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Chambers M.L. — Scanners For Dummies |
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Shading, adjusting 118
Shading, originals, examining 96
Sharpen filter 123—124 254—256
Sharpening, defined 292
Sharpening, image editing 137—138
Sheet-fed scanner, aligning original 82—83 84
Sheet-fed scanner, calibrating 190
Sheet-fed scanner, defined 292
Sheet-fed scanner, interior cleaning 194—196
Sheet-fed scanner, jams 197
Sheet-fed scanner, reasons to choose 12 25—26
Sheet-fed scanner, sleeves for loading originals 79
Shipping, online shopping 39
Single-pass scanner, buying 33
Single-pass scanner, defined 292
Size (file compression), defined 286
Size (file compression), Internet graphics 155 158—162
Size (file compression), JPEG images 153 160
Size (file compression), PNG images 156
Size (file compression), Windows bitmap images 154
Size (image) of material, scanner choice and 24
Size (image), changing 139—140
Size (image), Internet graphics 163—164
Size (image), originals 262—264
Size (scanner), flatbed scanner 24—25
Size (scanner), handheld scanner 26—27
Size (scanner), sheet-fed scanner 25—26
Sleeve, using 79
Slide show CD 213—217
slides, scanning See transparency adapter
Small Computer Systems Interface See SCSI
Small items, scanning 79
Small-capacity hard drives 246—248
SnapCopier (snapApps.com) 300—301
Soft cloth 192
Software See also driver
Software problems, freezing midjob 205—206
Software problems, rebooting 203—204
Software problems, updating 204
Software problems, won't load 204—205
Software problems, won't recognize scanner 205
software, copying 37—38
Software, developers, listed 282—283
Software, faxing 37
Software, image editor 35—36 61—63 130—132
Software, importance of 34—35
Software, OCR 36—37
Software, older computer systems 245
Software, one-button scanning 33 92—93 198—199
Software, reading about 234—235
Software, scanner, installing 59—61
software, updating 225—226
Sorting images 135
spi (samples per inch) 20
Spray cleaners 193
Staples, removing 78
Steinmetz, William (Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies) 183
Storage, CD-RW drives 66—67
Storage, external 66
Storage, free space, necessary 64—66
Storage, hard drives, supplemental 68
Storage, Zip drives 67
Sunburst effect 273—274
Surge suppressor 198
System 7 (Macintosh) 244—245
T-shirt craft project, applying transfer 211—213
T-shirt craft project, preparing 210
T-shirt craft project, printing 210—211
T-shirt craft project, reversing or flipping images to make transfer 140—141
Tagged Image File Format See TIFF
Tape 78
TARGA See TGA files
temporary files 232
Terminator, card and scanner 51
Terminator, default setting in newer devices 54
Terminator, defined 50 292
Terminator, setting 53
Terminator, three or more devices 51—52
Terminator, troubleshooting 58
Testing 69—71
Text, bit depth, choosing 87
Text, branding Web site images 169
Text, color depth, adjusting 96 116
Text, image editing 175
Text, original, examining 108—109
Text, scanning for word processing, described 36—37 290
Text, scanning for word processing, flat documents, importance of 257
Text, scanning for word processing, format to use 265
Text, scanning for word processing, text document, re-creating within Microsoft Word 217—220
Textiles 107
Texture effect 270—271
Texture, examining originals 96
TGA (Targa) files 246
The Internet For Dummies (Levine, Young, and Baroudi) 151
Thermal wax printer 103
Three or more SCSI devices 51—52
Thumbnail, color depth 157 158
Thumbnail, defined 292
Thumbnail, images, protecting 170
Thumbnail, link to larger images 164
Thumbnail, resolution, adjusting 114
Thumbnail, selecting 90
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), converting from JPEG image 147—148
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), defined 292
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), Internet graphics 155
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), pros and cons 155
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), when to use 265 266
| TrackBall 230—231 292
Transfer, applying to T-shirt 211—213
Transparency adapter 34 100 293
Transparency, GIF images 154
Transparent originals 78 258—260
Trash/Recycle Bin files 232
Travel lock 199
Triple-pass scanner, buying 33
Triple-pass scanner, defined 293
Troubleshooting, CD, back-of-the-book 302
Troubleshooting, connection, testing 202—203
Troubleshooting, copier 198—199
Troubleshooting, diagnosing, time for 197
Troubleshooting, faxes/faxing 198—199
Troubleshooting, FireWire driver 202
Troubleshooting, freezing midjob 205—206
Troubleshooting, immobile flatbed head 199—200
Troubleshooting, manual, checking 197
Troubleshooting, no lights 200
Troubleshooting, nothing works 198
Troubleshooting, one-button scanning 198—199
Troubleshooting, paper jams 197 199
Troubleshooting, parallel port issues 200—202
Troubleshooting, ports 201
Troubleshooting, rebooting 203—204
Troubleshooting, scanner freezes midjob 205
Troubleshooting, SCSI driver 58
troubleshooting, updating 204
Troubleshooting, USB driver 202
Troubleshooting, won't load 204—205
Troubleshooting, won't recognize scanner 205
tutorials 234
TWAIN (technology without an interesting name), defined 293
TWAIN (technology without an interesting name), scanner, choosing 32—33
TWAIN (technology without an interesting name), source, selecting 70 71
Ulead Systems See PhotoImpact XL
Underexposure, correcting 142—143
Undo command 227
Universal Serial Bus See USB
updating, drivers 48
Updating, memory 229
updating, software 204 225—226
Upgrading monitor 237—238
USB (Universal Serial Bus), configuration changes, software problems and 205
USB (Universal Serial Bus), connection, testing 202
USB (Universal Serial Bus), described 30—31
USB (Universal Serial Bus), flash drive 293
USB (Universal Serial Bus), hub 44 293
USB (Universal Serial Bus), installing 46—47
USB (Universal Serial Bus), interfaces 44 46—47
USB (Universal Serial Bus), older computer systems 240 245
USB (Universal Serial Bus), printers, choosing 69
Vertical black and white streaks 190
ViewIt (HexCat Software) shareware version 301
Virtual memory 80 227—229
Viruses 248
VueScan (Hamrick Software) trial version 301
Warranty 34 244
Web purchasing 39
Web, color issues 21—22 116 156—158 162—163
Web, compression 158—162
Web, controlling distributed images 169—170
Web, drivers, downloading 48
Web, e-mail, sending scans by 164—167
Web, format to use 265
Web, GIF 153—154
Web, information, downloading via handheld barcode scanner 27
Web, JPEG format 152—153
Web, legal issues 167—169 169—170
Web, line art destined for 100
Web, PNG 155—156
Web, reading to keep up with trends 226
Web, reviews comparing scanners 38
Web, size 163—164
Web, thumbnail photographs, preparing 114
Web, TIFF 155
Web, Windows bitmap format 154—155
White-out 106
Width, fine-tuning originals (HP Image Director) 119—121
Windows (Microsoft), disk defragmenting 235—237
Windows (Microsoft), hard drive files to delete 232
Windows (Microsoft), IRQ and frozen scanners 205
Windows 2000 191 293
Windows 95 44 244—245
Windows bitmap, converting to JPEG 159—162
Windows bitmap, defined 285
Windows bitmap, described 154—155
Windows bitmap, uncompressed 158—159
Windows bitmap, when to use 265
Windows XP (Microsoft), color-matching system 191
Windows XP (Microsoft), defined 293
Windows XP (Microsoft), free drive space, checking 64—65
Windows XP (Microsoft), parallel port problems 201
Windows XP (Microsoft), slide show CD, creating 213—217
Wine label 207—210
WinFax Pro 37 38 220—222
WinZip (WinZip Computing), evaluation version 301
WinZip (WinZip Computing), large images, archiving 164
wireless mouse 293
Won’t load, software 204—205
Won’t recognize scanner 205
Word See Microsoft Word text document re-creating
Young, Margaret Levine (The Internet For Dummies) 151
Zip drive (Iomega), advantages of 66 67
Zip drive (Iomega), daisy-chaining problems 201
Zip drive (Iomega), described 293
Zip drive (Iomega), large images, using 164
Zooming into preview 88 89
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