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Deitel H., Deitel P.J. — C. How to Program
Deitel H., Deitel P.J. — C. How to Program

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Название: C. How to Program

Авторы: Deitel H., Deitel P.J.


This book demonstrates incrementally the features of C within the context of properly structured and well documented complete working C programs. Presents sample executions as well as an introduction to C++ object-oriented programming.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 980

Добавлена в каталог: 22.01.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
n!      174
NAME      33 103 205
name decoration      580
Name mangling      580 582
name of a variable      33
name of an array      205
Named constant      574
natural language of a computer      7
Natural logarithm      151
NDEBUG      859
Negative binary numbers      901
Nested      35 76
nested building block      131
Nested control structure      74
Nested if/else structure      63
nested parentheses      37
nesting rule      128
networks      6
NEW      576 657
New classes and dynamic binding      781
new operator      660
Newline      25 26 40 60 320 321 330 366 383
nodes      471
Nondestructive read-out      34
Nonfatal error      52 155
nonfatal logic error      65
Nonleading whitespace      814
Nonlocal jumps      865
Nonrecursive function      198
Nouns      596
NULL      163 281 319 330 331 437 470 477 858 868 881
null character      214 319
null pointer      548
null-terminated string      805
number systems      321
Object      14 19 595 596
Object code      11 12
Object program      26
Object-oriented      595
object-oriented design (OOD)      14 595
object-oriented programming (OOP)      4 9 14 151 560 595 605 665 755 771
Object-oriented programs      3
oct manipulator      812
oct stream manipulator      814
Octal      143 144 321 328 367 802
Octal digits      848
Octal number      823
Octal number system      894 896
Octal to binary conversion      898
Octal to decimal conversion      898
Octal-constant      848
Octal-escape-sequence      849
off-by-one error      106 206
Offset      281 449
ofstream      802
one's complement      901
OOD      595
OOP      560 595
Open a file      434
Open file table      435
Open modes      869
Operand      31 306 510
Operating System      6 8 13 20 32
operation code      510
Operations      599
operator !      124
operator char*      700
operator functions      684
operator keyword      681
Operator overloading      680
Operator overloading restrictions      682
Operator precedence      41 264
operator void * member function      827
operator!      703 827
operator'. =      693
operator()      704
operator+      681
operator++      711
operator++(int)      711
operator+=      702
operator<<      691
operator>=      703
operator>>      691
Operators      692 693 702
operator[]      693 694 703 704
optimized      517
optimized code      518
Optimizing compiler      169
optimizing the simple compiler      517
Order      56
Order in which base-class and derived-class constructors and destructors are called      747
Order of constructor and destructor calls      621
Order of operands of operators      179
ostream      684 687 829
ostream class      800
Other arugments      367 379
out-of-range element      690
outer block      171
Output buffering      829
Output device      5
output of char * variables      805
Output unit      5
Oval      59
Overflow      547
Overloadable operators      721
Overloaded < < operator      802
Overloaded >> stream-extraction operator      689 690 806
Overloaded assignment (=) operator      690 692 693 702 746
Overloaded cast operator      700
Overloaded equality operator (==)      690 703
Overloaded function call operator      704 721
overloaded functions      581
Overloaded inequality operator      690
Overloaded negation operator      703
Overloaded relational operator      703
Overloaded stream-insertion operator      690 734 751 752 758
Overloaded subscript operator      690 703 721
Overloading      772
Overloading ++ and --      709
Overloading a binary operator      688
Overloading a unary operator      687
Overloading stream-insertion and stream-extraction operators      685
Overloading the postincrement operator      712
Overloading the preincrement operator      712
Overtime pay problem      7 94
Packets in a computer network      484
padding      415 814
padding characters      819 821 822
page layout software      318
Palindrome      257
Palindrome problem      98
parallel      10 13
Parallelism      13
PARAMETER      150 153
Parameter-list      154 182
parameterized stream manipulator      800 813 816
parameterized type      669
parentheses ()      35 206 41
partitioning step      312
Pascal      3 9 10
Pascal, Blaise      10
Passing an array      221
passing an array element      221
passing arrays to functions      217
Payroll problem      7
payroll system      775
PDP-11      8
PDP-7      8
peek member function      811
percent sign (%)      35
Perfect number      196
Performance      9
Performance requirements      169
perror      875
Personal Computer      4 748
Personal computing      6
Phase structure grammar      850
Pig Latin exercise      357
Pipe (I)      537
Piping      537
Plauger, P.J.      8
Plus sign      821
POINTER      260
pointer arithmetic      277 279 280 358
Pointer arrow (->) operator      399
pointer expression      277
pointer notation      281 285
pointer parameter      266
Pointer subscript notation      282 284
pointer to a function      291
pointer to an object      607 657
Pointer to pointer      472
pointer to void (void *)      280 470
pointer variable      277 279
pointer/offset notation      281 284
Poker      303
poll      210
Polymorphic behavior      780
polymorphic programming      784
Polymorphism      730 748 755 770 773 781
Polynomial      37 38
pop      479 484
Portability      8 9 13 20 35
Portable      8 9 13
portable code      8
portable language      13
position number      204
positional notation      894
positional value      894 895
Post-incrementing      81
postdecrement      709
Postdecrement operator      80
Postfix evaluation      502
Postfix notation      501
postincrement      709
Postincrement operator      80
Postorder traversal      182 491
pow ("power") function      37 110 151 864
Power      151
Precedence      35 41 125 206 264
precedence chart      890
Precedence of arithmetic operators      36
Precedence problem      807
PRECISION      74 367 373 375 813
precision member function      813 823
Precision of floating point values      815
predecrement      709
Predecrement operator      80
predefined symbolic constants      528
predicate function      472 613
preincrement      709
Preincrement operator      79
Preincrementing      81
preorder traversal      182 491
Preprocessing directive      856
Preprocessor      10 11 12 159
preprocessor directives      12 522
Preprocessor macro      567 569
primary memory      5 11
Prime number      196
Principle of Least Privilege      168 222 268 271 274 276 607 642 643
print      12
Print a hollow square      97
print a linked list backwards      182
Print a square      97
Print a string backwards      182 257
Print an array      182 257
Print an array backwards      182
Print patterns      141
Printer      12
printf      366 871
Printing a string input at the keyboard backwards      182
Printing characters      321
Printing dates in various formats      360
Printing keyboard inputs in reverse      182
Printing of the plus sign      821
Printing trees      506
Private base class      743
Private inheritance      733 743
probability      161
Procedural programming languages      595
Procedure      56
processing phase      68 71
processing unit      4
PRODUCT      51
Production      517
Program clarity      2 13 771
program control      57
Program maintenance      771
Programmer      11
programmer-defined function      149
Programming language      6
Promoted      73
Promotion      73
Promotion hierarchy      158
promotion rules      157
Prompt      30
Proprietary source code      748
protected base class      743
protected inheritance      733 743
protected member      734
prototypes      157
Pseudo-random numbers      163
Pseudocode      57 77
Public base class      743 758
public inheritance      733 777
Public interface      604
public interface of a class      611
Public member function      600 731
Public services      600
Punctuators      850
pure virtual function      772 774 775 776 785
push      479 483
put member function      802 805 809
Put to      562
putback member function      811
putc      873
putchar      330 331 435 873
puts      330 332 465 873
Pythagorean triples      143
qsort      879
Question mark (?) character      379
QUEUE      260 396 468 484 667
Queue abstract data type      667
Queue program      485
Quicksort      182 312
r file open mode      440
r+ file open mode      440
r+ file update mode      439
RAD      631
RADIANS      151
RADIUS      98
raise      547 548 866
Raising an integer to an integher power      182
rand      160 877 878
Random number      159
random number generation      286 357
Randomizing      163 164
Randomly accessed file      445 446 450
RAND_MAX      160 164
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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