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Virdee B.S., Banyamin B.Y., Virdee A.S. — Broadband microwave amplifiers
Virdee B.S., Banyamin B.Y., Virdee A.S. — Broadband microwave amplifiers

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Название: Broadband microwave amplifiers

Авторы: Virdee B.S., Banyamin B.Y., Virdee A.S.


Here is your complete resource for state-of-the-art and cutting-edge techniques used for designing and fabricating broadband amplifiers. The book covers the complete design cycle, detailing each stage in a practical, hands-on manner to enable one to quickly gain specialist knowledge and insight into the intricacies of broadband amplifier design. Beginning with a discussion of amplifier theory and architecture, it delves into procedures for carrying out small-signal and large-signal characterization that are essential to the accurate modeling of broadband amplifiers. You learn how DPHEMT transistors deliver superior performance and how to use these devices in the simulation and design of broadband amplifiers. All the necessary analytical and practical information is provided on the design of broadband amplifiers via real examples.
This practical reference illustrates the formulation of small- and large-signal device models to help you accurately simulate the amplifier’s performance. Moreover, the book covers all the practical aspects and circuit components used in the fabrication. It is filled with practical design examples of various types of amplifiers that are applicable in broadband systems such as optical communications, satellite communications, spread-spectrum communications, wireless local area networks, electronic warfare, instrumentation, and phased array radar. In addition to broadband amplifiers, it also provides in-depth treatment of ultra-broadband microwave amplifiers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 252

Добавлена в каталог: 13.12.2013

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