Авторизация |
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Fowler C. — Rails recipes |
Предметный указатель |
HTML, allowing only certain elements in user data 244
HTML, escaping 245
HTML, include JavaScript libraries in 3
HTML, static site generation 143
HTTP, Accept header 249
HTTP, request parameter parsing 251
Hunt, Andy ix
If-Modified-Since header 203
Image 217
Image, file_column 220
Image, upload via form 217
ImageMagick 45 217
In-place edit 2
In-place edit, customize appearance of 6
In-place edit, no validatation 6
In-place edit, select tag 8
In-place edit, write helper for 8
Inflector class 38
init.rb (plugin) 205 206
Initializer, Rails 56
innerHTML (DOM property) 11
innerHTML (DOM property), and Internet Explorer 11n
InPlaceEditor class 2
insert_html() method 29
install.rb (plugin) 206
Integration recipes 63-65 104 129-130 196-203 208-211 214-215 241-243 247-251
Integration test see Testing
internationalization see Globalize plugin
Internet Explorer, innerHTML and 11n
in_groups_of() method 221
in_place_editor_field() method 4 9
in_place_edit_for() method 5
irb (interactive Ruby) 236
irregular() method 38
Java/Ruby integration 247
JavaScript, createEditField() 10
JavaScript, createForm() 10
JavaScript, debugging 39
JavaScript, error diagnosis 30
JavaScript, exception 39
JavaScript, generate using template 32
JavaScript, helpers, writing your own 8
JavaScript, include library in HTML 3
JavaScript, observe_field() 17
JavaScript, observe_form() 16
JavaScript, prototype library 15
JavaScript, RJS template see RJS template
javascript_include_tag() method 3
jcode library 231
Join model 90
Join model, :through attribute 91 (see also has_and_belongs_to_many)
Kanthak, Sebastian 220
Kemper, Jeremy ix x 150
Key, generating unique 210
Koziarski, Michael x
L tke, Tobias x 171
L tke, Typo author 15
Legacy database see Database legacy
Line chart 45
Link, symbolic 214
link_to_remote() method 28
Live preview 15
Live Search see Autocomplete
loc() method 234
Locale 232
localization see Globalize plugin
local_to_utc() method 191
Log, access to application 222
logged_in() method 136
Login see Authentication
Logout, automatic 127
Lucas, Tim ix 112
Macro see Metaprogramming
Mailer see E-Mail
many-to-many relationship see Database many-to-many
maximum() database function 105
Merge keys (YAML) 66
Message digest see SHA2 library
Metaprogramming 42 140
Metaprogramming, and scoping 141
Michaux, Peter 256
Microsoft Excel (generate CSV for) 129
Migration see Database migration
Mime type, Accept header 249
MIME type, bounced e-mail 268
Mime type, e-mail 253
MIME::Types library 267
minimum() database function 105
Model, acts_as_list() 21
Model, after_save() 220
Model, belongs_to() 94
Model, calculations in database 105
Model, callbacks 224
Model, composed_of() 108 110 189
Model, composite attribute 108
Model, create_versioned_table() 79
Model, defining in migration 112
Model, drop_versioned_table() 79
Model, error_messages_for() 241
Model, error_messages_on() 241
Model, establish_connection() 56 59
Model, find() 107
Model, flattening structured data in 110
Model, grouping results 106
Model, has_and_belongs_to_many() 59 68 89
Model, has_many() 94
Model, loading fixture data into 147
Model, pluralization of table names 38
Model, polymorphic associations see Polymorphic associations
Model, problem connecting to oracle 61n
Model, revert_to!() 81
Model, scoping queries 107
Model, sharing between applications 214
Model, using outside Rails 104
Model, without a database 50
Model, without a database, validating 241
Model, with_scope() 107 139
ModelSecurity (Bruce Perens) 125
Moertel, Tom ix 115
Molina Jr., Marcel ix x 89 126 136
Money-making opportunity 259
Monkey patch 204 245
Mountcastle, Sean ix 244
multi-part/report MIME type 268
Multipart e-mail 256
Named routes 134
Obfuscated URL 208
observe_field() method 17
observe_form() method 16
Olson, Rick ix x 39 78 105 204
open_session() method 157
Oracle, problems connecting 61n
Packaging your application 227
Parameter parsing (HTTP) 251
Password see Authentication
Patch, submitting to core team 195
Perens, Bruce 125
Performance, and field observers 17
Performance, and time zone conversion 191
Performance, autocomplete 31
Performance, If-Modified-Since header 203
Performance, indexing database 77
Performance, of integration tests 160
Performance, optimizing shopping 20
Performance, speed static pages using Ajax 37
Performance, turn off sessions for syndicated feeds 202
periodically_call_remote() method 128
Pie chart 45
Plugin, acts_as_taggable 71
Plugin, acts_as_versioned 78
| Plugin, Continuous Builder 171
Plugin, documentation 216
Plugin, Exception Notifier 178
Plugin, exception_notification 176
Plugin, file_column 220
Plugin, generator 205
Plugin, Globalize 230
Plugin, init.rb 205 206
Plugin, install.rb 206
Plugin, share models using 215
Plugin, write your own 204
Plugins recipes 45-48 71-82 171-179 204-207 230-235
pluralize_table_names 65
Plurals, customizing 38
Polymorphic associations, belongs_to() 96
Polymorphic associations, has_many() 96
Postback actions 126
postion column and acts_as_list 21
Prerequisite (clearing in rake) 53
Pretty URLs see Routes
Preview, during edit see Live preview
Primary key, adding prefix to 64
primary_key_prefix_type 65
procmail 257
Prototype library 15 (see also Ajax)
Proxy (for associations) 100
Rails 1.1+recipes 71-77 89-98 105-106 176-179 221
Rails Internals recipes 8-14 38 138-142 161-162 164-170 204-207 241-243
Rails, documentation 216
Rails, freeze_gems 227
Rails, freezing version 194
Rails, initializer 56
Rails, Java integration 247
Rails, not loading specified frameworks 54
Rails, submitting patches 195
Rails, unfreeze_gems 228
Rails, using latest version 192
Rails, using latest version via Gems 194
Rails, version used in book viii
RAILS_ENV constant 56
RAILS_ROOT constant 165
rake, -P option 51
rake, extending 53 152 180-185
rake, integrate tasks with Rails environment 184
rake, Martin Fowler’s introduction to 185
rake, prerequisite 53
Rakefile 180
Rakefile, describing tasks 182
Rakefile, format of 181
RDoc (documentation tool) 216
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) see Syndication
Recipe discussion group viii
Recipes, Ajax 2-35 37 39-40 71-77 127-128 238-240
Recipes, API Tips 38 221
Recipes, Automation 41-44 66-67 83-88 107 112-113 145-154 164-175 180-185 216-220 268-274
Recipes, Configuration 50-62 66-67 103-104 131-135 137 143 192-195 214-216 227-229
Recipes, Database 20-25 50-65 68-113 115-125 137 150-154 186-191 214-215 217-220 222-226 230-235
Recipes, Development Process 136 138-142 164-170 236-237
Recipes, Extending Rails 41-44 180-185
Recipes, HTML 2-7 31-37 41-44 244-246
Recipes, Integration 63-65 104 129-130 196-203 208-211 214-215 241-243 247-251
Recipes, Plugins 45-48 71-82 171-179 204-207 230-235
Recipes, Rails 1.1+ 71-77 89-98 105-106 127-128 155-160 176-179 221
Recipes, Rails Internals 8-14 38 138-142 161-162 164-170 204-207 241-243
Recipes, Search 18-19
Recipes, Security 115-125 127-128 208-211 222-226 244-246
Recipes, Style 126 136 138-142
Recipes, Testing 145-162 257-264
Recipes, Troubleshooting 39-40 171-179 212-213 236-237
Recipes, XML 196-203 247-251
Redirect, doesn’t return from action 126n
Redirect, to referrer 124
Redirect, via RJS 128
Redpath, Luke ix 68
Remove() method 29
replace_html() method 29
Request handling, in single action 126
require to load models 214
rescue_action_in_public() method 176
respond_to() method 250
revert_to!() method 81
RJS template 26
RJS template, alert() 29
RJS template, content-type 30
RJS template, debugging 39
RJS template, delay() 29
RJS template, error diagnosis 30
RJS template, insert_html() 29
RJS template, redirect using 128
RJS template, remove() 29
RJS template, replace_html() 29
RJS template, show() 29
RJS template, visual_effect() 29
RMagick, ImageMagick binding for Ruby 45 217 220
Role-based authentication see Authentication
Ros, Frederick ix 63
Ross, Philip 191
routes 131
Routes, custom 133
Routes, default 131
Routes, defaults, dynamic 134
Routes, named 134
Routes, order of processing 134
routes.rb (configuration) 131
RSS see Syndication
Ruby, irb (interactive Ruby) 236
Ruby, metaprogramming 42
Ruby, RMagick (ImageMagick) binding 45
RubyGems, as generators 166
RubyGems, beta 194
RubyGems, documentation 216
RubyGems, freezing Rails 227
salted login see Authentication
sample programs 276
Save form content while editing 238
Schema see Database
schema_info table 87
Scoping queries 107
Scoping queries, and metaprogramming 141
script.aculo.us 18
script.aculo.us, in-place editor 2
script/console command 236
Search for tags 76 (see also Live search)
Search recipes 18-19
Seckar, Nicholas x
Secure URL 208
Security recipes 115-125 127-128 208-211 222-226 244-246
Security, cross-site scripting 244 (see also Authentication)
SELECT tag 8
sendmail 257
send_data() method 48 129
Session, and User objects 120
Session, dump contents of 212
Session, expiry 127
Session, in database 137
Session, in script/console 237
SHA2 library 116
Shebang (#!) line 168
shopping 20
show() method 29
Sign in/out see Authentication
Single action request handling 126
Singular form of names 38
Smith, Steve ix
Social networking see Tagging
Sortable list 20
Sortable list, determining order 22
sortable_element() method 24
source code 276
Source code, downloading ix
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