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Martin B.R., Shaw G. — Particle Physics
Martin B.R., Shaw G. — Particle Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Particle Physics

Àâòîðû: Martin B.R., Shaw G.


Particle Physics, Second Edition is a concise and lucid account of the fundamental constituents of matter. The standard model of particle physics is developed carefully and systematically, without heavy mathematical formalism, to make this stimulating subject accessible to undergraduate students. Throughout, the emphasis is on the interpretation of experimental data in terms of the basic properties of quarks and leptons, and extensive use is made of symmetry principles and Feynman diagrams, which are introduced early in the book. The Second Edition brings the book fully up to date, including the discovery of the top quark and the search for the Higgs boson. A final short chapter is devoted to the continuing search for new physics beyond the standard model.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 367

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.06.2006

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Neutrinos detection      24—25 52
Neutrinos detection, electron      23—28
Neutrinos detection, helicity      244—246
Neutrinos detection, limit on number of      229—230
Neutrinos detection, masses      24 27 263 281 333
Neutrinos detection, mixing      263—265
Neutrinos detection, oscillations      263—265
Neutrinos detection, solar neutrino problem      265 267
Neutron decay      34 197—198
Neutron decay, magnetic moment      5
Neutron decay, quark distributions      181
Neutron decay, scattering cross-sections      51—53
Nuclear cross sections      52
Nuclear resonances      116—117
Omega-minus particle      136—139 204
Order of Feynman diagram      12
OZI rule      128
Pair production cross-section      12—14
Parity      88—94
Parity, conservation      88—90 240 246
Parity, intrinsic      89
Parity, lepton-antilepton pairs      90—91
Parity, non-conservation in weak interactions      240—244 260
Particle detectors      57
Particle detectors, $\hat{C}$erenkov counters      64
Particle detectors, bubble chambers      40—43 59
Particle detectors, calorimeters      67—70
Particle detectors, cloud chambers      6—7 59
Particle detectors, detector      72—74
Particle detectors, drift chambers      59—61
Particle detectors, emulsions      59
Particle detectors, jet chambers      60—61
Particle detectors, MARK      1
Particle detectors, multiwire proportional chambers      60
Particle detectors, neutrinos detectors      24—25 179 265—266
Particle detectors, p CDF detector      74—78
Particle detectors, proportional chambers      59
Particle detectors, scintillation counters      58—59
Particle detectors, semiconductor detectors      63 77—78
Particle detectors, silicon vertex detector      77—78
Particle detectors, spark chambers      61—62
Particle detectors, spectrometers      63
Particle detectors, streamer chambers      61 62
Particle detectors, transition radiation      67
Particle detectors, UA      1 186—187
Particle detectors, WIMPdetector      279—281
Particle exchange forces      14—16
Particle exchange forces, range of force      15—16
Particle identification      64—67
Particle interactions with matter      50—57
Particle properties, tables of      332—335
Parton distributions      174—177
Parton distributions, electron and muon scattering      172—174
Parton distributions, neutrino scattering      177—182
Parton distributions, parton model      172—174
Parton distributions, spin determination      173
Pauli spin matrices      84
Photino      275
Photon C -parit      97—98
Photon C -parit, cross-sections      58
Photon C -parit, interactions with matter      56—57
Photon C -parit, mass and gauge invariance      306—309
Photon C -parit, parity      94
Pion — proton scattering      51 52 119—122
Pions      35
Pions, C-parity of neutral pions      97
Pions, decays      35 97 246—248
Pions, discovery      35—36
Pions, excited states      115 116
Pions, isospin      111
Pions, parity of charged pion      92—93
Pions, role in nuclcar forces      37
Pions, spin of charged pion      120—122
Planck mass      275
Positron discovery      6
Positron discovery, magnetic moment      99—100
Postronium      13 98—102
Postronium, C-panty      98 102
Postronium, energy levels      100
Postronium, fine structure      99—100
Postronium, ortho and para      99
Principle of detailed balance      104
Proca equations      308
Proportional chambers      59
Proton form factors      165 167
Proton, charge distributions      164—165
Proton, decay in grand unified theories      270—273 274
Proton, magnetic moment      5 140—141
Proton, rms radius      164—165
Proton, structure functions      171 172
Pseudoscalar mesons      134—135
Quantum chromodynamics      151—157
Quantum chromodynamics, $e^{-}e^{-}$ total cross-section prediction      162—163
Quantum chromodynamics, gauge theory of      310—314
Quantum chromodynamics, scaling violations      174—77
Quantum chromodynamics, strong coupling constant      152—154 162 176
Quantum electrodynamics      12—14
Quantum fluctuations      155—157
Quark confinement      151 154—155
Quark diagrams      122—124
Quark mixing      199 206—208 220
Quark model      30—35
Quark model, angular momentum in      86—88
Quark model, charmonium and bottonium      127—130
Quark model, isospin in      127—130
Quark model, light baryons      136—138
Quark model, light mesons      134—135
Quark model, magnetic moments      140—141
Quark model, parity in      91—92
Quark-antiquark potential      130—133
Quarks, charges      180—182
Quarks, distributions      174 177
Quarks, electric chargcs      31 180—182
Quarks, flavour      30
Quarks, masses      31 115 139—141 144
Quarks, mixing in weak interaction      199 206—208 220
Quarks, parity      91—92
Quarks, quantum numbers      32—33 107 112 333
Quarks, sea quarks      174—176
Quarks, search for free quarks      31
Quarks, table of properties      333
Quarks, third generation      205—215
Quarks, valencc quarks      174
Radiation energy losses      55— 56
Radiation length      56
Range of particle exchange force      15—16
Reines and Cowan experiment      24—25
Relativistic kinematics      282— 289
Relativistic wave equations      2—5
Resonances baryon resonances      119—122
Resonances baryon resonances formation and production      115—119
Resonances baryon resonances, Breit — Wigner formula      117 298—303
Resonances baryon resonances, decay width      116—117
Resonances baryon resonances, nucleon resonances      119—122
Resonances baryon resonances, pion resonances      116—117
Ring image $\hat{C}$ercnkov counter      66
Rotational invariance      81 88
Running coupling constant of QCD      154
Rutherford cross-section formula      164 167—169
Scale invariance      170
Scaling I      70—172
Scaling variable      170
Scaling violations      172
Scaling violations, in QCD      172—177
Scattering amplitude      17 294—297
Scattering amplitude, Born approximation      17 167—169 295
Scintillation counters      58—59
Sea quarks      174—176
Secondary particle beams      49
Selection rules in weak interactions      201—205 261
Selectron      275 276
Semiconductor detectors      63 77 78
Shower counters      67—70
Showers      68—69
Sigma bartons      112—115 136—138 201—203
Smuon      275
Solar neutrinos      265—267
Spark chamber      61
Spectrometers      63
Spectroscopic notation      85—86
Spin matrices      84
Spinors      4
Squark      275
Stauon      275
Storage rings      48
Strange particles      37—43
Strangeness oscillations      257— 260
Strangeness quantum number      32
Streamer chamber      61
String theories      275
Strong coupling constant      152—154 159—162 176—182
Structure functions      171—172
Superpartides      274—276
Superstrings      275
Supersymmetry      274—276
Symmetries charge conjugation      95—98
Symmetries, CP invariancc      241—243 248—252
Symmetries, gauge invariance      149 221 231—234 304—322
Symmetries, parity      88—94 240—246 320—322
Symmetries, rotational invariance      81—88
Symmetries, translational invariance      80—81
Symmetries, tune reversal      102—105
Synchroton radiation      46
Synchrotrons      46 48
Tables of particle properties      332—335
Tauon      22—23 26—29
Time reversal      102—105
Top quark discovery      77 210—215
Top quark discovery, properties      208—210
Total cross-section      51 291—292
Track chambers bubble chamber      40—43 59
Track chambers bubble chamber, cloud chamber      6—7 59
Track chambers bubble chamber, jet chamber      60—61
Track chambers bubble chamber, spark chamber      61—62
Track chambers bubble chamber, streamer chambcr      61 62
Transition radiation      67
Translational invariance      80—81
Truth quantum number      32
Unification condition      221 224 233
Unification condition, derivation of      318—320
Unified electroweak interaction      218 221—227 314—322
Units and dimensions      18—20
Universality of lepton interactions      28—29
V — A interaction      246
Vacuum polarization effects      155
Valence quarks      174—176
Vector mesons      134—135
Virtual processes      11
W bosons decays      185 192—194
W bosons decays, discovery      184—187 190
W bosons decays, exchange and Fermi coupling      183 195—196
W bosons decays, mass      190 223
W-lepton interactions      191—195
Weak hypercharge      318
Weak interactions      see also “Leptons” “Neutrinos” “Unifiied “W-bosons” “Z-bosons”
Weak interactions charge conjugation violation in      240—244
Weak interactions, charged currents      183—184 190—191
Weak interactions, CP violation      252—255 260—261
Weak interactions, Fermi coupling constant      18 19 195—196
Weak interactions, hadron dccays      23—24 34 43 198 200—205 247 252—255
Weak interactions, higher order corrections      195 218
Weak interactions, lepton decays      26—29
Weak interactions, lepton-quark symmetry      196—201 219—221
Weak interactions, low-energy limit      28 184 195—196
Weak interactions, neutral currents      183—184 219—231
Weak interactions, parity violation in      320—322
Weak interactions, quark mixing      199
Weak interactions, selection rules      201—205 261
Weak interactions, V — A interaction      246
Weak isospin      315—316
Weak mixing angle      222—223 270
Weight diagrams      134 137
Weinberg angle      see “Weak mixing angle”
WIMPS      278
Wino      275
X-bosons      269—272
Y-bosons      269—272 281
Yukawa potential      16—17
Yukawa theory of nuclear forces      37
Z bosons decays      185
Z bosons decays formation in $e^{-}}e^{-}$ annihilation      227—231
Z bosons decays, discovery      184 189
Z bosons decays, mass      188 223
Z bosons decays, unification condition      221—224 318—320
Z-lepton vertices      219—220
Z-quark vertices      220—221
Zino      275
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