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Leeuwen J.V. — Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity |
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Tarski decision problem 401
Task planning 420
Tauberian theorems 449
Taylor expansion 437 443
TA[ , ] 104
Tensor product 651
Test graph 781 788
Test graph, cut 788
Test graph, negative 781
Test graph, path 788
Test graph, positive 781
Testability 958
Theorem, 17
Theorem, Ajtai, Komlos and Szemer di 820
Theorem, Baur — Rabin 641
Theorem, Ben — Or’s 647
Theorem, Beth’s 661
Theorem, Bezout’s 641
Theorem, Clausen’s 661
Theorem, compression 167
Theorem, constant-factor speed-up 20
Theorem, Cook’s 85
Theorem, Cook’s 2DPDA 272
Theorem, Davenport — Heintz — Weispfenning 636
Theorem, de Groote’s 658
Theorem, Fermat’s 706
Theorem, Fischer — Rabin 636
Theorem, fixed-point 168
Theorem, fundamental — of complexity theory 177 181
Theorem, G del’s 214 215
Theorem, gap 172 183
Theorem, Grigoryev — Ja’Ja 658
Theorem, Grigoryev — Risler 643
Theorem, honesty 184
Theorem, Invariance 198
Theorem, Isomorphism 179
Theorem, iteration 179
Theorem, Leveling 177
Theorem, Lickteig’s 659
Theorem, Mayr — Meyer 636
Theorem, Motzkin’s 640
Theorem, Myhill — Nerode 233
Theorem, naming 184
Theorem, Pan’s 638
Theorem, parameter 179
Theorem, Pinsker — Valiant 660
Theorem, Pocklington’s 707
Theorem, prime number 221—222
Theorem, Recursion 168 179
Theorem, Recursive — Relatedness 181
Theorem, Savitch’s 13 40 100
Theorem, Sch nhage’s 652
Theorem, Speed-up 173 183
Theorem, Stoss’ interpolation 644
Theorem, Union 183
Thickness (of a graph) 531
Thompson’s algorithm 282
Three — PARTITION 87
Threshold function 764
Threshold gate 142
Tiling problem 16 85 103—104 106
Time 11
Time complexity 165 761
Time complexity class 11
Time measure 11
Time measure, logarithmic 11
Time measure, uniform 11
Time-bounded acceptance 11
Time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity 208 236 239 242
Top-down method 788
Topological ordering (of a graph) 538
Topological sort (of a graph) 538 894 919
Tournament 235
TP[ , ] 129
Tractability 4
Trade-off (between space and program size) 165 171
Trail, covering see Eulerian path
Transaction, anonymous 747
Transfer lemma 449 477 486
Transfer, oblivious 744
Transformation (of problems) 78
Transformation, DLOGTIME 140
Transformation, log-space 79
Transformation, parsimonious 107
Transformation, polynomial 78
Transition relation 8
Transitive closure 540 650 872 906 907 912 919—920
Transitive closure algorithm 39
Transitive closure bottleneck 894 920
Transitive function 855
Transitive group 855
Transitive reduction 540
Transposition rule 321
Transversal 375
Trapdoor function 726
Trapdoor one-way permutation 729
Trapdoor predicate 727
Traveling salesman problem 84 93 95
Traveling salesman, Euclidean 359
Traversal 538
TREE 436 448 450 471 473 513 514 518 864
Tree compaction 480
Tree contraction 879—881 883 906 911
Tree decomposition 549
Tree machine, multihead 228
Tree worktape 228
Tree, 309
Tree, 309
Tree, -ary 313
Tree, -tree 550
Tree, 370 487 995
Tree, (2-3) 309
Tree, AVL 309
Tree, B 309
Tree, balanced 309
Tree, BFS 539
Tree, binary 436 473
Tree, binary search 470 481 514 520
Tree, binary-balanced 309
Tree, cut 606
Tree, D 320
Tree, DFS 539
Tree, finger search 310
Tree, half-balanced 309
Tree, HB 309
Tree, heap-ordered 327
Tree, leftist 328
Tree, optimum 319
Tree, partial 549
Tree, Patricia 290
Tree, position 290
Tree, priority search 369
| Tree, quad 486
Tree, range 370
Tree, red-black 309
Tree, search 308 481 488 491 492 512
Tree, segment 368
Tree, semicut 606
Tree, splay 320
Tree, subword 290
Tree, suffix 290
Tree-of-meshes network 864
Treewidth 549
Treewidth, bounded 549
Triangulation 364
Triangulation, Delaunay 353
Triconnected component 530 553
Triconnectivity 882 885—886
Trie 313 488 502
Trie, Patricia 491
TS[ , ] 127
Turing machine 165 223 404 761
Turing machine model 4 17
Turing machine program 17
Turing machine, advice-taking 116
Turing machine, alternating 43 73—74 761
Turing machine, counting 74 106
Turing machine, deterministic 18 73 761
Turing machine, fast rewind 18
Turing machine, head-to-head jump 18
Turing machine, multidimensional 18
Turing machine, multihead 228
Turing machine, multihead -dimensional 228
Turing machine, multitape 226
Turing machine, nondeterministic 18 73 761
Turing machine, oblivious 762
Turing machine, off-line multitape 4
Turing machine, one-tape 223
Turing machine, parallel 54
Turing machine, parity ( ) 110
Turing machine, probabilistic 74 119
Turing machine, random 74 113
Turing machine, random-access 139
Turing machine, single-tape 17
Turing machine, stochastic 121
Turing machine, symmetric 128
Turing machine, unambiguous 111
Turing machine, unary 4
Turing machine, universal 170
Turing machines, equivalent 166
Tutte matrix 922—923
Two-commodity feasible flow theorem 610
Two-commodity max-flow min-cut theorem 610
Two-thirds algorithm 701
Two-variable linear programming 930
Two-way input 223 227
Two-way merging 331
Unambiguous 847
Unambiguous Turing machine 111
Unbounded fan-in 140—141
Unbounded fan-in circuit 898—900 903—905 908 912
Unconditional Kolmogorov complexity 198
Uniform cost measure 303
Uniform distribution 316
Uniform family of circuits 872 898 900 902—903
Uniform time measure 11
Uniformity 766
Uniformity conditions 75
Uniformity conditions, 139
Uniformity conditions, DLOGTIME 140
Uniformity conditions, log-space 130
Uniformity conditions, polynomial-time 138
union 324
Union theorem 183
Union, weighted 325
Uniqueness problem 93
Uniqueness theorem, de Groote’s 658
Uniswitch model 841 858
Universal (a priori) probability 210
Universal distribution 210 213
Universal hashing 317
Universal machine 198 210
Universal partial recursive function 198 210
Universal semicomputable semimeasure 210 213
Universal Turing machine 170
Universality 945 959
Unsolvability 3
UP 111—112
Urn model 443 493
User Identification 743 746
Valuation function (VF) 473
Vandermonde determinant 644
Vector machine 903—904 905
Vertex (of a graph) 528
Vertex connectivity 552
Virtual hashing 318
Visibility graph 376 416
VLSI 231—232 837
VLSI complexity measure 839
VLSI theory 835
Voronoi diagram 352 408
Voronoi diagram, B 409
Voronoi diagram, generalized 409
Voronoi diagram, in configuration space 408
Voronoi diagram, simplified 415
voting 747
Wagner’s conjecture 547
Walk, Hamiltonian 568
Walk, postman’s 566
Warshall’s algorithm 541
Weak component (of a graph) 571
Wedderburn isomorphism 661
Weight-property 311
Weighted union 325
When-oblivious 843
Where-oblivious 843
Width (of a branching program) 796
Wire 842
Wiring space 839
Witness 706
Word model 863
Work 874—875
Worktape, -dimensional 228
Worktape, tree 228
Worst-case analysis 303 844 847
Write-conflict resolution 49
Write-conflict resolution, arbitrary-write 49
Write-conflict resolution, common-write 49
Write-conflict resolution, exclusive-write 49
Write-conflict resolution, priority-write 49
Zero-counting 897
Zero-error algorithm 904
Zero-knowledge proof 125 744
Zero-knowledge protocol 744
ZPP 115
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