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Lockett K. — Physics in the real world |
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orbiter 31
orbiter 33
(Galileo) 20 21
spaceship 3
space craft 4 35—6 37
(Verne) 5
Acapulco divers 81
Acceleration due to gravity 1 4
Acceleration due to gravity, on Jupiter 7
Acceleration in centrifuges 88—9
Acceleration of DC10 airliner 83—4
Acceleration of dragstrip racer 81
Acceleration of Fokker Friendship aircraft 58—60
Acceleration of Honda Civic car 86
Acceleration of ICBM 11
Acceleration of Moon rocket 38
Acceleration of space shuttle 32
Acceleration of turning space craft 45
Accelerometers, home-made 58 152
Accidental death, risk 46—7
advertisements 44 46
Aerial photographs 80
Air resistance 13 52 54 81
Aircraft see also Helicopters
Aircraft Airbus 310, in thundercloud 107
Aircraft Airbus 320 85
Aircraft Boeing 727, stoppage of engine 88
Aircraft Boeing 747, orbiter carrier 32—3
Aircraft DC10, forces on 83—4
Aircraft DC10, stoppage of engine 88
Aircraft Eipper Formance ultralight 84—5
Aircraft Fokker Friendship 57—60
Aircraft lightning strikes on 64
Aircraft Osprey tilt-wing 63
Aircraft relief drop from 82—3
Aircraft rotation 58 88
Aircraft Seastar flying boat 60
Aircraft speedometers 59 102
Aircraft weather radar 103
Alaskan pipeline, oil leak from 18
Alternating Current 110—11
Alternating current, three-phase system 99
Alternative medicine 45
Altimeters, Chinese 60
Anti-satellite weapons 36
Anti-tank gun, range 9
Artillery range tables (Galileo) 2
Astrology 41 42
Astronauts in weightless conditions 4 5 6
Astronauts measuring mass 100
Astronauts moving on Jupiter 7
Astronauts, why bearded 5
Atlantic Ocean, broadening 81
Aurora 19
Babies clothing 24
Babies gravitational effects on 42
Baby bouncer 93
Back Bay 75
Background radiation, risks 46—9
Balloons, toy 81
Balloons, weather 92
Balls, baseball, speed 82
Balls, cricket, k.e 8
Balls, golf, dimples on 13—14
Balls, golf, forces on 83
Balls, motion of bowled 92
Balls, path of thrown 3 82
Balls, tennis 83
Balzac, Honor de 102
Barometer 21
Baseball, speed of ball 82
Bat bleep 102
Battery charger 105
Battery, nuclear 111
Beetle wing colour 69 102
Bemouilli equation 3 125
Bends 101
Beta-rays, absorption 19
Bible Science Association 41
Bicycle, energy source 82
Bicycle, lightweight tyres 89
big bang 26 27
Big crunch 26
Black dwarf stars 25 28 132
Black holes 100
Black sand 19
Blankets, arrangement of two 105
Blankets, electric 105
Bloomed lenses 70
Bohr, Nils 128 139
Boiling eggs, time required 80
Boiling oil, for defence of castle 56
Bow, energy stored in 24
Brookhaven synchrotron 11 199
Bullets, plastic 7—9
Bullets, rubber 8
Bungee jumping 93 94
Bus, flywheel system 53
Butterfly wing colour 69 102
Byron, Lord 77
Candle in Kilner jar (experiment) 5
capacitors 66 107—108 110 111
Caravan towing 54
Carbon dating (wood) 112
Carotene 75
Cars, braking coefficient 80
Cars, braking systems 53 86
Cars, caravan towing 54
Cars, cornering 89
Cars, cost of using 48
Cars, deceleration curve 52—3
Cars, earthing systems 50
Cars, emergency stop 3
Cars, Honda Civic, advertised performance 86
Cars, interior light 106
Cars, jumping over 3
Cars, path over cliff 83
Cars, piston head shape 91
Cars, piston travel (horizontal and vertical) 53
Cars, radios 40
Cars, rear window heater 106
Cars, roadside fuelling system 53
Cars, sail stabiliser 85
Cars, spark plug 99
Cars, starting, from cold 51
Cars, starting, using jump leads 103—104
Cats, falling 178
Cavendish, Henry 64
Cavorite 6
Centre of mass of author 14 15
Centre of mass of driver 15
Centre of mass of leaping dancer 174
Centrifugal force 89
Centrifuges 88—9
Chapattis, how to make 87
Chernobyl 47—8 129
Children’s roundabouts 36 63
Children’s slides 2—3
Chlorophyll 75
Christmas tree lights 105
Cigarette smoking, risks 47 48
Climbing ropes 92
Coffee, how to cool quickly 56
Coffee, in rotating cup 91
Compact disc 80
Cookers, microwave 112
Cookers, solar-powered 95 96
Cookers, with quartz-halogen lamps 97
Coolie’s pole 94
| Copernican theory 20 41 42
Cows, lightning strikes 65
Creationists 31 42
Cricket ball, k.e 8
Cupitt, Don 41
Current electricity 103—107
Dancers, leaping 86
Dancers, spinning 90
Defibrillation 65 66
Diets, quack 44
Diffraction gratings 69 71
Dinosaurs, baby 24
Dinosaurs, body temperature 80
dispersion 73
Divers, centre of mass 15
Divers, deep sea 91 92
Divers, stunt (at Acapulco) 81
DNA 49
Dolphinarium, pressure on window 91
Double insulation 50
Dragstrip racing 81
Dropping tin can (experiment) 5
Drug-taking, risks 48
Dust devil 87
Dust precipitator 98
Ear, human 101
Earth, age 43 112 154
Earth, effect of hotter 27
Earth, end 25—8
Earth, flat 40—41 42 155
Earth, hollow 43 45
Earth, magnetic field 108
Earth, rotational inertia 86
Earthing system 49—50
Eggs, incubation system 95
Eggs, time to boil 80
Einstein, Albert 20 28—9 30
Einzel lens system 99
Electret 107
Electric blanket 105
Electric fish 104
Electric heater, efficiency 105
Electric shock 64—5 103
Electromagnetic pulse 17 19
Electromagnetism 108—110
Electrons, change of orbit 34
Electrons, descriptions 36
Electrons, focusing systems 99 110
Electroscope, discharge 55
Elephant gun 8
Energy storage system 109
entropy 25
Evolution of humans, thermodynamically sound 26
Experimental method 21
Extra-terrestrials 43
Faraday Cage 64 141 149
Fibrillation 64—5 103
Field ion microscope 100
Fields 98—100
Firewalking 54—5 56
Flash gun 108
Flat-earthers 40—41 42 155
Flea, height of jump 4
fluorescent lighting 111
Flying boat 60
Flywheel energy storage system 53
Franklin, Benjamin 64
Fresnel concentrator (reflector) 95
Fuses 106
Galileo Galilei 1—2 20—23 36
Gamma-rays, absorption 19
Garlic, tasteless 46
Geothermal power stations 97
Giraffe 91
Glass, light absorption 74 96
Glass, non-reflective 70 102
Golf balls, dimples on 13—14
Golf balls, forces on 83
Gravitation, law of universal 29
Gravity, acceleration due to 1—4
Gravity, acceleration due to, on Jupiter 7
Gravity, counteracting universal expansion 26
Gravity, determinant of life on Earth 27
Gravity, shielding 6
Greenhouse effect 77 79 96 127
Guns, elephant 8
Guns, range 2 9
Guns, recoilless 9
Guth, Alan 26
Gyroscope effect 176
Hadley cells 76
Hailey’s comet 100
Hairdrier 106
Hammer throwing 15
Hampden, John 41
Heart, power developed by 91
Heat 95—7
Heat death 25
Hedge-trimmer 94
Helicopters 61—3
High jump 14
Hiroshima 17 18 47 48
Hollow-earthers 43 45
Hollywood Bowl 73
Homoeopathy 45 46
Honda Civic, advertised performance 86
Horses, buttock muscles 90
Hot-water bottle 56
Houdini, Harry 90
Hubble Space Telescope 29—31
Hydroelectric system, small 108
Hydrogen bomb 17 18 20
ICBMs 9—11
Ice skating 12—13
Illumination of sports fields 14
Induction heating 109
Ink-drying system 97
Insulation (buildings) 106
Interference effects 67—71 102
Inverse-square laws 14 44 64
Inversion layer 17
Ion trap 98
Ionosphere 106—107
Iroquois helicopter 62
Isolation transformers 49—52
Jam tarts 55
Javelin, angle of elevation 13
Jeans, Sir James 26
Joshua, son of Nun 31
Joule, James 57
Jupiter, distance from Earth 42
Jupiter, effect on speed 35—6 37
Jupiter, moons 36 37
Jupiter, movement on 7
Kangaroo, take-off speed 4
Kant, Immanuel 44
Karate 15
Kelvin, Lord 154
Kepler, Johan, laws of planetary motion 11 34 36
Kepler, Johan, science fiction story 3
Lamps, Christmas tree 105
Lamps, connection in series 105 106
Lamps, testing 104
Laser 69 111
Laser, X-ray 128
Law of conservation of angular momentum 61 123 132 139 176 187
Law of conservation of energy 34 57 132
Law of least action 165
Law of universal gravitation 29
Lawnmower, doubly insulated 50
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