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Frampton P. — Dual Resonance Models and Superstrings |
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phenomenology 375—383
416 444 475—487 496 497 499
action 219 221 401
Action principle 222
Ademollo — Venezlano — Weinberg rule for intercept spacing 98 99
Adler consistency condition 97 98 319 320
Ancestor states 32 65 75 342 346 350 362
Ancestor states in NS dual pion model 263 268
Anharmonic ratio 78 79 80 325
Annihilation processes 99 364—368
Anomaly cancellation 416 431—435 440—446
Anomaly term in generalised projective algebra 118 120 121 122 129 148 152 233 253 254 258
Argand loops 29—32
Background integral 18
Baker — Hausdorff relation 85 126 135 179
Bardakci — Ruegg formula 72 73 83
Baryon emission vertex 209 211—215
Baryon-antibaryon scattering 40 216
Baryon-antlbaryon annihilation 99 364—368
Baryons 34 38 208—216 322—324
Blastic unitarity 7—9
Blastic unitarity circle 10 14
Bootstrap condition, conventional model 59 60 73 74
Bootstrap condition, symmetric-group model 342—355
Boson-fermion couplings 275—264
C-Gauges of NS dual pion model 266—270 273 339 342 350
Calabi — Yau manifolds 416 494—498
Canonical forms 169 170
Canonical N-vertex 171 172
Carlson's theorem 16
Cell-Mann matrices 169
Central region for inclusive spectra 383 384
Cerulus — Martin bound 64
Chan — Pzton factor 185—190 416 429 444
Channel energy variables 2 3 71
Channel integration variables 68 71 78
Chern — Simons terms 434 441—446
Chew — Frautechi plot, beta function nodal 59 60
Chew — Frautechi plot, NS dual pion model 271
Chew — Frautechi plot, real world S=0 mesons 271
Chew — Frautechi plot, symmetric-group model 320 321
Chiral fermions 430 431
Classical action for point particle 221 401
Classical action for string 219
Classification of dual resonance models 329—334
Closed superstring 429 446 469—475
Coherent states 84 85 168 453 454
Coherent states as overcomplete basis 169
Coherent states, resolution of the identity 85
Compactificatlon 416 436—439 486—499
Completeness relation 146
Complex projective space 494 495
Complex structure 491—493
Contact term 412
Correspondence principle of Ramond 248 249 251 256
Cosmological constant 490
Coulomb gauge 142 143 157
Critical apace-time dimension, conventional model 148—157 163—165 234
Critical apace-time dimension, fermion sector 274 275
Critical apace-time dimension, NS dual pion model 270
Cyclic symmetry 68 69 72 77 82 110 129 134 136 179 187 242 260 261
Dalits plot 99 364—368
Daughter trajectories 43 58 59 60 95 271 301 303 305 320—322
Daughter trajectories, odd 59 60 95 301 303 305
Decay width 6 7 10 13 14 97 320—322
Deck effect 382 383
Degeneracy of states, conventional model 88 89 155 156 389 390
Degeneracy of states, satellite terns 93 94
Diffraction (Pomeron) 20 33—37 40 41 48 362 369 370 374 375 376 379 382
Dirac equation 250 251 427 448
Dirac matrices 239—245 250 251
Dirac spinors 239—244 278—282
Disc variables 457 458
Dispersion relatione 10—12
Dual pion model 257—273 284—287 290 316 330—333 339
Duality see also “FESR duality” “Global “Local
Duality constraint equations 68 71 72 78 79
Duality diagrams 37—41 190 206 207 379
Duality transformation on string 206 207 213 216
Embedding string in space-time 195 205 219—234
Euler Beta (B) function 56—67 399 410—412
Euler characteristic 495 496
Euler gamma function 31 57
Exchange degeneracy 34—37 100 104 188 371
Exotics 13 34—40 104 186 187 189 192 208 216 217 364 371 377 379
Exotics, first, second and third class 35
Factorisation, conventional modal 83—89 129—165
Factorisation, multiplicative internal symmetry factor 187 188 189
Factorisation, multiplicative spin factor 242—245
Factorisation, NS dual pion model 266—272
Factorisation, Regge residues 21
Factorisation, Shapiro — Viraeoro formula 102 103 104
Factorisation, symmetric-group modal 342—355
Factorisation, unequal intercepts 190—194
fermions 239—245 247—256 273—284 357 363 430 431
FESR duality 27 28
Fierz transformation 240 282
Fifth dimension 138—142 194 205 401 402
Fifth dimension, vacuum projection 138 139 141
Finite energy sum rule (FESR) 25
Finitenass 446—475
Five-Point function 67—71 375—383 412
Fixed-angle behaviour, Cerulue — Nartin bound 64
Fixed-angle behaviour, Euler B function 63 64 390
Fixed-angle behaviour, inclusive process 388 389 390
Fixed-angle behaviour, symmetric-group model 359
Fock space 84 85 87 89 110 115 148 149 150 155 268 272 273
Fock space, first and second for NS dual pion model 268 291 331 332 333
Focusing quark line 210 214 215 216
Frolssart — Grlbov representation 16
Full unitarity 10 42 43 362 390
Fundamental length 413
Gamma function, Euler 31 57
Gamma matrices, Dirac 239—245 250 251
Gaussian integral 455
General covariance 221 222
General relativity 221 421
Generalised Dirac matrices 250—253 277
Generalised interference model 44
Generalised momentum operator 123 247
Generalised position operator 122 247
Generalised projective algebra 118—122 124—129 136—142 146—163 230—234 253—260 266—275 284—290 339
Generalised projective algebra, anomaly tern 118 120 121 122 129 148 152 233 253 254 258
Generalised projective spin (defined) 126
Generalised projective spin, conventional model 126 128 162
Generalised projective spin, NS dual pion model 259 260
Generalised projective spin, restrictions 287—290
Genuine daughters 165
Ghost state, definition 14
Ghost state, dependence on space-time dimension 66
Ghost state, indefinite metric 83 84 89
Ghost state, theorems to prove absence of 129 148 153 269 270 274 299 356
Global duality 26 28
Gram determinental constraints 462
Gravitation 417—424
Gravitational anomalies 416 442
Gribov — Pomeranchuk inequalities 316 319
Ground-state fermion mass 274 275
Hamilton's action principle 222
Harari — Freund ansatz 33 34
Harari — Roaner diagrams 37—41 190 206 207 379
Harari — Roaner diagrams in phenomenology 379
Hardy — Ramanujan Partitio Numerorum papers 88
Heisenberg equations of motion 247
Hermitian couplings for fermions 244
Heterotic string 421 475—486
Hexagon anomaly 432 433
Higgs mechanism 300 410 425
Hopkinson — Plahte Identities 75—77
Inclusive reactions 46—49 383—392
| Inclusive reactions, central region 383 384
Inclusive reactions, many-particle 391—392
Inclusive reactions, single-particle 383—390
Inclusive reactions, transverse momentum cut-off 388 389 390 391
Independent dynamical variables 225 227 229 230 231
Infinite momentum limit 164
Inner metric 219 224
Instenton-induced compactificatlon 437—439
Integration measure 81 174
Intercepts, methods of shifting 299—301
Intercepts, special values 59 60 61 66 70 82 89 97 100 118 136—142 154 205 232 234 260 263 264 271 274 292 301 302 320 330 333 334 348
Intercepts, unequal 190—194
Interference model 26
Internal symmetry, multiplicative factor 185—190 416 429 444
Isospin 23 34 35 40 44 95 96 185—189 369 370 371 372 375 379 402 403 407 408 409
Jacobi identity 121 122
Kahler manifold 493 494
Kaluza — Klein theory 430—440
Kaon-nucleon scattering 26 33 34 35 36 40 370—375
Kinematic singularity 370
Kinematics see “Relativistic kinematics”
Klein — Gordon equation 249
Koba — Nialsen variables 77—83 100 112 118 133 137 173 205 325 328 351 352
Large N limit 417
Light-cons gauge 447—451
Linear trajectories 42 43
Linear trajectories, conventional model 57 60
Linear trajectories, fermion sector 251 252
Linearisation of string lagrangian 224
Lines of zeroes 99 365—368
Local duality 29—32
local gauge invariance 407 409
Lorentz condition 144 145
Lovelaca — Shapiro formula 96 264 316 320—322 394
Majorana exchange forces 37
Mandelstem amplitude with no odd daughters 94 95 359
Meson-nucleon scattering 27 28 30 31 33 34 35 36 40 208—215 322—324 368—375
Mixed gauge-gravity anomalies 443
Modular invariance 446 472—474 477 484—485
Monopole harmonics 436 437
Monopole-induced compactification 436 437
Mueller discontinuity 388 390
Mueller optical theorem 383
Multiparticle extension, conventional model 67—83
Multiparticle extension, symmetric-group model 325—329
Multiparticle production 45—49 375—392
Multiplicative Internal symmetry factor 185—190 416 429 444
Multiplicative spin factor 239—247
Multiragge behaviour 77
Multiragge model 45 46
Multlreggeon vertex 171—179 285—287
N-point function, conventional model 71—77 81—83 132 133 178 330
N-point function, Neveu — Schwarz model 260 264 265 272 273 287 330—332 336
N-point function, non-planar model 99—104
N-point function, non-planar Neveu — Schwarz model 291—293
N-point function, non-planar symmetric group model 355 356
N-point function, symmetric group model 325—329 336 340
N-Reggeon vertex, conventional model 171—179
N-Reggeon vertex, Neveu — Schwarz nodal 285—287
Narrow-resonance approximation 14 41 42 64 65 362
Navau — Schwarz duel pion model 257—273 284—287 290 316 330—333 339 424 426
Newton's constant 421 423
Nijenhuie tensor 491 492
No-ghost theorem, conventional model 129 148 153
No-ghost theorem, fermion sector 274
No-ghost theorem, Neveu — Schwarz model 269 270
No-ghost theorem, unproven for symmetric-group model 299 356
Non-hermitian gauge 410
Non-planar extension, conventional model 99—104
Non-planar extension, Neveu — Schwarz model 291—293
Non-planar extension, symmetric-group model 355 356
Normal ordering 120 122 126 159 232 249
Null states 142—147 153—156 269 274
Null states, physical 145 147 156 269 274
Null states, quantum electrodynamics 145 146
Null states, spurious 146 147 156 269 274
Null-plane variables 225 226 234
O(32) 416 434 440—444 446 447 460 469 475—487 499
Occupation number basis 84 87
Odd daughters, absence of 59 60 95 301 303 305
On-mass-shell condition 129 141 142 146 148 150 249 268
Operator formalism, conventional model 83—89 109—180 229 232
Operator formalism, non-planar models 103 04 291 292
Operator formalism, NS dual pion nodal 257—270
Operator formalism, RNS theory 275—284
Operator formalism, satellites 91—93
Operatorial duality 129—136
Operators, anticommuting 250 257 285 291
Operators, commuting 83 91 103 110 163 172 248 291
Optical theorem 7 20 27
Optical theorem, Mueller 383
Orbifold 498
Ordering ambiguity 232
Outer metric 221
Parity-doubling, bosons 244 246 247 284
Parity-doubling, fermions 256
Parmutational symmetry see “Symmetric group”
Partial wave expansion 8
Partial width 14 320—322
Partition function 88 93 155
Paull matrices 187
Pentagon diagram 461—469 474 485
Perfect differential 260 341
Phenomenological applications, baryon-antibaryon annihilation 364—368
Phenomenological applications, five-point function 375—383
Phenomenological applications, inclusive reactions 383—392
Phenomenological applications, meson-nucleon scattering 368—375
Phenomenological applications, pion-pion scattering 95—99 320—322 394
Physical regions 4
Physical state, construction 157—165
Physical state, definition 146
Physical state, eigenstate of twieting operator 167 263
Pion-nucleon scattering 27 31 33 34 368—371 379
Pion-Pion scattering 40 95—99 310 315—322 394
Pion-rho meson scattering 23 24
Plahte phase identities 302 303 304
Poisson brackets 227 228 230 231
Polynomial residues 58 74 75
Pomeron singularity 20 33—37 40 41 48 362 369 374 376 379 382
Post — Newtonian approximation 413
Projective group 80 81 110—122
Projective group, unitary irreducible representations 110 111 112
Quantum chromodynamics 417
Quantum electrodynamics 142—147
Quark diagrams 37—41 190 206 207 379
Quarks 34 35 37—41 190 192 206 207—219 239 240 241 284 322—324 379
Quarks in baryons 34 38 207—219 322—324
Ragge background integral 18
Ragge cute 17 18 19
Ragge phase 21 30
Ragge pole representation 18 20 62
Ragge poles 15—21
Ragge scale factor 20 62
Ragge slope 42 66 67 398—443
Ragge slope expansion 410—413
Ramond fermions 247—256 424 426
Rarita — Schwinger condition 256
Realisation of projective group representation 110 115
Recursion formula for 75 76
Relativistic kinematics 2—10
Resonances 13 14
Riemann sate function 93 411
Rodriguez formula 30
Rubber string model see “String model”
Satellite terms 90—95
Satellite terms for phenomenological fits 366 367 372 373
Scattering angle 4 15 59 63 64 9 390
Scattering lengths 97 98
Schmid loops 29—32
Semi-classical approximation 413
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