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Lott J. — ActionScript Cookbook
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Название: ActionScript Cookbook
Автор: Lott J.
Аннотация: When you need to get the job done fast, you'll reach for this practical, nuts-n-bolts toolkit. Rather than focusing on ActionScript in the abstract, this Cookbook puts theory into practice with ready-made answers to common ActionScript problems. Flash MX developers can solve issues quickly, while learning practical techniques for resolving similar dilemmas in the future.
ActionScript has blossomed into a large and important language whose sheer volume of capabilities can be daunting. The ActionScript Cookbook breaks it all down into tasks that are relevant, practical, and insightful. Appealing to the budding coder as well as the experienced ActionScript jockeys, this book offers new perspectives and approaches to ActionScript development that will empower all developers.
This O'Reilly Cookbook complements ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition by providing quick solutions to common ActionScript problems. This book trades on our respected "Cookbook" approach, which provides a worked-out script for every problem addressed. You can use these "recipes" to solve an immediate problem, and then explore the issue further in The Definitive Guide when time permits.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2003
Количество страниц: 896
Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
functions, named functions, reusable code and
functions, openUnit( )
functions, parameters
functions, parseInt( )
functions, results
functions, return statements
functions, searchEntries( )
functions, server-side, invoking from FlashCom client movie
functions, service functions, Flash Remoting
functions, setInterval( ) 2nd
functions, sharing, My Page application
functions, sorter functions
functions, String( ) 2nd
functions, terminating
future value
future value, calculation
future value, continuous compounding
gateways, Flash Remoting
getBounds( ) method
getBytesLoaded( ) method 2nd
getBytesTotal( ) method 2nd
getDay( ) method
getFullYear( ) method
getMonth( ) method 2nd
getMyContent.cfm file
getMyImage.cfm file
getPan( ) method
getPercentComplete( ) method
getRGB( ) method
getSelectedItem( ) method
getService( ) method
getter/setter properties
getter/setter properties, classes
getter/setter properties, listener events and
getter/setter properties, watching
getTime( ) method
getTime( ) method, number generation
getTimer( ) function
getTransform( ) method
getValue( ) method
getValue( ) method, checkboxes
getValues( ) method
getVersion( ) function
getVolume( ) method
globalStyleFormat object, component appearance
globalToLocal( ) method
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), UTC and
Google search module, My Page application
gotoAndPlay( ) method, movie clip playback
gotoAndStop( ) command
gradient fills, Drawing API
gradient fills, Drawing API, complex
gradient fills, Drawing API, linear
gradient fills, Drawing API, radial
graphics on progress bar, hiding
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), UTC and
handlers, functions
handlers, onEnterFrame( )
hasContents property
hash tables
hexadecimal numbers
hexadecimal numbers, literals
hexadecimal numbers, specifying
hit area, movie clip buttons
hit tests, movie clips
hitTest( ) method 2nd
hitTest( ) method, movie clip mouseovers and
hitTestOutline( ) method
Hobbelt's MD5 library
hscroll property
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML pages, MP3 player application
HTML, text fields and
HTML, whitespace restriction
htmlText property
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTP, data transmission and
HTTP, requests, SSAS
hyperlinks in text fields
HyperText Markup Language [See HTML]
HyperText Transfer Protocol [See HTTP]
IF statements
if statements, else clauses
if statements, else if clauses
ignoreWhite property (XML)
image component, image viewer/slideshow application
Image View Pane (image viewer/slideshow application)
Image Viewer component (image viewer/slideshow application)
image viewer/slideshow application
image viewer/slideshow application, components
image viewer/slideshow application, components, creating
image viewer/slideshow application, design
image viewer/slideshow application, features
image viewer/slideshow application, image component
image viewer/slideshow application, Image View Pane
image viewer/slideshow application, main routine
image viewer/slideshow application, Menu
image viewer/slideshow application, Preview Pane
image viewer/slideshow application, Sequence Item
image viewer/slideshow application, Sequence Viewer
image viewer/slideshow application, Sequencer
images, loading external
importing sounds to Library
in/out points, sound playback
indexOf( ) method
inheritance, classes
inheritance, prototype-based
init( ) function, video chat/message center application
initCircles( ) function
initialization data, animation
initialization expression, for statement
initializing movies, XML data
initLSO( ) function
initMessagesList( ) function 2nd
input text fields, forms
input to forms, validation
insertBefore( ) method
insertion point, text fields
instances, classes
instances, classes, constructor functions
instances, classes, new operator and
instances, creating
instances, listener events
instances, objects, adding properties
instances, text field instance names, referencing and
integer-indexed arrays
interest rates, appreciation calculation and
interval action repeats
invoking functions
isBeingResized property 2nd
isNaN( ) function
isURLLoaded( ) method
J2EE Flash Remoting configuration
Java, functions, calling from Flash Remoting
Java, ResultSet objects
Java, typed objects
Java, typed objects, receiving
Java, typed objects, returning
join( ) method, converting arrays to strings
joining strings
joining strings, multiple in single expression
JPEG files, loading external
JRun 4, Flash Remoting and
JSP functions, calling from Flash Remoting
JukeboxController component (MP3 player application)
keys, associative arrays
keywords, for
keywords, switch
keywords, var 2nd
keywords, XML searches
labels on radio buttons
languages, codes
languages, loading content to
languages, multiple
languages, system language, checking
lastIndexOf( ) method
leading zeros, numbers as strings
letters, reversing strings by
libraries, movie clips
library file requirements, image viewer/slideshow application
Library sounds, importing
Line button, Flash Paint application toolbar
line drawing
line drawing, Drawing API
line drawing, Drawing API, line style 2nd
line drawing, Drawing API, lineStyle( ) method
line drawing, Drawing API, lineTo( ) method
line drawing, Drawing API, pen position
linear gradient fills
lineStyle( ) method 2nd
lineStyle( ) method, curves
lineTo( ) method 2nd 3rd
linkage identifiers, UI components
list boxes, forms
list boxes, forms, adding at runtime
list boxes, forms, makeDependent( ) method
list boxes, forms, menus and
list boxes, forms, population and
listener event handlers
listener events 2nd
listener events, custom classes
listener events, getter/setter properties
listener events, legacy Flash 4 properties
listener objects
listener objects, text fields
lists, drop-down
literal notation, arrays
literals, function literals
literals, hexadecimal
literals, octal numbers
live content publishing, FlashCom
live streams, publishing
load( ) method
loading sounds
loading variables
loading variables from server-side script
loading variables from text files
loading variables, formatting
loading variables, progress checking
loading XML
loadMovie( ) method 2nd 3rd
loadMovieNum( ) function
loadSound( ) method 2nd
loadVariables( ) method
LoadVars class
LoadVars object, submitting forms
LoadVars.getBytesLoaded( ) method
LoadVars.getBytesTotal( ) method
LoadVars.load( ) method
LoadVars.load( ) method, loading variables from text file
LoadVars.send( ) method
LoadVars.sendAndLoad( ) method
LoadVarsSharedObjectRead.cfm file
LoadVarsSharedObjectSave.cfm file
loan amortization
loan calculation
local connections
local connections, communication and
local connections, communication between movies
local connections, communication between movies, receipt validation
local connections, communication between movies, sending data and
local selector (MP3 player application)
local selector (MP3 player application), Flash movie connection
local selector (MP3 player application), form page
local selector (MP3 player application), submit page
local shared object [See LSO]
LocalConnection object
LocalConnection.connect( ) method
localFileForm.html (MP3 player application)
locally persistent information, storing/retrieving
localToGlobal( ) method
loops, arrays
loops, arrays, associative arrays
loops, sound playback
low resolution preview pane (image viewer/slideshow application)
LSO (local shared object)
LSO, movies in same domain
LSO, My Page application and
LSO, persistent information and
LSO, saving to client computer
main routine
main routine, image viewer/slideshow application
main routine, scheduler application
main.asc, video chat/message center application
makeDependent( ) method
makeTitleBar( ) method
makeViewPane( ) method 2nd
masks, Drawing API and
matching patterns [See pattern matching]
math [See calculations]
Math object
Math.cos( ) method
Math.currencyFormat( ) method
Math.degToRad( ) method
Math.degToRad( ) method, DrawingMethods.as file
Math.floor( ) method
Math.formatNumber( ) method
Math.FV( ) function
Math.getDistance( ) method
Math.PMT( ) function
Math.PV( ) function
Math.random( ) method
Math.round( ) method
Math.sin( ) method
Math.zeroFill( ) method
mathematical operators
mathematical operators, <
mathematical operators, <=
mathematical operators, >
mathematical operators, >=
mathematical operators, assignment operators
mathematical operators, assignment operators, compound
mathematical operators, assignment operators, equality operators and
mathematical operators, assignment statements
mathematical operators, equality
mathematical operators, postfix operators
mathematical operators, prefix operators
mathematical operators, trigonometric
maxchars property
maxhscroll property
maximum length of text input field
maxscroll property
Menu (image viewer/slideshow application)
menus, Flash Player items, hiding
menus, forms
menus, forms, adding