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Swadesh J.K. — HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications
Swadesh J.K. — HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications

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Название: HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications

Автор: Swadesh J.K.


Product specifications, regulatory constraints, and tight production schedules impose considerable pressures on separation scientists in industry. The first edition of HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications helped eliminate the need for extensive library or laboratory research when confronting a problem, an unfamiliar technique, or work in a new area. Its plain language, comprehensive coverage of separation topics, and practical organization made it an accessible and convenient reference manual for anyone working in or just entering the field. Since its publication in 1997, however, much has changed. The areas of mass spectroscopy, electrophoretic separations, and ultra-micro separations have blossomed, focus on quality control has intensified, and the literature has grown significantly. The Second Edition incorporates all of these changes and more. It is now fully current, with chapter supplements that include updated references and discussions of techniques.This book examines analytical HPLC as it is actually used in industry. Whether you are just entering industry, switching from one industry to another, or simply enjoy understanding how things are made, HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications will help you solve problems and get up to speed in new areas quickly, comfortably, and with a genuine sense of mastery.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 480

Добавлена в каталог: 23.01.2014

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