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Davis R.E. — Truth, Deduction, and Computation: Logic and Semantics for Computer Science |
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164 216
-solvable 158
th main argument 171
-conversion 150
-contraction 157
-expansion 157
-red 157
-redex 157
-reduction 150 157
(bottom) 179
(composition) 165
-contraction 157
-expansion 157
-red 157
-redex 157
-reduction 157
(existential quantifier) 45
(universal quantifier) 45
-calculus 147
-calculus, axioms 155
-calculus, language 151—152
-calculus, rules of inference 155
-calculus 155
-calculus 201
-terms 201
(Herbrand expansion) 72
see "Propositional Logic"
see "Predicate Calculus"
-operator 108
-conversion 201
-match 201
-normal form 201
-redexes 201
-reductions 201
(box) 25—27
(greatest lower bound) 179
(least upper bound) 179 185
(approximates) 178
(top) 179
Abstraction 152
Applicative order 160
Approximate 200 201 206
Approximate normal form 200 201 206
Approximate reduction 199
Approximate terms 201
Approximates ( ) 178
Approximation 175
Arithmetization 130
Arity 44
Atomic formula 45
Axioms 2
Axioms of -calculus 155
Axioms of 117
Axioms of 20
Axioms of 57
Basis 186
Best direct approximant 201
body 149 152
Boehm, C. 194
Bottom ( ) 179
Bound occurrence 46 153
Bound variable 46 149 152 153
Bounded -operator 114
Bounded product 113
Bounded quantifiers 114
Bounded sum 113
Box ( ) 25—27
Bv (bound variable) 152
Call-by-name 160
Call-by-value 160
Chain 185
Characteristic function of a relation 110
Characteristic function of a set 110
Church — Rosser Theorem 161
Church's thesis 125
Church, Alonzo 107
Clash 73
Clausal form 64
Clause 64—65
Clause ground 29
CLE 25
Closed term 158
Closed wff 49
Closure 53 68
Combination 152
Combinators 158
Common instance 74
Compactness 5
Complementary literal elimination 25
complete 195
Complete lattice 179
Complete partial orders 182
Complete, computation scheme 7
Complete, theory 6
Composition (f g) 165
Computation, vi 167
Computationally semi-discrete 215
Consistent 162
Consistent, theory 7 122
context 156
continuous 184
Contractum 157
Contradictory 54
conversion rules 155
Convertible 157
Countable 2
Currying 150
Decidable property 7
Decidable theory 7
Deducibility, properties of 4
Deducible from 4
Deduction vi
Deductive system vi 1
Definition by cases 115
Denumerable 2
Depends upon 60
Derivation 4
Deterministic computation vi
Direct approximant 201
Direct consequence 2
Directed set 183
Directed set, interesting 185
Disagreement set 75
Domain 49 178
Effective procedure 7
Elementary number theory 105
Elementary Number Theory, , axioms 117—118
Elementary Number Theory, , language 105—106
Elementary Number Theory, , rules of inference 118
| Enumeration model 176
Environment 188
Equal in 190
Essentially undecidable 142
Existential quantifier ( ) 45
Expressible 128
Expression 2
Extended environment 189 190
False in a given interpretation 52
Finite approximations 175
Finite extension 140
First-order predicate calculus 57
First-order theory 44
First-order theory with equality 121
First-order theory, axioms 57
First-order theory, language 44
First-order theory, language, symbols 44
First-order theory, language, wffs 45
Fixed point 184
Fixed point operator 184
Formal theory, vi 2
Free for 47
Free occurrence 46 153
Free variable 46 153
Functional extensionality 156
General recursive function 107 109
General recursive relation 110
Goedel number of expression 131
Goedel number of sequence of expressions 132
Goedel number of symbol 130
Greatest lower bound ( ) 179
Ground (gr) 28
Ground (gr) clause 29
Ground (gr) resolution 25 32
Ground (gr) resolvent 29
H.n.f. 171
Head context 159
Head normal form viii 170—172
Head redex 171
Head reduction 172
Head variable 171
Herbrand domain 72
Herbrand expansion ( ) 72
Herbrand's theorem 73
Hereditarily undefined 168
Higher-order theory 44
Hilbert programme 106
Hilbert, David 106
Horn clause 83
Identifier 152
Incomparable 180 194
Incompleteness 107
Infinite objects 175
Initial functions 107
Instance 3
int 107
Interconvertible in the limit 217
Interpretation 49
Interpretation of a theory 5
Intuitive Number Theory 107
Invertibility 90
Join 179 185
Juxtaposition 133
Lambda calculus 147
Lambda Calculus, axioms 155
Lambda Calculus, language 151—152
Lambda Calculus, rules of inference 155
Lattice, complete 179
Lattice, flat 181
Least fixed point operator 185
Least upper bound ( ) 179
Lexical order 66
Limit point 186
Limiting completeness 196
Logical axioms 57
Logical consequence 55
Logically equivalent 55
Logically false 55
Logically imply 55
Logically true 55
Logically valid 54
Matrix 67
Meet 179
Metavariables 2
Model 6
Modus ponens (MP) 2
Monotonic 5 183
Monotonicity 5
Most general unifier 75
MP see "Modus ponens"
NeXT 107
Non-monotonic 5
Nondeterministic computation vi
Nonterminating programs 173
Normal form viii 160 164
Normal order reduction 163
Normal-order 160
Paradoxical combinator 160
Parentheses 152
Partial normal form 200
Partial objects 176
Partial order 178
Partial terms 199
PR (primitive recursive) 111
Predicate calculus 43
Predicate Calculus, , axioms 57
Predicate Calculus, , language 44—45
Predicate Calculus, , rules of inference 58
Prefix 67
Prenex form 67
Primitive recursive function 108
Primitive recursive relation 110
Primitive recursive set 110
Projection function 108
proof vi 4 5
Proper axioms 57
Proper elements 181
Proper normal form 201
Propositional logic 11
Propositional Logic, , axioms 20
Propositional Logic, , language 11—12
Propositional Logic, , rule of inference 20
Provable 4
R (recursive) 111
rand 152
Rator 152
Recursion rule 108
Recursive function 109
Recursive function theory 107
Recursive relation 110
Recursive set 110
Reduced approximant 201
Reduction 157
Reduction, approximate 199
Refutation 31 77
Representable 127 128
Resolution 31 77
Resolution, ground 32
Resolvent 76
Resolvent ground 29
Robinson, Raphael 107
Rules of Inference 2
Satisfiable 54
Satisfies 52
Satisfy 52
Schema 2
Scope 152
Scope of connectives 45
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