 270
Handleboly 66
Heegaard diagram 66
Heegaard splitting 66
Horizontal move 15
ij-gon 16
Incidence matrix of a digraph 106
Intersection numbers 243
Involution 32
Involved colors in a dipole 38
Involved colors in dipoles 3
Irreducible 3-manifold 125
Isotopy, ambient 269
Isotopy, regular 269
L(p,q) 31
Linking matrix 264
Loop in a graph 106
Medial of a plane graph 256
monopole 13 142
Move 131
Move 131
Move 132
Move 132
Move 133
Move 133
Mutability of a -class 189
n-residue 2
Of a cellular embedding 21
Orientable prime manifold 103
Perfect group 4
Pillow 39
Pillow move 39
Planar 3-manifold 255
Preserving the orientation 53
Prime 3-manifold 113
q-deformed quantum factorial 261
q-deformed quantum integer 260
Quantum invariants 224
Quartet 120
Quaternionic space 34
r-admissible state 262
Reduced adjacency matrix of a 3-gem 42
Reducible 3-manifold 125
Ribbon move 270
Rigid -gems 172
Rigid 3-gem 6 11 127
Root vertex of a 3-page 130
Root vertex of a ladder 130
Root vertex of a quasi-cluster 130
Root vertex of a quasi-cube 129
Root vertex of a TS-configuration 129
Size of a 3-gem 29
State 262
String presentation 5 52
String presentation equivalent to a 3-gem 55
String presentation for 55
String presentation for a 3-gem 30
Strong component of a directed graph 155
Superattractor for a 3-manifold 4
Surface induced by 2-gem 97
Switching of a -pair 40
Switching of a rho-pair 10
Symmetric space 118
System of meridian disks in a handlebody 68
Tidy matrix for a (3 + 1)-graph 147
Triball 20
Trio in (n + 1)-graph 107
TS-configuration, 3-page 13
TS-configuration, ladder 12
TS-configuration, quasi-cluster 12
TS-configuration, quasi-cube 11
TS-configurations 129
TS-moves 11
U-move 13
Walking triplet 100
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