Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Woodhouse N.M.J. — Special Relativity |
Предметный указатель |
3-momentum 38
3-vector 19
4-acceleration 26
4-current 53
4-divergence 30
4-force 40
4-gradient 29 50
4-momentum 38
4-potential 54
4-vector 19
4-velocity 25
4-velocity of a fluid 73
Absolute distance 3
Absolute time 3
Active transformation 81
Advanced solution 56-59
Alternating tensor 49
Angular momentum tensor 82
Boost 80
Clock paradox 27
Clock standard 5
Collision 37
Collision, elastic 40
Compton scattering 42
Coordinate basis 23
Covariant derivative 50
Covector 45
Doppler effect 31
Electromagnetic field, dual tensor 55
Electromagnetic field, tensor 54
Energy 37 38
Energy conservation 71 72
Energy-momentum tensor, dust 69
Energy-momentum tensor, electromagnetic 74-75
Energy-momentum tensor, fluid 70 72-73
Energy-momentum tensor, ideal gas 70
Ether 2
Free particle 5
Frequency 4-vector 30-31 39
Galilean transformation 1
Gauge transformation 54 55
Geometric optics 63-5
Gradient covector field 50
Inertia tensor 47
Inertial coordinates 8
Inertial frame 2 8 23
Inertial mass 39
Inertial observer 5
Inner product 20
Instantaneous rest frame 73
Isometry 77
Killing vector 77
Kronecker delta 8 47
Light-cone 6 8
Lorentz contraction 2 14 33
Lorentz force law 61
Lorentz rotation 79
Lorentz transformation 10
Lorentz transformation, orthochronous 10
Lorentz transformation, proper 10
Lorentz transformation, standard 12-13 16
Lorenz gauge 54
Maxwell’s equations 1 53
Metric 20
Metric, coefficients 8
| Metric, contravariant 47
Metric, tensor 47
Michelson — Morley experiment 2 17
Minkowski space 20
Newton’s First Law 6
Null rotation 80
Operational definitions 4
Orthonormal frame 22-24
Outline 4-vector 32
Passive transformation 81
Photon 5
Photon, 4-momentum 39
Plane wave 4 30
Plane wave, circularly polarized 62
Plane wave, linearly polarized 62
Plane wave, monochromatic 62
Poincare transformation 10
Poynting vector 75
Pressure 70
Principal null vector 75
Principle of relativity 5
Proper acceleration 26
Proper time 5 25
Pseudo-velocity 17
Pure electric field 65
Pure magnetic field 65
Radar method 6
Range convention 8
Rapidity 17
Relative speed 29
Rest energy 39
Rest mass 38
Retarded solution 56-59
Rotation 11
Scalar product 20
Scalar quadruple product 49
Simultaneity 3 6-7
Skew-symmetrization 48
Space-time 5
Summation convention 8
Symmetrization 48
Tensor 46
Tensor field 49
Tensor, contravariant 46
Tensor, covariant 46
Tensor, type (p,q) 46
Time dilatation 11-12
Translation 10 79
Vector field 25
Vector field, derivative 25
Vector, covariant 45
Vector, displacement 19
Vector, future-pointing 20
Vector, null 20
Vector, past-pointing 20
Vector, spacelike 20
Vector, spatial part 24
Vector, tangent 19
Vector, temporal part 24
Vector, timelike 20
Velocity, addition formula 16 29
Volume element on the light-cone 58
Volumes, contraction of 15
Wave equation 1 4
Wave operator 13 30 54
World function 77
Реклама |