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Lee T.D. — Practicle physics and introduction to field theory
Lee T.D. — Practicle physics and introduction to field theory

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Íàçâàíèå: Practicle physics and introduction to field theory

Àâòîð: Lee T.D.


The intention of the course was to bring both theoretical and experimental students of physics to the forefront of this very exciting and active field. Because of the different backgrounds of those who attended my lectures, this book is self-contained. Whenever possible, I have adopted an approach that is more pragmatic than axiomatic. All derivations are done explicitly, which at times to o more sophisticated reader may appear pedantic.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1981

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 865

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.06.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Higgs mechanism      658 666—668
Hilbert space      14 25 37
Hydrogen atom      162
Hypercharge      238
I (isospin)      217ff
Inclusive reaction      627
Initial states and outgoing waves      114
Interaction, representation      63
Intermediate boson      641—642 679ff
Intermediate boson, magnetic moment      670
Intermediate boson, mass      684
Intermediate boson, quadrupole moment      671
Isospin      217ff
Isospin, operator      222
Isospin, violation      240—247
Isotropic tensor      254
Jacobi identity      262
Jacobian      425—426
Jeta in QCD      746ff
Jeta in QED      741—744
Kaon, $K_{\ell2}$ decay      605—606
Kaon, $K_{\ell3}$ decay      246—247 366—370
Kaon, $K_{\pi2}$ decay      244—245
Kaon, $K_{\pi3}$ decay      335 377
Kaon, $\rightarrow2\gamma$      636
Kaon, $\rightarrow2\mu$      634—636
Kaon, isospin      237
Kaon, spin      340—342
Ket      2
KLN theorem      725ff
Kobayashi — Maekawa model      643—648
Kortaweg — de Vries equation      119
Kronecker symbol      4
Lagrange’s equation of motion      3
Lagrangian      3
Lambda $\Lambda$, decay      243 314 318
Lambda $\Lambda$, isospin      237
Lambda $\Lambda$, spin determination      319
Lambda $\Lambda$, spin-density matrix      319
Lambda $\Lambda$, T invariance      315—317
Laplace operator in curvilinear coordinates      156 160
Legendre transformation      4
Lepton      162
Lepton number      211 600
Lepton number, operator      189—193
Lepton, generations      643
Leptonic interaction      592—593
Longitudinal field      105
Loop diagram      91 100 539—543
Lorentz transformation      215
Majorana theory      54
Mass singularity      170—172 725
Mass singularity in $\mu$ decay      745—747
Mass singularity in jets      741ff
Mass, formulas      273ff 577 580
Mass, mechanical      69 84 104
Mass, physical      70 84 104
Maximum-minimum principle      15
Meson      see “Vector meson”
Meson, pseudoscalar meson, octet      239 268
Michel parameter      595—596
Milliweak      374
Minimal      10
Minimal, electromagnetic interaction      241
Minimal, principle      10
Minimal, violation      243
Missing symmetry      380
Momentum operator      41—43
Muon decay      593—597
Muon decay, e distribution      595—597 649
Muon decay, radiative correction      594 745—746
Nambu — Goldstone mechanism      658 661—665
Natural units      1
Neutral current      593 598 637
Neutral current, $g_{a}$, $g_{v}$ and $g_{\nu}$      685
Neutral current, $\Delta S=0$ rule      634
Neutral current, hadron operator      698
Neutral current, lepton operator      683
Neutrino, cross section      102 599 637 706
Neutrino, high-energy reaction      625—633 652—654
Neutrino, masses      592
Neutrino, two-component      49ff
Non-observables and symmetry      178—180
Nonleptonic interaction      640
Normal product      72
Nucleon, $g_{A}/g_{V}$      573—574 798
Nucleon, $g_{P}$      793—794
Nucleon, charge radius      571—574
Nucleon, dipole moment (of n)      376—377
Nucleon, magnetic moment      571—574
Occupation number      9 38
Parity P, nonconservation      183 187 639
Parity P, operator      190 196—199
Particle Properties, Table of      829
Particle-antiparticle, operator      190 214
Particle-antiparticle, violation      184—188
Parton      707—710
Path integration      465ff
Path integration with fermions      517—521
Path integration, contraction      491
Path integration, QCD      521ff
Pauli matrices      29
Pauli’s exclusion principle      41
PCAC      783 816
Permutation symmetry      177
Phase space      93
Photon propagator in the Coulomb gauge      110—111
Photon propagator in the covariant gauge      113
Photon, C      199
Photon, helicity      109
Photon, polarization      204—206
Pion as Goldstone boson      783—784 788
Pion, $\beta$ decay      613
Pion, $\pi_{\ell2}$ decay      602—605
Pion, C (of $\pi^{\circ}$)      200 232
Pion, decay constant      792
Pion, G      231
Pion, isospin      230
Pion, mass      162
Pion, near-zero mass      582—583 783—784 788
Pion, parity      206
Pion, spin      208 311
Positronium      201—204 206
Proton, charge radius      164
Proton, lifetime limit      213
Proton, mass      162
Proton, quark wave function      559
Pseudoscalar, field      17
Pseudoscalar, octet      239 266—268
q. number      6
Quantum chromodynamics      406ff
Quantum chromodynamics, $\beta$ function      459—461
Quantum chromodynamics, asymptotic freedom      457
Quantum chromodynamics, coupling constant      457 583 587 748—749
Quantum chromodynamics, dielectric constant      396
Quantum chromodynamics, Feynman rules      530—532
Quantum electrodynamics      103ff
Quantum electrodynamics, Coulomb gauge      104
Quantum electrodynamics, Coulomb propagator      110
Quantum electrodynamics, covariant propagator      113
Quantum electrodynamics, relativistic invariance      113
Quark-parton model      702ff
Quark-parton model, $\nu N$ scattering      713—720
Quark-parton model, distribution functions      710
Quark-parton model, eN scattering      711—713
Quarks, b and c      391 585—590
Quarks, charge      391
Quarks, color      270 392
Quarks, confinement      391ff
Quarks, confining potential      586—589
Quarks, flavor      265 391
Quarks, generations      643
Quarks, interactions via gluons      576—579
Quarks, mass      391 584 587
Quarks, quantum number      691—692
Quarks, sea      707 723
Quarks, u, d and a      391
Quarks, valence      707
R value      392—393
Reciprocity      308
Renormalization group      458—462
Representation, Heisenberg      62
Representation, interaction      63
Representation, Schroedinger      62
Rigid-body rotation      427—433
s (strange) quark      391
s (strange) quark, mass      584
S (strangeness)      238
S matrix      67 79 86 92 115
Scalar field      17ff
Scaling      704
Scattering      see “Cross section”
Scattering, length $\pi N$      813
Scattering, length $\pi\pi$      823
Schroedinger equation      63
Schroedinger representation      62
Schwinger term      781
Second class current      607—609
Selection rule, $decay\rightarrow\gamma's$      200 204—206
Selection rule, $\bar{N}N\rightarrow pione$      246—249
Selection rule, $\Delta I=1/2$ rule      243—247
Selection rule, $\Delta I\leqslant1$ rule      243
Selection rule, $\Delta S=02$rule      634
Selection rule, $\Delta S\neq2$ rule      352
Selection rule, positronium states      201—204 208
Semileptonic interaction      601ff
Sine — Gordon equation      159
Singularity, $SO_{3}$ group      264—265
Singularity, degeneracy      728
Singularity, infrared      736—739
Singularity, mass      170 728
Solitons      117ff
Solitons as model for hadrons      550ff
Solitons, indestructible      132
Solitons, nontopological      127 132
Solitons, quantization      126 150
Solitons, renormalization      126
Solitons, topological      127—128
Spherical harmonics      14
Spin determination      319
Spin determination, hyperon      319
Spin determination, kaon      340—342
Spin determination, pion      311
Spin-0 field      17ff
Spin-0 field with external J      97ff
Spin-0 field, annihilation and creation operators      9
Spin-0 field, Fourier expansion      20—23
Spin-0 field, Hilbert space      25
Spin-0 field, one-loop diagrams      100 539—543
Spin-0 field, propagator      75 91
Spin-0 field, quantization      19
Spin-1 field ($m\neq0$)      55ff
Spin-1 field ($m\neq0$), annihilation and creation operators      58
Spin-1 field ($m\neq0$), Fourier expansion      57—58
Spin-1 field ($m\neq0$), propagator      683—684
Spin-1 field ($m\neq0$), quantization      57
Spin-1 field (m=0)      103ff
Spin-1 field (m=0), annihilation and creation operators      108
Spin-1 field (m=0), Fourier expansion      107
Spin-1 field (m=0), propagator      110—113 531
Spin-1 field (m=0), quantization      107
Spin-1/2 field      29ff
Spin-1/2 field, annihilation and creation operators      38—40
Spin-1/2 field, Fourier expansion      34—35
Spin-1/2 field, Hilbert apace      37
Spin-1/2 field, propagator      78 530
Spin-1/2 field, quantization      32—33
Spinor, phase factor, convention      45—48
Spinor, solution of Dirac equation      34
Spinor, space      34
Spontaneous symmetry, violation      380 383 665 677
Spurion      273—275
Standard model      671ff
Standard model, $m_{W}$ and $m_{Z}$      684—685
Standard model, $W^{\pm}$      678ff
Standard model, $Z^{\circ}$      678ff
Standard model, $\ell A$ coupling      681
Standard model, $\ell Higgs$ coupling      695—696
Standard model, $\ell W$ coupling      681—683
Standard model, $\ell Z$ coupling      681—683
Standard model, q-Higgs coupling      695—696
Standard model, qA coupling      697
Standard model, qW coupling      697
Standard model, qZ coupling      697—698
Statistics, Bose      26
Statistics, Fermi      41
Strangeness      238
Strong interaction      161 544ff
Structure functions      629ff
Structure functions, $F_{1}(x)$      718
Structure functions, $F_{1}^{el}(x)$      712
Structure functions, $F_{2}(x)$      718—720
Structure functions, $F_{2}^{el}(x)$      712—713
Superweak      375
Symmetry and conservation law      180
Symmetry number      500
Symmetry number, examples      100 530
Symmetry violation and observables      181—187
Symmetry violation, complementarity      370—374
Symmetry violation, spontaneous      380 383 665 677
Symmetry, C      189
Symmetry, chiral      769ff
Symmetry, classification      177
Symmetry, P      190
Symmetry, right-left      182
Symmetry, unitary      see “Unitary symmetry”
T violation      361—362
Table of Particle Properties      829
Thomson limit      169
Time reversal      283ff
Time reversal and angular momentum      298—300
Time reversal and reciprocity      308
Time reversal of the S matrix      306
Time reversal, difference between quantum and classical system      286—289
Time reversal, operator      284—286 291 303—306
Time reversal, phase-angle relation      312—317
Time reversal, squared      293—295
Time reversal, violation      361—362
Time-ordered product      72
Trace of Dirac matrices      36
Transverse field      105
Tree diagram      92
Two-component theory      49—52
Two-component theory, Majorana form      54
Two-component theory, Weyl form      53
Two-neutrino hypothesis      212
u (up) quark      391
u (up) quark, mass      584
Unitarity limit      642
Unitary gauge      668
Unitary symmetry      177
Unitary symmetry, $SU_{2}$      220—221
Unitary symmetry, $SU_{3}$      251ff
Unitary symmetry, $SU_{6}$      554ff
Unitary symmetry, $U_{1}$      189
Unitary symmetry, $U_{2}$      217
Unite, natural      1
VACUUM      378ff
Vacuum, color dia-electric      400
Vacuum, excitation      361—363
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