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Lee A. — Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics |
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Viscosity, effect on water waves 440
Vortex sheet 133
Vorticity 68 129—135
Vorticity, boundary generation of 131
Vorticity, convection of 129
Vorticity, development equation 69
Vorticity, diffusion of 131
Vorticity, stretching of 130—131
Walter, W. 143
Warping 221
Warping, function 223
Washizu, K. 158
Water bump, collapse of 381—388
Watson, G.N. 366
Wave, conservation 395—396
Wave, equation 377—378 542
Wave, function 396
Wave, length 380
Wave, number 380 393 395
Wave, number vector 522
Wave, reflection 271
Wave, trains 392 399
Waves in inhomogeneous media 401
Waves, capillary 435
Waves, capillary-gravity 408
| Waves, dimple-down 436
Waves, elastic 211 259—263 278—284
Waves, gravity 435
Waves, Love 289—295
Waves, nonlinear, water 418—443
Waves, plane 261
Waves, polarized 263
Waves, ship 402—410
Waves, small amplitude 331
Waves, SV-, SH-, PV- 272
Waves, trochoidal 315
Waves, ultrasonic 284
Waves, water 299—444 489—491
Waves, wedge angle of 408
Weierstrass — Erdmann condition 493
Weyl, H. 128
Whitham, G. 391
Wiegel, R. 386
Wintner, A. 415
Wolf, E. 533
Yield point 160
Yih, C.S. 300
Young's modulus 161
Zero element 547
Zero tensor 36
Zeroth order tensor 34
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