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Higham N.J. — Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences |
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Semicolon, as list separator 52
Sentence, first words 53 57 77
Sentence, opening 53 57
Serial comma 51—52
Shaw, George Bernard 59 q
SI prefixes 93
SIAM journals, circulation figures 128
SIAM journals, instructions for referees 132
SIAM journals, refereeing process 130
SIAM News 212
SIAM, electronic search of membership list 212
SIAM, progress of an accepted article 143—145
Sidney, Jeffrey B. 84
Sidney, Stuart J. 84
simplification 53—54
Sissors, Jack Z. 125 q
Slides, awful, definition of 155
Slides, duplicate 160
Slides, economy of words 160
Slides, handwritten or typeset 162—163
Slides, legibility 161—162
Slides, lines, number of 159
Slides, number of 162
Slides, overlays 159 163
Slides, preparing in 163
Slides, preparing in 187
Slides, projecting from a computer 163
Slides, title slide 157
Smith, Alan Jay 135
sort 220
Speech, pitch variation 175
Speech, speed of 174—175
Speech, volume of 174
Spell 218—219
spelling 69—71
Spelling, alternative forms 69—71
Spelling, British versus American 8 40—41 701 69—71
Spelling, checker 74 218—220
Spelling, common errors 41 421
Spelling, corrector 219
Spivak, Michael D. 186
Split infinitive 112 113
Spotlight factor 84
Stainton, Elsie Myers 8 10 77
Stallman, Richard 218
Steen, Lynn Arthur 11
Steenrod, Norman E. 10
Stegun, Irene A. 138
Stein, Ed 209 q
Stein, Gabriele 8 72
Sternberg, David 153
Stetter, Hans J. 59 q
Stewart, G. W. 3 80 88
Strang, Gilbert 3 18
Strassen, Volker 81
Strunk, Jr., William 9 84
Style Checker 74 221—222
Subject classifications 87
Submitting, a manuscript 129—130
Submitting, previously published material 130
Swales, John 76
Swan, Michael 62 75
Swanson, Ellen 10
Swift, Dean 293
Sylvester, J. J. 83
Symbols, and 225—233
Symbols, versus 32
Symbols, 26
Symbols, 26—27
Symbols, 27
Symbols, 27
Symbols, at end of sentence 115
Symbols, at start of sentence 29
Symbols, placement of 29
Symbols, separate by words 30
Symbols, unnecessary 29
Symbols, versus words 24—27
Symbols, year of first use in print 251
Synonyms 54—55
Synonyms, notational 30
Tables 90—94
Tables, design of 91
Tables, row versus column orientation 91
Tables, versus graphs 91
Talk, advantages over a paper 156
Talk, computer, slides projected from 163
Talk, differences from a paper 156
Talk, eye contact with audience 175
Talk, finishing 176
Talk, finishing on time 175—176
Talk, gestures 175
Talk, in a foreign language 156
Talk, microphone 173
Talk, multiple entry points 158
Talk, multiple exit points 158
Talk, nerves 175
Talk, notes for 172
Talk, overhead projector, use of 173—174
Talk, pauses 175
Talk, pointer, use of 173
Talk, practising 172
Talk, speech, pitch variation 175
Talk, speech, speed of 174—175
Talk, speech, volume of 174
Talk, title 157
Talk, writing 155
Tarutz, Judith A. 10
Taylor, John 18
Ten commandments 177
| Tense 56
text editors 216—218
Theorem 16—17
Theorem, "invalid" 105
Theorem, dangling 102
Theorem, hanging 102
Theorem-like structures, how to number 103
Thesaurus 8—9 54 72
Thesaurus, Roget’s 8
Thesis, defending 151—152
Thesis, opening pages, format of 150
Thesis, oral examination procedure 152
Thesis, purpose of 148
Thesis, writing 148—151
Thompson, Robert C. 135
Title 80—83
Title, choice of words 77
Title, line breaks in 83
Title, of poster 180—181
Title, of talk 157
Title, shortest 146
Tompa, Martin 84
Touch typing 218
transparencies see Slides
Trzeciak, Jerzy 76
Tufte, Edward R. 91 94 181
Turabian, Kate L. 10 47
Turk, Christopher 11 55 178
UK Users Group 207
Underhill, Adrian 75
uniq 220
UNIX 202 210
Unix, 219
Unix, 220
Unix, 219
Unix, 220
Unix, 202 220
Unix, 220
Unix, 220
Unix, 218
Unix, 220
Unix, 186
Unix, 220
Unix, 221
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 210
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), field in 201
Urrutia, Jorge 84
van Leunen, Mary — Claire 11 35 36 77 96 98 101 104
Van Loan, Charles P. 3 15 23 81
van Zandt, Timothy 163
Vandergraft, J. S. 88
Vi (editor) 216
Vieira, J. 98
Voice, active 37—38
Voice, passive 37—38
Wade, Nicholas 105
Waterhouse, Keith 9
Watkins, David S. 19
Watson, James D. 96 96
Watterson, Bill 147 179
wc 221
Welsch, R. E. 81
White, E. B. 9
Wicked which 45 109 114
Wilf, Herbert S. 185 q
Wilkinson, James H. 17 82
Wood, Frederick T. 9
Woodford, F. Peter 11
Woolsey, John D. 179 q 182
Word frequency count 220
Word pyramid 55
Wordprocessing, technical 186
Words, -age ending 40
Words, -al ending 40
Words, -ise and -ize endings 42 70
Words, absolute 37
Words, abstract 54
Words, ambiguous 49—50
Words, Anglo — Saxon 54
Words, compound 47—48
Words, concrete 54
Words, connecting 48—49 64—69
Words, distinctions between 44—45 62
Words, elegant variation 45—46
Words, French origin 54
Words, hyphenation of 47—48
Words, Latin origin 54
Words, linking 48—49 64—69
Words, misused 49—50
Words, omission of 50
Words, order of 57—58
Words, redundant, to avoid confusion 19
Words, versus symbols 24—27
World Wide Web 210
World Wide Web, referencing items on 99—100
Writer’s Workbench 222
Writing a talk 155
Writing, factorial technique 108
Writing, is difficult 2
Writing, plain 2
Writing, qualities needed for 1
Writing, spiral technique 108
Writing, ten commandments 39
Writing, to learn 2
Zentralblatt f r Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 216
Zeros, spelling of 42
Zinsser, William 2 9 12 35 57 107
“I” versus “we” 57
“we” versus “I” 57
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