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Weisband S.P. — Leadership at a Distance: Research in Technologically-Supported Work
Weisband S.P. — Leadership at a Distance: Research in Technologically-Supported Work

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Название: Leadership at a Distance: Research in Technologically-Supported Work

Автор: Weisband S.P.


This volume offers insights from a noted group of scholars who discuss the complex phenomenon of leadership in distributed work settings - also known as leadership at a distance. Editor Suzanne Weisband addresses the ubiquitous roles leaders play, their scale of work, and the range of technologies available to them, while setting new directions in studying leadership at a distance. A unique perspective of empirical research unfolds, representing a variety of fields and methods to foster a better understanding of the role technology plays in leadership, and how leadership is shaped by the use of technology. Leadership at a Distance begins with an overview of the challenges leaders face in the 21st Century, followed by a discussion of: Field studies and innovative ways of thinking about leadership in distributed work settings Experiments on the group dynamics and social processes involved in leading teams at a distance Research on leadership in large-scale distributed collaborations, as well as lessons learned about leadership at a distance and future research directions. Managers, organizational behavior psychologists, human factors and industrial engineers, and sociologists will consider this book of interest and will appreciate its interdisciplinary scope.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 264

Добавлена в каталог: 22.01.2014

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