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Higham N.J. — Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences |
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Email, corrupting source 141
Email, line length 141
En-dash 188
English language examination, IELTS 75
English language examination, TOEFL 75
English language, thinking in 60
English usage, guides to 9 75
Enumeration 46
Equations, displaying 27—28
Equations, line breaks in displayed 28
Equations, numbering 103
Equations, punctuation of 29
Equations, referencing numbered 31
Equations, which to display 27
Ewer, J. R. 76
Examples, before general case 18
Examples, role of 18—19
Exclamation mark 52
Exercises, in textbook 19
Expressions, punctuation of 29
False friends 73
False if 46
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 210
Faraday, Michael 155 q 171
File transfer between DOS and Unix 142
File Transfer Protocol see Ftp
file types 2111
Flanders, Harley 10
Flavell, Linda M. 9
Flavell, Roger H. 9
Flesch, Rudolf 221
Font, sans serif 162
Footnotes 103
Foresti, Stefano 199
Forsythe, G. E. 178
Fowler, F. G. 9 45
Fowler, H. W. 9 45 46
Franklin, James 18
Fraud 105
Free Software Foundation 218
Freeman, Jr., Daniel H. 159
FTP 187
FTP, anonymous 210
Full stop 51 74
Functions, mathematical, in 191
Functions, mathematical, in roman font 32
Gaffney, Matthew P. 11
Galley proofs 136
Garfield, Eugene 127 215 216
Garnier, Rowan 18
Garver, Robert V. 158 178
Gautschi, Walter 81 88
Gear, C. William 130
GhostScript 189 n
Gillman, Leonard 10 23 53
Gleser, Leon J. 127 135
Glossary 263—268
GNU Emacs 218—220
GNU Emacs, commands 235—237
Golub, Gene H. 3 199
Good writing, definition of 1
Goossens, Michel 206
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth 9 51
Gould, Calvin R. 178
Gowers, Sir Ernest 9 45
Greek alphabet 223
Gregory, Martin W. 115
Griffiths, David F. 147 q 185 206
Grosse, Eric 199 212
Halmos 18 24
Halmos, Paul R. 3 5 10 24 38 48 53 80 102 107 108 117 126 155 178 206 209
Hanging theorem 102
Hartley, James 91 94 222
Harvard system 94 95
Hennessy, John L. 84
Herbert, A. J. 75
Hetherington, J. H. 146
Higham, Desmond J., lq 147 q 185 206
Higham, Nicholas J. 206
Hobbes 147 q 179
Householder, Alston S. 22
Hyphen, suspensive 48
hyphenation 47—48 188
Hypothesis 17
Idiomatic phrases 60
idioms 61
If, false 46
Impact factor 127
In definitions 20
Index, KWIC 205
Index, purpose of 202
Indexing 202—206
Indexing, AWK tools for 205
Indexing, in 204—205
Indexing, index package 204
Indexing, main headings, choosing 203—204
Indexing, MakeIndex 204—205
Indexing, maximum number of page locators per entry 203
Indexing, multiple entries for one topic 202
Indexing, multiple indexes 203
Indexing, subentries, using connectives 204
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) 127 215
International standard book number see ISBN
International Standard Serial Number see ISSN
Internet 210—212
Introduction 87—89
Introduction, first sentence of 87
ISBN 101 200 202
Ispell 219
ISSN 102 202
Iverson, Kenneth E. 23
Jackson, Donald D. 145
Jones, David M. 195 204
Journal Citation Reports 127
Journal, Chinese economic, rejection from 125
Journal, choosing 126—129
Journal, circulation figures 127
Journal, impact factor 127
Journal, papers in 128
Journal, publication delays 128
Journal, refereeing delays 128
Journal, submitting a manuscript 129—130
Kac, Marc 82
Kahan, W. 81 215
Kelley, J. L. 35 q 80
Kelly, Kevin 209 q
Kenny, Peter 156 159 171 174 178
Kerkut, G. A. 80
Key words 87
Kincaid formula (readability) 221
King, Lester S. 87
Kirkman, John 11 55
Kittel, Charles 15 q
Klare, George R. 221
Knuth, Donald E. 3 10 23 41 45 84 86 91 94 108 185 186 206 222
Kopka, Helmut 206
Krantz, Steven G. 10
Krol, Ed 210
Kuh, E. 81
KWIC (key word in context) index 205
LaFollette, Marcel C. 104
Lambuth, David 9
Lamport, Leslie 18 186 190 201 204 206
Landes, Kenneth K. 77 q
Lanham, Richard A. 10
LaQuey, Tracy 209 q
Latorre, G. 76
Lemma 16
| Leron, Uri 18
Library classification schemes 212—213
Library of Congress Classification 212—213 214
Lindley, Dennis V. 135
Lindsey, Charles H. 81
Linking words 48—49 64—69
Littlewood, J. E. 77 q 107
look 220
Lorayne, Harry 178
Luey, Beth 9 11
MacGregor, A. J. 94
MacQueen, Donald S. 76
Makelndex 204—205
Mallon, Thomas 104
Manheim, Prank T. 125 q 135
Marquardt, Donald W. 103
Mason, S. D. 152 q
Mathematical Abstracts 216
Mathematical functions in 191
Mathematical functions in roman font 32
Mathematical Reviews 83 102 201 212—215
Mathematical writing, glossary 33
Mathematics Subject Classifications 87 129 212
Matthews, Diane L. 182
Maugh, Thomas H., II 179 q
Maurer, Stephen B. 11
Mcllroy, M. Douglas 41 218
Mermin, N. David 31 41
Messing, J. 98
Michener, James A. 5 q 12
Miller, Webb 81
Misspellings, common 41 421
Mitchell, Joan P. 12
Mittelbach, Frank 206
Moler, Cleve B. 81
NA — Digest 210 212
Nature 96
Negatives 63
NETLIB 199 212 219
Newsgroups 210
Newton, Rae R. 153
Notation 21—24
Notation, extreme cases, simplifying in 22
Notation, good, requirements for 15 21
Notation, square bracket of logical condition 23—24
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 212
Numbering mathematical objects 103—104
Numbers, spelling out 50
Ockendon, J. R. 97
Oral examination, procedure 152
Ordinal numbers 63
Organization and structure 79—80
Overhead projector, keystoning 161
O’Connor, Maeve 10 11
O’Leary, Dianne P. 80 84 88
Paragraphs 50—51
Parallelism 28—29
Parberry, Ian 135
Parlett, Beresford N. 3 17 22 81
Participle, dangling 43 114
Partridge, Eric 9
Passive voice 37—38
Patashnik, Oren 196
Patterson, David A. 84
Pechenik, Jan A. 11
Pemberton, John E. 12
Period 74 (see also Full stop)
Permuterm Subject Index 215
Perry, Carol Rosenblum 9
Peterson, Ivars 79
Peterson, James L. 219
Phillips, Estelle M. 147 q 153
Piranian, George 53
Plagiarism 104—105
Polya, George 15 q 18
Poster 180—183
Poster, board size 180
Poster, definition 180
Poster, layout 182—183
Poster, size 181
Poster, title 180—181
Poster, transporting 183
PostScript 189 211
Potter, Simeon 12
Priestley, W. M. 206
Program listing, errors in typesetting 136
Pronoun, personal 57
Proof, emphasizing structure of 17—18
Proof, indicating nature of omission 18
Proof, marking the end of 18
Proof, note added in proof 140
Proofreading 136—140
Proofreading, errors to check for 137
Proofreading, symbols 138 139
Proofs see Galley proofs
Proposition 16
Publishing, what to publish 126
Publishing, when to publish 126
Pugh, D. S. 147 q 153
Punctuation 51—53
Punctuation, in foreign languages 74
Punctuation, of mathematical expressions 29
Punctuation, of numbers 74
Pyke, D. A. 96 n
qed 18
Quintillian 35 q
Quirk, Randolph 8 72
Quotation marks 52 192
Rahtz, Sebastian 206
Readability formula, Flesch formula 221
Readability formula, Kincaid formula 221
Readability formula, limitations of 222
Refereeing process 130—133
Refereeing, how to 133—135
References, author initials 98
References, author name 99
References, date to quote for book 102
References, errors in 98 99
References, format of 98 197
References, ordering of 102
References, publisher name 101
References, record full details 101
References, to items on the World Wide references, Web 99—100
References, using 196—202
Rejection, from Chinese economic journal 125
Reordering words 57—58
Reprints 129
Revising a draft 107—124
Revising a draft, check-list for 110
Rodale, Jerome Irving 9
Rodenburg, Patsy 178
Rodin, Ervin Y. 128
Roget, Peter Mark 5 q
Roget’s Thesaurus 8
Rudestam, Kjell Erik 153
running head 130
Russey, William E. 11 59
Ryer, Jeanne C. 209 q
Safire, William 9
Salomon, David 206
Samarin, Alexander 206
sans serif font 162
Santoro, Nicola 84
Saying what you mean 53
Scholarly publishing, brief history 145
Schwartzman, Steven 8
Science Citation Index 215—217
Secondary sources 98
semicolon 51
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