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Wiedemann H. — Particle accelerator physics II |
Предметный указатель |
Free electron laser 57
Free space wavelength 167
Frequency domain 351
Frequency tuning 189
Frey, W. 342
Frisch, J. 320
Fundamental cavity frequency 173
Fundamental line 406
Fundamental radiation frequency 406
Fundamental theorem of beam loading 193
Fundamental theorem of wake fields 355
Fundamental wavelength 410 414
Fundamental wiggler frequency 414
Gallo, A. 403
Gareyte, J. 205 327 357 365 398
Gaussian distribution 295
Gelato, G. 342
General equation of motion 53
Generating function 4 7
Generating function, action angle variables 10
Generator power 185 190
Generator voltage 185 186
Geometric aberrations 55 127 135
Gerke, H. 403
Ghigo, G. 329
Gill, E. 342
Glenn, J.W. 342
Goldstein, H. 1
GR(x.y.z) 256; see footnote
Gradshteyn, I.S. 176 256 296
Green, J.M. 39
Green, M.C. 192 316
Group velocity 170
Growth rate 371 381 395
Growth rate, coasting beam, transverse 381
Growth rate, fast head tail 395
Growth rate, head tail 398
Growth rate, negative mass 371
Growth rate, resistive wall 370
Guignard, G. 12 33 39
Gyromagnetic constant 321
H bner, K. 267 326 373 375
Haissinski, J. 329 386
Halbach, K. 177 194
Half integer resonance 19 20
Hamiltonian 1 4
Hamiltonian equations 5
Hamiltonian for particle in electromagnetic field 5
Hamiltonian formalism 1
Hamiltonian function 4
Hamiltonian linear coupling 29
Hamiltonian perturbation theory 127
Hamiltonian variational principle 2
Hamiltonian, longitudinal 383
Hamiltonian, nonlinear 152
Harmonic correction 146
Harmonic number 179 188
harmonic oscillator 10 182
Head tail damping 398
Head tail damping effect 398
Head tail damping instability, fast 395
Head tail damping rates 398
Head tail damping, strong 393
Heins, D. 403
Helical trajectory 77
Helical wiggler magnet 57 407
Helicity 430
Helm, R.H. 220 398
Henke, H. 320 403
Hereward, H.G. 326 327 378
Herrera, J.C. 39 66
Higher-order chromaticity 108
Higher-order damping decrement 290
Higher-order field perturbation 27 43 93
Higher-order fields 195
Higher-order frequencies 352
Higher-order losses 192
Higher-order modes 192 352
Higher-order tune shift 158
Hodgeson, J. 403
Hoffmann, K. 403
Hofmann, A. 240 259 379
Hohmeyer, H. 320
Holm, K. 403
Holsinger, F. 177 194
Hom 192 352
Homeyer, H. 403
Horizontal beam emittance 309
Hoyt, E. 320
Huson. F.R. 320
Image charge 334
Image coefficients 334
Impedance spectrum 205
Impedance, broad band, longitudinal 363
Impedance, capacitive 367
Impedance, inductive 366
Impedance, normalized 362
Impedance, reactive 367
Impedance, resistive wall, longitudinal 363
Impedance, space charge, longitudinal 362
Impedance, space charge, transverse 362
Incoherent space charge tune shift 340
Incoherent synchrotron oscillation frequency 384
Incoherent synchrotron tune shift 204 385
Incoherent tune shift 207 342 380
Induced voltage 186 187
Inductive impedance 366
Inductive, detuning 186
Inductively detune 200
Insertion device 57 406
Insertion, radiation, polarization 430
Instability, coasting beam 368
Instability, negative mass 368 373
Instability, resistive wall, longitudinal 369
Instability, resistive wall, transverse 381
Instability, transverse 381
Instability, turbulent bunch lengthening 389
Instantaneous radiation power 411
Internal impedance 184
Intra beam scattering 179 330
Invariant 278
Invariant, Courant — Snyder 274
Iselin, Ch. 135 149
Island 23
Island, structure 20
Isochronous storage ring 208
ISR, Intersecting Storage Ring 326
Jackson, J.D. 164 244 246 250 363
Jacobian determinant 30
Jandt, E. 403
Judd, D.L. 339
Kakuno, K. 432
Kapitza, S.P. 316
Karvonen, L.G. 177
Keil — Schnell stability criterion 378 389
Keil — Schnell — Zotter criterion 197
Keil, E. 378
Kerst, D.W. 339
Kewisch, J. 150
Kheifets S. 137
Kincaid, B.M. 57 407 414
Kinematic perturbation 93
Kinematic terms 43
kinetic energy 188
Kinetic energy gain 173
Klaisner, L 320
Ko, K. 403
Kohaupt, R.D. 393 399 403
| Kondratenko, A.M. 320
Kostroun, V.O. 251
Kouptsidis, J. 403
Krafft, F. 403
Krinsky, S. 407
Kung, P. 316 319
Laclare, J.L. 346 385 400 404
Lagrange equation 1 3
Lagrange function 2 3
Lagrange invariants 40
Lagrangian 1
Lambertson, G. 403
Landau damping 327 370 376 378 381
Landau, J. 376 378
Landau, L.D. 1 3
Laplace equation 43
Large Hadron Collider 267
Larmor frequency 78 247 430
Larmor, J. 237
Laslett bunching factor 335
Laslett form factors 337 341
Laslett, L.J. 334 372
Launching error 96
Lavender, W.M. 426
Le Duff, J. 329 330 403
Lee, M.J. 398
Legendre transformation 4 8
Lehnart, N. 403
Leleux, L. 43
Lens 77 85
Lerner, R.G. 66
Li nard — Wiechert potentials 232
Lidia, S. 432
Lifshitz, E.M. 1 3
Lihn, Hung-chi 316 319
Line Spectrum 416
line width 418
Linear accelerator 281
Linear collider 301 392
Linear coupling 29 80
Liouville’s theorem 269 273 281
Livingston, M.S. 33
Loaded 183
Longitudinal, broad band impedance 363
Longitudinal, coasting beam, stability conditions 370
Longitudinal, coupling impedance 356
Longitudinal, current spectrum 347
Longitudinal, electric field 168
Longitudinal, field components 45
Longitudinal, impedance 361
Longitudinal, microwave instability 377
Longitudinal, particle distribution 298 301
Longitudinal, phase space 297
Longitudinal, resistive wall impedance 363
Longitudinal, space charge field 344
Longitudinal, wake function 353
Lorentz force 51
Lorentz gauge 230
Loss factor 356
Loss parameter 194 356
Low -lattice 214
Madey, J.M.J. 57
Magnani, L. 342
Magnet alignment 127
Magnetic field, expansion 49
Magnetic field, general 49
Magnetic field, perturbations 93
Magnetic field, potential 49
Magnetic permeability 164
Maidment, J. 403
Mann, J. 240
Marcuvitz, N. 164
Marin, P. 329
Markoff process 291
Massarotti, A. 403
Matera, M. 398
Matrix formalism, nonlinear 131
Maxwell’s equations 164 229
Measurement, distribution of revolution frequencies 326
Measurement, head tail damping 398
Measurement, head tail damping rates 398
Measurement, impedance 204 388
Measurement, impedance spectrum 365
Measurement, incoherent tune shift 385
Measurement, loss factor 357 358
Measurement, resistive impedance 384
Measurement, Schottky scan 326
Measurement, total resistive impedance 356 358
Measurement, width of coupling resonance 36
Melekhin, V.M. 316
Meot, F. 240
Microwave instability 395
Microwave instability, longitudinal 377
Microwave instability, transverse 390
Miilhaupt, G. 403
Miller, R.H. 192 316
Miyahara, Y. 432
Mode, coupling 396
Mode, mixing 396
Mode, number 206
Modes 192 347 400
Modified Bessel’s functions 251
Momentum acceptance 180 217
Momentum compaction 369
Momentum compaction factor 208
Momentum shift 217
Monochromatic cavities 403
Month, M. 39 320 342
Morton, P.L. 110 398
Motz, H. 57 406
Mtingwa, S.K. 179 330
Multi bunch instabilities 352 399
Multiparticle beams 269
Multiple resonances 39
Multiple Touschek effect 330
Multipole errors 127
Multipole magnet fields 43
Murray J.J. 137 140
Nabla operator 229 273
Narrow band impedances 399
Nassibian, G. 342
Negative mass instability 368 370 376
Neil, V.K. 369 370 372
Nelson, L.V. 192 316
Nesemann, H. 403
Network model of rf cavity 184
Nielsen, C.E. 368
Nonisochronous transport line 314
Nonlinear chromaticity 110
Nonlinear Hamiltonian 152
Nonlinear matrix formalism 131
Normalized phase space 226
Normalized, impedance 206 362
Novokhatsky, A. 392
Ohnuma, S. 17
Opening angle 424
Optimum, coupling 191
Optimum, matching 190
Optimum, tuning angle 189 191
Orbit distortion 55 129
Oscillator frequency 14
Palumbo, L. 403
Panofsky — Wenzel theorem 360
Panofsky, W.K.H. 360
Parallel resonant circuit 185
Parodi, R. 403
Parseval’s theorem 247
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