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Faber T.E. — Fluid Dynamics for Physicists
Faber T.E. — Fluid Dynamics for Physicists

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Íàçâàíèå: Fluid Dynamics for Physicists

Àâòîð: Faber T.E.


This textbook provides an accessible and comprehensive account of fluid dynamics that emphasizes fundamental physical principles and stresses connections with other branches of physics. Beginning with a basic introduction, the book goes on to cover many topics not typically treated in texts, such as compressible flow and shock waves, sound attenuation and bulk viscosity, solitary waves and ship waves, thermal convection, instabilities, turbulence, and the behavior of anisotropic, non-Newtonian and quantum fluids. Undergraduate or graduate students in physics or engineering who are taking courses in fluid dynamics will find this book invaluable.

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Acceleration, centripetal      41
Acceleration, representation of      14—15 38 40
Acoustic streaming      285—8
Adiabatic (as opposed to isothermal) flow      81 6
Adiabatic lapse rate      see atmosphere temperature
Aeolian harp      260
Aerofoils, flow past      28 271 274 277
Aerofoils, forces on      115 273—8
Aerofoils, shape of      268 271 272 274 276—7
Alfv$\acute{e}$n waves      415
Angular velocity, of fluid      22 200 393
Anisotropic fluids      385 (see also flow alignment; flow birefringence; plasmas; polymeric liquids)
Anti-thixotropy      409
Aspect ratio      308 316
Aspirator, water jet      76
Atmosphere, general circulation of      338—9
Atmosphere, temperature gradient in      89—90
B$\acute{e}$nard convection      314—22 324—8 349—51 378—83
B$\acute{e}$nard convection, in nematic liquid crystals      412—13
Benjamin — Feir instability      341 2
Bentonite gels      408—9
Bernoulli’s theorem, for potential flow      47—8 122—3
Bernoulli’s theorem, for steady compressible flow of ideal gas      86—7
Bernoulli’s theorem, for steady flow of Euler fluid      14—16 46—9
Birefringence      see flow birefringence
Borda’s mouthpiece      57
Bores      67—72
Bose — Einstein condensation      416
Bound vortices      146 147—50 270—3
Boundary conditions, at fluid-fluid interfaces      166—70 175—6
Boundary conditions, at fluid-solid interfaces      23—5 168—9
Boundary layer equations      244
Boundary layers      25—9
Boundary layers, at free surface of liquid      29 169
Boundary layers, in convecting fluid      312—14 379 381—3
Boundary layers, in oscillatory flow      29 141 211—12 285—6
Boundary layers, on cylinders      252—3
Boundary layers, on plates      243—51 375—8
Boussinesq equations      303—5
Brown — Roshko vortices      347—8
Bubbles, collapse of      54—6
Bubbles, effect of ultrasonics on      127
Bubbles, rate of rise of      232 (see also suspensions)
Buffer zone, in turbulent shear flow      372 374—5
Bulk viscosity      201 2 236 431 435
Canals, waves in      179—80 182—6
Capillary waves      see ripples
Cavitation      38 54—6
Chaos, routes to      344
Chladny’s plate      287—8
Choked flow      90—3
Chord, of aerofoil      272
Circulation      120—2
Closure problem      346
Co-moving reference frame      39
Coanda effect      73—7
Coherent structures, in turbulent flow      347—8 369 378 382—3
Compressibilities      3 16 79
Compressibilities, of ideal gas      81 2
Compressible flow      17 78—118
Computational fluid dynamics, or computer simulation in fluid dynamics      see numerical methods
Condensation (in compressible flow of gases)      96
Condition      37—8 39 40 120
Conformal mapping      131 161
Conformal transformation      see conformal mapping
Constrictions, flow through      81 90—3
Contraction coefficient, at $vena$ $contracta$      57 63
Contraction coefficient, for Venturi meter      52
Control volume      71
Convection, thermal      see B$\acute{e}$nard convection;
Coriolis force      45 225 339
Couette flow      222—4 328—31
Creep, in solids      384
Creeping flow      195 228
Curvature elasticity, of nematic liquid crystals      410—11
Cylinders, drag forces on      266—7 283
Cylinders, flow past      147—8 252—62 279—83
Cylinders, lift forces on      see Magnus effect
Darcy’s law      238
De Laval expansion nozzle      115 117
Depolarisation factors      139 40
Depressions      338—9
Die swell effect      402
Diffusion equation      26 242
Diffusivity, thermal      305
Diffusivity, viscous      304 (see also kinematic viscosity)
Dilatancy      407
Dimensional analysis      8—12
Director, in uniaxial liquids      390
Discharge rate, between parallel plates      208 214
Discharge rate, in pipe flow      30—31 221 351 3 374
Discharge rate, of a source or sink      124
Disclinations, in nematic liquid crystals      412—13
discs      see plates; Rayleigh disc
Dispersion relations for quasi-particles in Helium      2 419
Dispersion relations for surface waves      171 174 176 177 294
Dissipation, of energy due to viscosity      8 21 204—6
Drag coefficients      136 264—8 274 283
Drag crisis      266—7 269—70
Drag forces      113—14 136 264—8 275—9
Drag, reduction of      268—70
Dynamical similarity      11 256
D’Alembert’s paradox      136 264
Eddies      254—61 263 279—81 348—9
Eddy conductivity (thermal)      379—81
Eddy viscosity      227 346—7 358—62
Effusion      93
Ekman layer      225—7
Electromagnetic analogues      127—9 136 139—40 141—2 144—6 147 158 275
Energy cascade, in homogeneous turbulencc      354—8
Enthalpy      87—9
Entrainment      76—7 368—9
Equation of state, of ideal gas      82
Euler strut      291
Euler’s equation      38 48 79 86
Excess pressure      49
Expansion fans      112—15
Explosions, effects of      105—7
Extensional viscosity      392
Fairings      268
Fans      61 64—5
Feigenbaum number      350
Flow alignment      398 400
Flow birefringence      394—8
Flow tube      13 46—7
Flowlines      see lines of flow
Fluidity      2—3
Fohn      90
Form drag      264
Fountains      56
Froude number      186
Grashof number      306
Gravity waves      65—72 170—3 176—82
Guided waves      179—180
Gulf Stream      225
Hagen — Poiseuille law      see Poiseuille’s law
Hele — Shaw flow      218—220 297—302
Helicopters      61—3
Helium, properties of      415—22
Homogeneous turbulence      345—6
Homogeneous turbulence, energy spectrum of      354—8
Hydraulic jumps      71 2
Hydrostatics      49
Images, of vortex lines      156—7 159
Induced drag      267 275—8 279
Inertial sublayer, in turbulent shear flow      372
Inertial subrange, in spectrum of turbulence      356
Inlet length, in pipe flow      29—31 36
Instabilities, associated with convection      314 31
Instabilities, of arrays of vortex lines      331—2
Instabilities, of boundary layers      340
Instabilities, of fluid-fluid interfaces      61 293—302
Instabilities, of nematic liquid crystals      411—13
Instabilities, of Stokes waves      33 341
Instabilities, of vortex sheets      331—6
Instability      32 289—93
Intensification by stretching, of vorticity      152—3 241 354
Intermittency, in turbulent flow      344 351 354
Inverse Magnus effect      281
Irrotational flow      see potential flow
Jet stream      339
Jets      56—60 (see also submerged jets)
Joule — Kelvin effect      88—9
Journal bearings      217—18
Karman constant      372
Karman vortex streets      see vortex streets
Kelvin wedge      190—4
Kelvin — Helmholtz instability      331—9 353
Kelvin’s theorem      23 120—2
Kinematic viscosity      8 152 267 304
Knudsen flow      25 84 86 93
Kolmogorov scale length      356
Kolmogorov — $\frac{5}{3}$ power law      356
Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation      181
Kozeny — Carman relation      237
Kundt’s tube      287
Laminar flow      206—7
Laplace’s equation      23 120
Laplace’s equation, solutions of      129—33 167
Law of the wall      372 375—6
Lift coefficient      274
Lift forces      114 273 4
Line vortices      240
Lines of flow      12—13 240
Lines of force      12—13 240
Lines of vorticity      240—3
Liquid crystals      386 409
Logarithmic law of the wall      see law of the wall
Lubrication, hydrodynamic      214—18
Mach angle      108 111 112 113
Mach number      7—8 102 107
Mach’s construction      109—11 192 4
Magnetohydrodynamics      415
Magnetostatic analogues      see electromagnetic analogues
Magnus cffect      147—50 259 279—83
Marangoni convection      322
Marginal stability      290 292
Maxwell relaxation time      389—90
Mean free path, in gases      3 24—5 84—6 99 359 431—2
Mixing layers      347—8 369
Mixing length      347 361
Momentum equation      see Euler’s equation
Momentum of gravity waves      173
Momentum of quasi-particles in Helium      2 419
Momentum of sound waves      99—101
Navier — Stokes equation      202 4
Nematic liquid crystals      390 399 409
Nematic liquid crystals, alignment of director in      399 409—12
Newtonian fluids      4 195—8
Newton’s Law of Cooling      303
Non — NEWTONian fluids      384—7
Numerical methods      204 252 280
Nusselt number      306 308
Onsager relations      391
Open syphon effect in Helium      2 417—18
Open syphon effect in polymeric liquids      401
Open-channel flow      209—11
Oseen — Lamb model, for vortex line      224
Overstability      292—3
Parallel plates, flow between      207—9 213—14 369—74
Pascal’s theorem      6 7 20
Pathlines      12
Pattern formation      302
Percolation      236—8
Period doubling      344 349—50
Permeability, of porous solid      238
Phonons      100 419
Pipe flow      29—31 34 221 345 351 4
Pitot tube      51
Planing, of boats etc      187—8
Plasma oscillations      413
Plasmas, properties of      413—15
Plasticity      3 384—5
Plates, drag forces on      113—14 246 267—8 378
Plates, flow past      27—28 111—15 143—4 243—51 269—71 375—8
Plates, lift forces on      114
Plug-hole vortex      44—6
Plumes      382
Poiseuille’s law      31 221
Polar front      338—9
Polymer additives, effects on pipe flow of      405—7
Polymeric liquids      385
Polymeric liquids, non — Newtonian effects in      400—7
potential flow      21—3 119—77
Potentials      119—20
Potentials, complex      130—1
Potentials, multi-valued      144—5
Prandtl number      306
Pressure, mean      6 198 201—2
Rankine fairing      126 268
Rankine model, for vortex line      151
Rankine — Hugoniot relations      102—3
Rate of change, following fluid motion      39
Rate of deformation      199—200
Rayleigh disc      141 4
Rayleigh number      306 308
Rayleigh — B$\acute{e}$nard instability      314—19
Rayleigh — Plateau instability      295—6
Rayleigh — Taylor instability      293—5
Reattachment, of boundary layers      256
Refraction, of ocean waves      66
Relaxation time, in liquids      see Maxwell relaxation time
Reptation      400
Reynolds number      7—8
Reynolds Number in boundary layer flow      314 340
Reynolds Number in flow past cylinders      253
Reynolds Number in flow past plates or aerofoils      27—8 267
Reynolds Number in flow past spheres      228
Reynolds Number in pipe flow      7—8
Reynolds Number in suspensions undergoing shear      234 394
Reynolds Number in turbulent flows      357—358 363
Reynolds Number of vortex ring      263
Reynolds stress      359
Rhcology      386
Rheometers      386 405
Rheopexy      409
Riemann’s treatment, of sound propagation      425—8
Ripples      173—4 178
Rocket engines      93 115—18
Roll parameter      279
Rolls in convecting fluid      316—21 327—8 329—30
Rolls in nematic liquid crystals      411—13
Rotons, in Helium      2 419
Saffman — Taylor instability      297—302
Sailing boats      278—9
Scale models, use of      11—12 267
Scaling theories, of turbulent shear flow      347 362—78
Second sound, in Helium      2 418
Second viscosity      see bulk viscosity
Secondary circulation      213 283—8
Self-preserving flows      see self-similarity
Self-similarity of laminar boundary layer flow      244
Self-similarity of turbulent shear flows      347 363—4
Separation, of boundary layers      253—6 261—2 263 271 280
Shadowgraphs      337 347
Shear modulus of plasma threaded by magnetic field      415
Shear modulus of viscoelastic substance      387—9
Shear shedding, of eddies      259—61 279—81
Shear thickening      405 408
Shear thinning      405 408—9
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