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Davis H.T. — Introduction to nonlinear differential and integral equations |
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Sommerfeld, S.A. 406 407 557
Space-filling curves 284
Spenceley, G.W. 175
Spenceley, R.M. 175
Spherical pendulum 465
Stability theorem 317—322
Stability theorem, application of 322—331
Stationary motion 457
Stellar pulsation and limit cycles 368—371
Stoker, J.J. 368 549 557
Stokes, G.G. 21
Successive approximations, method of 83—88
Sylvester's dialytic method 431
Sylvester, J.J. 390 431
Systems of nonlinear equations 16—18 190 419—423 489—491
Szatrowski, Z. 419 557
Tables of elliptic integrals 142—143
Tables of first Painleve transcendeut 507—518
Tables of Jacobi elliptic functions 175—178
Tables of second Painleve transcendent 519—530
Tables of Van der Pol's equation 531—536
Tables of Volterra's equation 537—542
Tables of Weierstrass function 206
Tac-locus 54—56
Taylor, B. 200
Tchacaloff, L. 557
Thermionic currents 378—380
Theta functions Chap. 6 162—167
Theta functions, differential equation of 165
Thomas — Fermi's equation 16 405—407
Thomas, J.M. 20
Thomas, L.H. 16 405 557
Thomas, T.Y. 20
Timoshenko, S. 557
Topological considerations 351—355
Torelli, G. 557
Transcendental functions 7
Trapezoidal formula 108
Triode oscillator 271—273
Tschirnhausen, E.W. 172
Turrittin, H.L. 557
Urabe, K. 557
| Van der Pol, B. 15 17 181 186—187 261 270 273 306 357—359 364 367—368 531 545 558
Variation, conditions pertaining to sign of second 449—450
Variation, first 442
Variation, second 443
Vau der Pol's equation 15 17 181 186—187 270 358—368
Vau der Pol's equation, analytic approximation of 364—368
Vau der Pol's equation, values of 531—536
Vergerio, A. 558
Vergil 439
Verhulst, P.F. 96
Vessiot, E. 76 558
Vigerier, G. 558
Volterra's equation 102 180 270 324—327 355
Volterra's equation, values of 537—542
Volterra's integral equation Chap. 13
Volterra's problem 13—14 101—109
Volterra's problem, generalization of 109—111 413 417—423
Volterra, V. 13 95—96 101—103 109 112—113 180 186 262 304 324 350 353 359 413 415 417—419 537 558
von Laue, M. 552
Vortex cycle 101
Vortex points 111 315
Vortex points, number of 346—348
Walker, G.W. 21 558
Wallenberg, G. 76 558
Wasow, W. 549 558
Watson, G.N. 8 168 301 558
Webster, A.G. 275
Weierstrass, elliptic function of 156—161
Weierstrass, K. 156 161 183 196 441
Weierstrass, sigma function of 161
Weierstrass, table of 206
Weierstrass, zeta function of 161
Wendel, J.G. 558
Weyr, R. 558
White-dwarf equation 16 408
Whittaker, E.T. 8 168 301 558
Wiener, N. 436
Wilson, E.B. 56
Workman, W.P. 53 558
Wright, E. 96
Zenodorus 439
Zeta elliptic function of Jacobi 155
Zeta elliptic function of Weierstrass 161
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