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Kundt W. — Astrophysics. A Primer
Kundt W. — Astrophysics. A Primer

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Название: Astrophysics. A Primer

Автор: Kundt W.


For a quantitative understanding of the physics of the universe from the solar system through the milky way to clusters of galaxies all the way to cosmology - these edited lecture notes are perhaps among the most concise and also among the most critical ones: Astrophysics has not yet stood the redundancy test of laboratory physics, hence should be aware of early interpretations. Special chaptes are devoted to magnetic and radiation processes, disks, black-hole candidacy, bipolar flows, cosmic rays, gamma-ray bursts, image distortions, and special sources. At the same time, planet earth is viewed as the arena for life, with plants and animals having evolved to homo sapiens during cosmic time. This text is unique in covering the basic qualitative and quantitative tools, formulae as well as numbers, needed to for the precise interpretation of frontline phenomena. The author compares mainstream interpretations with new and even controversial ones he wishes to emphasize.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 183

Добавлена в каталог: 09.06.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Linear accelerator      45
LINER      22
Lobe      22 109
Local - Galactic abundances      18
Local group (of galaxies)      133
Local hot bubble      13
Local system of rest      33
Local thermal equilibrium (LTE)      53
Lorentz - Dirac equation      43
Lorentz - Lorenz formula      49
Lorentz factor      20 111
Low-mass companion      131
Low-mass system      96
Luminal expansion      133
Luminosity function (galaxies)      21
Luminosity function (stare)      8
Ly$\alpha$ (forest, lines)      23 81
Mach cone      50
Mach number      30 31
Magnetic bandage      95
Magnetic cycle (of Sun)      69
Magnetic dipole moment      95 126
Magnetic field      9 25 29 65
Magnetic flux      66
Magnetic flux (hurdle)      83
Magnetic moments      73
Magnetic reconnection      81 102 103
Magnetic torque      65 73
Magnetic viscosity      67
Magnetic-dipole wave      51
Magnetised filament      40 70
Magnetised rotator      83
Magnetosphere      5 98
Magnetospheric slingshot      75
Magnetotail      5 33
Main sequence      90
Main-sequence star      19
Mass (of star, galaxy)      7 94
Mass distribution      6
Mass ejection      134
Mass entrainment      110
Mass exchange      91
Mass loss (via wind)      3
Mass-infall rate      78
Mass-luminosity relation      88
Massive disk      37
McLaurin (ellipsoid)      80 97 132
Mean free path      68
Mean free time      68
Meridional circulation      91
Metabolism      147
Metal (enrichment, line)      13 81 101
Metron theory      24
Micro quasar      109
Micro structure      95
Microlensing      122
Mie scattering      53
Milky Way      9 10
Millikan's oil droplets      71
Mimickry      154
Mini black hole      100
Minimal mass      6
Miscibility      65
Modulation index      119
Molecular cloud      7
Molecular torus      22
Moment of inertia      94
Moon      3 5 79
Morphology      22 114
Ms pulsar      13 96
Multiple-star (system)      80 85
Multipole moment      99
Narrow-line region (NLR)      22
Natural system      2
Nebula      7
Nebular spectrum      38 40
Negaton      55
Neural networks      151
Neutron star      36 61 89 93
No-hair theorem      99
Nodding (motion)      127
Non-aging population      55
Nova cycle      98
Nuclear abundances      157
Nuclear burning rate      89
Nuclear-burning hurdle      101
Null geodesic      120
Oblique magnetic dipole      131
Olar wind      3 18
Opacity      89
Optical depth      52 56 57 121 122
Origin of life      152
Orion Molecular Cloud      129
Oscillation time      15
Oscillations (of solar surface)      71
Oseen's solution      71
Outer shock      32
Overpressure      34 123
Pair annihilation      138
Pair corona (of PSR)      96
Pair creation      93
Pair plasma      4 10 41 103 112
Pair-plasma wind      126
Parallactic motion      19
Parallax method      18
Parasite      142
Partial pressure      27
Period gap (of binary stars)      69
phase velocity      49
Photospheric spectrum      38 40
Photosynthesis      147 148
Pickup ion      33
Piston      38
Planck intensity      53
Planck mass      100
Planet      3 5 79
Planetary nebula (PN)      8 37 90 165 166
Plasma frequency      49 50 68
Poincare theorem      91
Polar cap      80
Polar transverse dipole      95
Polarization (of radiation)      25
Population I      13
Population II      13
Population III      14 16
Porous atmosphere      81
Positon      55
Post acceleration      123
Power law (distribution)      55-57
Precess      96 127
Pressure      15 27 28
Pressure bomb      35
Progenitor's windzone      130
Propagation delay      118
Proto-planetary centrifuge      79
Protosolar disk      79
Protostellar disk      84 91
Pulsar (PSR)      38 95
Pulsar distance      96
Pulsar magnetosphere      97
Pulsar nebula      130
Pulse broadening      118
Pulsing source      96
Quasar      17 112
Quasi period      132
Quasi periodic (QPO)      96
Quasi-stellar object (QSO)      14
Radial momentum      39
Radiated energy      38
Radiation pressure      32
Radiation temperature      52
Radiation transfer      52 53 57
Radiative (cooling, transport)      80 89
Radiative (gain, loss)      60
Radiative reaction      43
Radiatively stable      63
Radio galaxy      172
Radio outburst      132
Radio-triple sources      114
Radius (of star)      94
Ram pressure      29 32
Rankine - Hugoniot relations      30
Rayleigh - Jeans (branch)      56
Rayleigh - Taylor stable      34 35 40
Rayleigh scattering      53
Razin - Lorentz factor      50
Razin - Tsytovich frequency      50
Razin cutoff      137
Recombination line      127
Reconnect (-ion)      38 65
Redshifted line      127
Reduced deflection angle      120
Reduced function (gain, loss)      61
Reflection symmetry      132
Refocus (of jet)      110
Refractive distortion      117
Refractive index      48 117
Refractive scintillation      13
Relativistic ejection      93
Reproductive instability      154
Revolution      7
Revolution (time)      6
Rigidity      9
Roche lobe      98
Rotating magnet      111
Rotation measure      25
Rotational energy      38
RR Lyrae star      19 89
S-shape (deformation)      114
Scale height      11 29
Scales      1
Scattering angle      118
Scattering halo      117
Schwarzschild radius      99
Scintillate      117
Scintillation bandwidth      119
Scintillation time      119
Sedov - Taylor wave      35
Self-gravitating (disk)      76
senses      149
Seyfert activity      134
Sgr A      171
Sgr A East      135 137
Sgr A West      135 137
Sgr A${}^{*}$      134 135
Shapiro delay      121
Shear (motion, stresses)      66 76
Shock front      30
Shock wave      30 31
Sidedness      109 113
Signal speed      49
Slingshot      104
Soft beam      110 114 127
Soft repeater      106
Solar constant      3
Solar convection zone      70 72
Solar corona      65
Solar cycle      72
Solar-system abundances      18
Sound speed      11
Source function      53
Spasmodic accretion      106
Spectral bimodality      132
Spectral classes      90
Spectral function      119
Spectral intensity      50 52
Spectral line      56 57
Spectral luminosity      14
Spectrum      14 88 91 112 114
Speed-of-light cylinder (SLC)      46 67 125
Spin period (of star)      94
Spindown age      94
Spindown noise      95
Spindown power      94
Spiral arm      80
Spiral galaxy      7 173
Spiral-in time      78
Splinter (shrapnel) bomb      35 39
Sponge structure      21 23 25
SS      433 128
Stable neutron-star mass      95
Stagnation surface      32
Star-stream parallax      20
Starburst      22
Stellar wind      64
Stellar-mass BH      131
Stokes theorem      67
Straightening (of beams)      115
Strength parameter      51 52 57 125
Stress tensor      77
Stromgren sphere      33 34
Strong plasma wave      125
Strong scintillations      119
Strong wave      51 125
Structure function      119
Subpulse      95
Substance (of jet)      110
Sun      163
Sunspot      70
Super - Eddington (accretion)      81 93 96-98 132-134
Supercluster      22
Superluminal (expansion)      109 113
Supermassive black hole      101
Supernova (SN)      19 37 39 65 90
Supernova lightcurve      40
Supernova remnant (SNR)      8 36 137 171
Supernova shell      41
Superrotation      73
Supersoft X-ray source      80 93 96 98 132
Supersonic motion      30
Supersonic speed      11
Surface brightness      120
Surface magnetic field      95
Surface temperature      94
Swept-up CSM      33
Symbiosis      142
Synchro - Coinpton radiation      51
Synchrotron (radiation, spectrum)      46-48 56
Synchrotron nebula      130
Temperature equilibrium      63
Temperature of BH      100
Termuiation shock      32
Terrestrial $\gamma$-ray burst      107
Terrestrial capacitor      107
Thermal component      123
Thermal de Broglie wavelength      60
Thermal emission      47 48
Thermal spectrum      54
Thermo-hydrodynamics      60
Thin-shell distribution      105
Third (processional) period      132
Thomson cross section      44 57
Toroidal magnetic flux      127
Transient      96 98
Transition frequency      118
Transverse dipole field      125
Trapezium stars      129
Turbulent plasma (conductivity)      70 71
Type - A source      115 172
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