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Borzyszkowski A.M., Sokolowski S. — Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
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Algorithms, combinatorial, Approximate and exact deterministic parallel selection, S. Chaudhuri, T. Hagerup, and R. Raman 352
Algorithms, combinatorial, On the complexity of scheduling incompatible jobs with unit-times, H.L. Bodlaender and K. Jansen 291
Algorithms, combinatorial, The complexity of finding replicas using equality tests, G.S. Frandsen, P.B. Miltersen, and S. Skyum 463
Algorithms, Global properties of 2D cellular automata, Some complexity results, B. Durand 433
Algorithms, graph, Between Min Cut and Graph Bisection, D. Wagner and F. Wagner 744
Algorithms, graph, Efficient parallel graph algorithms based on open ear decomposition, L. Ibarra and D. Richards 506
Algorithms, graph, On the tree inclusion problem, L. Alonso and R. Schott 211
Algorithms, graph, Paths and cycles in finite periodic graphs, E. Wanke 751
Algorithms, Image compression using weighted finite automata, K. Culik II and J. Kari 392
Algorithms, New algorithms for detecting morphic images of a word, J. Neraud 588
Alonso L. 211
Amadio R.M. 222
Apt K.R. 1
Arnold A. 20
Artificial intelligence, Learning decision lists from noisy examples, Jilei Yin and Zhu Hong 761
Arvind V. 232
Astesiano E. 242
Automata, A taxonomy of forgetting automata, P. Jancar, F. Mraz, and M. Platek 527
Automata, cellular, A uniform universal CREW PRAM, B. Martin 557
Automata, cellular, Global properties of 2D cellular automata, Some complexity results, B. Durand 433
Automata, Image compression using weighted finite automata, K. Culik II and J. Kari 392
Automata, Rabin tree automata and finite monoids, D. Beauquier and A. Podelski 262
Beauquier D. 262
Benke M. 272
Berstel J. 281
Beylin I.D. 423
Bodlaender H.L. 291
Bonsangue M. 301
Burstall R. 32
Cai Liming 311
Castellani I. 321
Cerin C. 332
Cerioli M. 342
Chaudhuri S. 352
Chen Jian 362
Chen Jianer 311
Chen Liang 372
Complexity, A uniform universal CREW PRAM, B. Martin 557
Complexity, communication, On the communication complexity of parallel computation, O.H. Ibarra and N. Tran 517
Complexity, communication, Some hierarchies for the communication complexity measures of cooperating grammar systems, J. Hromkovic, J. Kari, and L. Kari 495
Complexity, Constant time reductions in -calculus, M. Parigot and P. Roziere 608
Complexity, Hausdorff reductions to sparse sets and to sets of high information content, V. Arvind, J. Koebler, and M. Mundhenk 232
Complexity, On the amount of nondeterminism and the power of verifying, Liming Cat and Jianer Chen 311
Complexity, On time-space trade-offs in dynamic graph pebbling, P. Ruzicka and J. Waczultk 671
Complexity, Post correspondence problem, Primitivity and interrelations with complexity classes, A. Mateescu and A. Salomaa 174
Complexity, Speedup of recognizable trace languages, C. Cerin and A. Petit 332
Computability, Real number computability and domain theory, P. Di Gianantonio 413
Concurrency, Completeness results for linear logic on Petri nets, U. Engberg and G. Winskel 442
Concurrency, Equivalences and preorders of transition systems, A. Arnold and A. Dicky 20
Concurrency, located, Observing distribution in processes, I. Castellani 321
Concurrency, located, Observing located concurrency, D. Murphy 566
Concurrency, located, Proof systems for cause based equivalences, A. Kiehn 547
Concurrency, models of, Action calculi, or syntactic action structures, R. Milner 105
Concurrency, models of, An introduction to dynamic labeled 2-structures, A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg 156
Concurrency, models of, Deterministic behavioural models for concurrency, V. Sassone, M. Nielsen, and G. Winskel 682
Concurrency, reasoning about, A complete axiomatization for branching bisimulation congruence of finite-state behaviours, R.J. van Glabbeek 473
Concurrency, reasoning about, Complex and complex-like traces, V. Diekert 68
Concurrency, reasoning about, Hybrid parallel programming and implementation of synchronised communication, He Jifeng 537
Concurrency, reasoning about, Ignoring nonessential interleavings in assertional reasoning on concurrent programs, P. Paczkowski 598
Concurrency, reasoning about, Symbolic bisimulations (abstract), M. Hennessy 83
Costa J.F. 382
Culik II K. 392
Database theory, The snack powerdomain for database semantics, H. Puhlmann 650
de Bakker J.W. 252
de Bruin A. 252
de Haas E. 485
de'Liguoro U. 403
Dezani-Ciancaglini M. 403
Di Gianantonio P. 413
Dicky A. 20
Diekert V. 68
Diskin Z.B. 423
Domains, Complex and complex-like traces, V. Diekert 68
Domains, Isomorphisms between predicate and state transformers, M. Bonsangue and J.N. Kok 301
Domains, On the adequacy of per models, R. Amadio 222
Domains, Real number computability and domain theory, P. Di Gianantonio 413
Domains, The snack powerdomain for database semantics, H. Puhlmann 650
Durand B. 433
Ehrenfeucht A. 156
Engberg U. 442
Etalle S. 1
Fantechi A. 453
Frandsen G.S. 463
Functional programming, A taste of linear logic, P. Wadler 185
Functional programming, Variable substitution with iconic combinators, D. Stevens 724
Gnesi S. 453
Graphs, An introduction to dynamic labeled 2-structures, A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg 156
Graphs, Between Min Cut and Graph Bisection, D. Wagner and F. Wagner 744
Graphs, Deciding testing equivalence for real-time processes with dense time, B. Steffen and C. Weise 703
Graphs, Efficient parallel graph algorithms based on open ear decomposition, L. Ibarra and D. Richards 506
Graphs, Object oriented application flow graphs and their semantics, E. de Haas and P. van Emde Boas 485
Graphs, On the complexity of scheduling incompatible jobs with unit-times, H.L. Bodlaender and K. Jansen 291
Graphs, On the tree inclusion problem, L. Alonso and R. Schott 211
Graphs, On time-space trade-offs in dynamic graph pebbling, P. Ruzicka and J. Waczulik 671
Graphs, Paths and cycles in finite periodic graphs, E. Wanke 751
Hagerup T. 352
He Jifeng 537 693
Hennessy M. 83
Honsell F. 84
Hromkovic J. 495
Ibarra L. 506
Ibarra O.H. 517
Image processing, Image compression using weighted finite automata, K. Culik II and J. Kari 392
Jancar P. 527
Jansen K. 291
Kari J. 392 495
Kari L. 495
Kiehn A. 547
Koebler J. 232
Kok J.N. 301
Lambda calculus, Constant time reductions in -calculus, M. Parigot and P. Roziere 608
Lambda calculus, models of, A representation theorem for lambda abstraction algebras, D. Pigozzi and A. Salibra 629
Lambda calculus, models of, Filter models for a parallel and non deterministic -calculus, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini, U. de'Liguoro, and A. Piperno 403
Lambda calculus, models of, Lambda substitution algebras, Z.B. Diskin and I.D. Beylin 423
Lambda calculus, models of, On the adequacy of per models, R. Amadio 222
Lambda calculus, Some results on the full abstraction problem for restricted lambda calculi, F. Honsell and M. Lenisa 84
Lambda calculus, Variable substitution with iconic combinators, D. Stevens 724
Languages, A characterization of Sturmian morphisms, J. Berstel and P. Seebold 281
Languages, A taxonomy of forgetting automata, P. Jancar, F. Mraz, and M. Platek 527
Languages, Complex and complex-like traces, V. Diekert 68
Languages, New algorithms for detecting morphic images of a word, J. Neraud 588
Languages, Speedup of recognizable trace languages, C. Cerin and A. Petit 332
Languages, The boundary of substitution systems, P. Narbel 577
| Lenisa M. 84
Logic, Analytic tableaux for finite and infinite Post logics, N. Zabel 767
Logic, linear, A taste of linear logic, P. Wadler 185
Logic, linear, Completeness results for linear logic on Petri nets, U. Engberg and G. Winskel 442
Logic, linear, The second calculus of binary relations, V. Pratt 142
Logic, May I borrow your logic?, M. Cerioli and J. Meseguer 342
Logic, programming, Feature constraints with first-class features, R. Treinen 734
Logic, programming, On the unification free Prolog programs, K.R. Apt and S. Etalle 1
Logic, temporal, An expressive logic for basic process algebra, A. Fantechi, S. Gnesi, and V. Perticaroli 453
Logic, temporal, Equivalences and preorders of transition systems, A. Arnold and A. Dicky 20
Logic, temporal, On saturated calculi for a linear temporal logic, R. Pliuskevicius 640
Martin B. 557
Mateescu A. 174
McKinna J. 32
Meseguer J. 342
Milner R. 105
Miltersen P.B. 463
Mraz F. 527
Mundhenk M. 232
Murphy D. 566
Narbel Ph. 577
Neraud J. 588
Nielsen M. 682
Object orientedness, Data encapsulation and modularity, Three views of inheritance, J.F. Costa, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas 382
Object orientedness, Object oriented application flow graphs and their semantics, E. de Haas and P. van Ernde Boas 485
Paczkowski P. 598
Parallel computation and algorithms, A uniform universal CREW PRAM, B. Martin 557
Parallel computation and algorithms, Approximate and exact deterministic parallel selection, S. Chaudhuri, T. Hagerup, and R. Raman 352
Parallel computation and algorithms, Efficient parallel graph algorithms based on open ear decomposition, L. Ibarra and D. Richards 506
Parallel computation and algorithms, Hybrid parallel programming and implementation of synchronised communication. He Jifeng 537
Parallel computation and algorithms, On the amount of nondeterminism and the power of verifying, Liming Cai and Jianer Chen 311
Parallel computation and algorithms, On the communication complexity of parallel computation, O.H. Ibarra and N. Tran 517
Parallel computation and algorithms, Some hierarchies for the communication complexity measures of cooperating grammar systems, J. Hromkovic, J. Kari, and L. Kari 495
Parallel computation and algorithms, Speedup of recognizable trace languages, C. Cerin and A. Petit 332
Parigot M. 608
Parisi-Presicce F. 618
Perticaroli V. 453
Petit A. 332
Pigozzi D. 629
Piperno A. 403
Pitts A.M. 122
Platek M. 527
Pliuskevicius R. 640
Podelski A. 262
Pratt V. 142
Process equivalence, A complete axiomatization for branching bisimulation congruence of finite-state behaviours, R.J. van Glabbeek 473
Process equivalence, An expressive logic for basic process algebra, A. Fantechi, S. Gnesi, and V. Perticaroli 453
Process equivalence, Deciding testing equivalence for real-time processes with dense time, B. Steffen and C. Weise 703
Process equivalence, Observing distribution in processes, I. Castellani 321
Process equivalence, Proof systems for cause based equivalences, A. Kiehn 547
Process equivalence, Symbolic bisimulations (abstract), M. Hennessy 83
Puhlmann H. 650
Raman R. 352
Real time, A model for real-time process algebras, Liang Chen 372
Real time, Deciding testing equivalence for real-time processes with dense time, B. Steffen and C. Weise 703
Real time, Real-time refinement, Semantics and application, D. Scholefield, H. Zedan, and He Jifeng 693
Reggio G. 242
Reus B. 660
Richards D. 506
Rozenberg G. 156
Roziere P. 608
Ruzicka P. 671
Salibra A. 629
Salomaa A. 174
Sassone V. 682
Scholefield D. 693
Schott R. 211
Seebold P. 281
Semantics, Observable properties of higher order functions that dynamically create local names, or: What’s new? A.M. Pitts and I.D.B. Stark 122
Semantics, of lambda calculus, Filter models for a parallel and non deterministic -calculus, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini, U. de'Liguoro, and A. Piperno 403
Semantics, of lambda calculus, On the adequacy of per models, R. Amadio 222
Semantics, of object orientedness, Data encapsulation and modularity: Three views of inheritance, J.F. Costa, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas 382
Semantics, of object orientedness, Object oriented application flow graphs and their semantics, E. de Haas and P. van Emde Boas 485
Semantics, of processes, A model for real-time process algebras, Liang Chen 372
Semantics, of processes, Comparative semantics for linear arrays of communicating processes, a study of the UNIX fork and pipe commands, J.W. de Bakker, F. van Breugel, and A. de Bruin 252
Semantics, of processes, Observing located concurrency, D. Murphy 566
Semantics, of processes, Real-time refinement, Semantics and application, D. Scholefield, H. Zedan, and He Jifeng 693
Semantics, Some results on the full abstraction problem for restricted lambda calculi, F. Honsell and M. Lenisa 84
Semantics, Stores as homomorphisms and their transformations, E. Astesiano, G. Reggio, and E. Zucca 242
Semantics, The snack powerdomain for database semantics, H. Puhlmann 650
Sernadas A. 382
Sernadas C. 382
Skyum S. 463
Specification theory, Deliverables, a categorical approach to program development in type theory, J. McKinna and R. Burstall 32
Specification theory, Heterogeneous unified algebra, F. Parisi-Presicee and S. Veglioni 618
Specification theory, Verifying properties of module construction in type theory, B. Reus and T. Streicher 660
Stark I.D.B. 122
Steffen B. 703
Stephan W. 714
Stevens D. 724
Streicher Th. 660
Tran N. 517
Trees, On the tree inclusion problem, L. Alonso and R. Schott 211
Trees, Rabin tree automata and finite monoids, D. Beauquier and A. Podelski 262
Treinen R. 734
Type theory, A taste of linear logic, P. Wadler 185
Type theory, Defining soft sortedness by abstract interpretation, Jian Chen and J. Staples 362
Type theory, Deliverables: a categorical approach to program development in type theory, J. McKinna and R. Burstall 32
Type theory, Efficient type reconstruction in the presence of inheritance, M. Benke 272
Type theory, Filter models for a parallel and non deterministic -calculus, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini, U. de'Liguoro, and A. Piperno 403
Type theory, Verifying properties of module construction in type theory, B. Reus and T. Streicher 660
van Breugel F. 252
van Emde Boas P. 485
van Glabbeek R.J. 473
Veglioni S. 618
Verification, A calculus for higher order procedures with global variables, W. Stephan and A. Wolpers 714
Verification, Ignoring nonessential interleavings in assertional reasoning on concurrent programs, P. Paczkowski 598
Verification, Isomorphisms between predicate and state transformers, M. Bonsangue and J.N. Kok 301
Verification, On the amount of nondeterminism and the power of verifying, Liming Cai and Jianer Chen 311
Verification, Symbolic bisimulations (abstract), M. Hennessy 83
Waczulik J. 671
Wadler P. 185
Wagner D. 744
Wagner F. 744
Wanke E. 751
Weise C. 703
Winskel G. 442 682
Wolpers A. 714
Yin Jilei 761
Zabel N. 767
Zedan H. 693
Zhu Hong 761
Zucca E. 242
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