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Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XXXVI |
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Collision, Li+ 64 122
Collision, Ne- 114
Collision, polar molecules by electrons 108
Collision, sudden 97
Colson, S.D. 431(11) 433
Combining rules 177
Comes, F.J. 187 190 200
Commutator equation 371
Complete configuration interaction (CCI) 411
Complex classical trajectories 3
Complex energies 3 53
Compton, R.N. 424(22) 429(22) 431(6 7) 432(7) 433 437(35) 439 441(35) 442(6 7 10) 443(13) 444 449(50) 453(14 15) 454 458(61) 459(2 3) 460(2 3) 461 462(61) 465 467(66) 469(1) 471(1) 476(1) 476(1 6) 477 478 483(66 78) 517 518 519
Configuration interaction 150 212
Configuration interaction, complete 150 151
Conical intersection 173
Connor, J.N.L. 3(2) 59 65 91 104 131 136
Conroy, H. 145 147 151 153—156 158 159 169 200
Conservation of flux 54
Considine, J.P. 147 200
Constants of motion 27 41
Continuous frequency spectrum 42
Contopoulos, G. 38 42 61
Cook, G.B. 199
Cooks, R.G. 504(107) 520
Coolidge, A.S. 143 144 146 200
Coon, J.B. 293(97) 343
Cooper, C.D. 442(10) 443(13) 444 459(3) 460(3) 461 469(1) 476(1 6) 477(1 6)
Coordinate wave function 16
Corben, H.C. 8(12) 60
Correlation diagram 170 173
Correlation energies 208 232 239
Correspondence identity 90
Correspondence principle 42 44 66 68 86
Correspondence principle, density of states 87
Correspondence principle, Heisenberg's 72
Correspondence principle, strong coupling 90
Coulomb potential 44 70
Coulomb waves 213
Coulson, C.A. 146 159 200
Crable, G.F. 491—498(18) 499
Cramer, H. 286(81) 342
Crawford, O.H. 451(54) 518
Cross, P.C. 275(76) 276(76) 319(76) 342
Cross, R.J. 176 204
Csanak, Gy. 207 209(3) 339 340
Curtiss, G.F. 138 167 191 192 201
Cyanogen 316
d'Or, L. 504(106) 520
Dalgarno, A. 65 106 135 137 168—171 180 181 192 194 195 200 204
Danby, C.J. 491(12) 494(12) 496(12) 497(12) 498(12 51) 499 500
Das, T.P. 208(18) 340
Davis, H.T. 515
De Heer, F.J. 434(29) 462 464(63 64) 517 519
De Pristo, A.E. 118 120 136
De Wames, R.E. 293(97) 343
Deactivation 188
Debies, T.P. 213(35) 341 494(41) 496(41) 500
Decius, J.C. 275(76) 276(76) 319(76) 342
Decoupling approximation 118
Degenerate 84
Demtroeder, W. 134 136
Dennison, D.M. 71 136
Density of states, of the negative ion 465
Desouter, M. 314(118) 315(118) 343
Detailed balance 77 465
Detector aperture 175
Deverse, F.T. 486(84) 487 519
Devienne, F.M. 197 200
Dewar, M.J.S. 491(7 8 42) 498(8) 499 500
DeWitt, C. 349(9) 376(9) 410
Diagram 224
Diagram, Abrikosov 224
Diagram, constant 228
Diagram, Feynman 224
Diagram, Hugenholtz 224
Diagram, ladder 232
Diagram, linked 224
Diagram, ring 231
Diagram, RPA 231
Diagram, third order 233 337
Diagram, time ordered 226 233 242
Diagrammatic technique 351
Diamond, H. 201
Diatomic molecule 20 22
Diatomics, in molecules theory 161 164 180
Dibelei, V.H. 293(98) 294(98) 343 491(2 13) 499 503 520
Dickinson, A.S. 74 79 81 85 89 93 96—98 102 107 110 112—115 117—119 121 125 126 128 136 185 199
Dickson, H.W. 478 519
Diercksen, G.H.F. 329(132) 330(132b) 332(132 137) 333(137) 344
Diesen, R.W. 465 467(67) 519
Differential excitation, cross section 417
Dillon, M.A. 417(3) 423—425(17) 432(15) 433 516 517
Dirac, P.A.M. 67 136
Discrete energy spectrum 43
Dispersion interaction 167 168 169
Dissociation limit 45
Distorted wave framework 179
Distorted wave framework, DWBA 181 183
Distribution of levels 44
Dixon, R.N. 268 342
Doering, J.P. 424 425 426—428(18) 431(12) 432(12) 433 442(8) 444 453(16) 454 517
Doll, J.D. 105 136 207 339
Domcke, W. 274(75) 275(75) 284(75 80) 285(75) 288(82) 294(80) 301(80) 310(75) 312(75) 315(120) 316(123) 322(129) 332(137) 333(137) 334—336(147) 342 343 344
Dorman, F.H. 488(89) 503 519 520
Dose, V. 188 189 200
Double ionization, cross section 485
Drift velocity 505
Ducuing, J. 135
Duistermaat, J.J. 3(2) 59
Duke, C.B. 288(83) 342
Dunham, j.l. 3(5) 60 70 136
Dynamical astronomy 38
Dynamical operator 30
Dyson equation 218 220 221 241 246 262
Dyson, F.J. 220 341
Dyson-like 246
Dzyaloshinskii, J. 213(38) 215(38) 224(38) 341
Eastes, W. 27 60 132 136
EBK quantization rule 3 6 27 37 52 56
Ecker, F. 207(6) 339
Edmiston, C. 147 151—157 200
Edmonds, A.R. 106 107 136
Edqvist, O. 268 342
Effective Hamiltonians 391
Effective potential method 183 184
Ehrenson, J. 453
Einstein case 2 5 22
Einstein case, 1 (a) 5 22 27 36 41
Einstein case, 1 (b) 5 6
Einstein quantization 4
Einstein, A. 2 4 8(1) 59 71 136
Eisenberger, P. 344
El-Sayed, M.F.A. 491(6) 499
Eland, J.H.D. 489(94) 491(12) 493(40) 494(12 40) 496(12) 497(12) 498(12 51 52) 499 500 503 520
Electron affinities 214 395
Electron mobilities in liquids 514
Electron-vibration coupling 278 286 296
Electronic excitation by electron impact 416 419 420 434
Electronic excitation by electron impact, anilene 434
Electronic excitation by electron impact, benzene 419
Electronic excitation by electron impact, singlet triplet transitions 416 419 420
Electronic excitation by electron impact, toluene 434
Electronic states 142 159 178
Electronic states, excited 142 159 178
Electronic states, ground 142 178 197 198
Electronic states, lowest 142
Electronic states, Rydberg 190 197
Ellefson, R.E. 491(19) 499 501(95) 502(95) 504 505(95) 520
Ellis, R.L. 3(2) 59
Ellison, F.O. 161 162 172 200 213(35) 341
| Energy function 24 27
energy levels 68
Energy levels, semiclassical 68
Energy loss spectrum 423
Energy transfer 178 185
Energy transfer, electronic 178
Energy transfer, rotational 178
Energy transfer, vibration-rotation 198
Energy variance, functional 152
Engel, R. 504 520
Englman, R. 289(87) 291(87) 293(87) 342
Ennen, G. 134 137
Epstein, P.S. 4 60
Ergodic behavior 40
Ergodic properties 37
Erlewein, W. 114 137
Estrup, P.J. 194 200
Ethofei, S. 249(63) 342
Evans, D.F. 431(8) 433
Evolution operator, backward and forward 49
Exchange amplitude 418
Exchange reaction 194
Excitation 67
Excitation, collinear 67
Excitation, energies 208 395
Excitation, vibrational and rotational, simultaneous 67
Exponential approximation, Born-distorted wave 118
Eyring, E.M. 161 163 200
Eyring, H. 143—146 148—150 161 163 200 201 203 504(109) 520
Fahlman, A. 206(1) 313(1a) 339
Fallon, R.I. 204
Faxaelv, A. 334(145) 335(145) 344
Fermi resonances 22 45
Fermi — Thomas 55 56
Fermi — Thomas, approximation 53
Fermi, I.E. 37 60
Feshbach, H. 259(67) 342
Feynman identity 90
Feynman, R.P. 67 90 137
Field, F.H. 491(16) 497(16) 498(16) 499
Field, G.B. 195 200
Finkelnburg, W. 231(50) 232(50) 341
Fiquet, F. 456 518
First ionization potentials 489 500
First ionization potentials of benzene and benzene derivatives 489
First ionization potentials, adiabatic 500
First ionization potentials, vertical 500
Fisanick-Englot, G. 81 137
Fite, W.L. 177 187 200 201 202
Flannery, M.R. 80 118 138 178 184 200 202
Fluendy, M.A.D. 176 200
Ford, J. 37 38 40 60 61
Formaldehyde 321
Formaldehyde, Fourier components 72
Formaldehyde, Fourier transform 72
Fox, J.W. 170 171 191 193 199
Fox, R.E. 491(11) 499 502(98a) 520
Franck — Condon factor 279 283 293 301
Franck — Condon principle 279
Franklin, J.L. 491(16) 497(16) 498(16) 499 502(98b) 520
Fraser, P.A. 301(99) 343
Freed, K.F. 239(54) 341 391 393 395 411
Freeman, G.R. 515
Frenkel, E. 172 173 190 201
Freund, R.S. 428(20) 429(20) 430(27 28) 433 434(20 27 28) 440(27 28) 517
Fridh, C. 311(119) 343
Fridrichs, K.O. 372(20) 410
Friedman, R.M. 334(142) 344
Froeman, N. 3(5) 60 71 74 137
Froeman, P.O. 3(5) 60
Froese-Fischer, Ch. 306 343
Frost, A.A. 146 201
Frost, D.C. 491—493(10) 499
Funk, B.-A. 504(104) 520
Futrell, J.H. 481(76) 519
Gaines, A.F. 453
Galgani, L. 37 60
Galitskii, V.M. 215(41) 232 341
Gant, S. 477
Garrett, B.C. 29 35 60
Garrison, B.J. 64 137 322(130) 323(130) 344
Gaseous core nuclear rockets 195
Geddes, J. 177 178 201
Gelius, U. 206(1) 212(1b 29) 213(32) 266(1b) 307(1b) 314(1b) 334 335(145) 336(141 143) 339 341 344
Generalized actual orbitals 400
Generalized distribution 51
Generalized function 51
Gentieu, E.P. 187 202
Gentry, W.R. 104 108 137
Gershinowitz, H. 144 200
Gersten, J.I. 189 201
Gianinetti, A. 146 147 157 201
Giese, C.F. 104 137
Gilbert, R. 493(34) 499
Gilbert, T.L. 306 343
Gimarc, B.M. 165 201
Gingenbach, R. 170 171 177 178 180 183 186 197 201
Glasstone, S. 143 165 201
Goans, R.E. 452 453(20) 454 518
Goddard, W.A., III 147 154 157 201 202
Gol'dman, I.I. 97 137
Golden, D.E. 437(37) 517
Goldstein, H.G. 8(12) 60 68 137
Goldstone, J. 215(40) 341 376 386 411
Golebiewski, A. 435(30) 437(30) 517
Goode, G.L. 478
Goodman, L. 453
Gordon, M.D. 132 137
Gordon, R.G. 113 116 137 139 168 202
Gorkov, L. 213(38) 215(38) 224(38) 341
Goscinski, O. 207 238 340
Gottfried, K. 210(26) 214(26) 341
Gouterman, M. 291(89) 342
Grant, M.W. 513(126) 520
Gray, J. 197 201
Green function 207 213 214 216 220 254
Green function for open shell systems 217
Green function, free 211 214 220 264
Green function, one-body 213
Green function, semiclassical 54
Green function, six point 254
Green function, two-body 218
Green operator 50
Green, S. 106 124 137
Griffing, K. 207(13) 340
Griffing, V. 146 150 201
Ground state correlation 240 260
Guest, M.F. 239(57) 341
Guha, E. 81 118 138
Gupta, S.K. 487(85) 519
Gutzwiller, M.C. 52 61
Hadjiantoniou, A. 461 466(68 71 72) 467(68) 468(68 71 72) 471(4) 474(4) 478 479(68 71) 481(68) 505(114) 509(114) 513(114) 519 520
Hagihara, Y. 27 60
Hahn, Ch. 171 201
Hall, D. 391(41) 411
Hall, M.B. 239(57) 341
Halpern, D. 504(104) 520
Hamann, D.R. 334(144) 344
Hamill, W.H. 442(9) 443(9) 444 496(45) 500 503(100) 520
Hamilton — Jacobi equations 7 22 54 68
Hamilton's equations 32
Hamiltonians 214 219 274 297
Hamiltonians, electronic 219
Hamiltonians, electronic vibrational 274
Hamiltonians, function 26 38
Hamiltonians, vibrational 274 297
Hammetsley, J.M. 76 137
Hammond, V.J. 491(5) 493(5) 495(5) 497(5) 499
Hamrin, K. 206(1) 212(1b) 266(1b) 307(1b) 313(1a) 314(1b) 334(1b) 339
Handscomb, D.C. 76 137
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