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Fowler C. — Rails recipes |
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#! (shebang) line 168
$KCODE variable 231
$LOAD_PATH variable 214 229
.forward file (e-mail) 257
.procmailrc file (e-mail) 257
/() method 234
37signals 29
:after_add 70
:after_remove 70
:as option to has_many 96
:builder option of form_for 41
:frequency (parameter to observe_xxx) 17
:only_path option to url_for() 200
:polymorphic option to belongs_to 96
:scope parameter to acts_as_list 21
:through (to create join models) 91
:update parameter to Ajax actions 26
<link> header 201
<script> tag 32
Accept header (HTTP) 249
Action Controller see Controller
Action Mailer/Action Web Service, not loading into Rails 54
Active Record see Model
acts_as_list() method 21
acts_as_taggable 71
acts_as_versioned 78
adjust() method 189
after_filter() method 127
after_save() method 220
Aggregator see Syndication
Ajax recipes 2-35 37 39-40 71-77 127-128 238-240
Ajax, debugging 39
Ajax, form_observer 240
Ajax, include libraries for 3
Ajax, static 37 (see also JavaScript)
alert() method 29
Alternate colors of rows in form 44
Aman, Bob 210
API Tips recipes 38 221
Application, auditing 222
Application, default layout 3
Application, documentation 216
Application, error reporting via e-mail 176
Application, packaging 227
Application, statistics 46
application/rss+xml Content-type 198
ApplicationController class 120
Area chart 45
Association proxy 100
AssociationProxy class 101
atom see Syndication
Attachments (sending e-mail) 265
Audit your application 222
Authentication 115
Authentication, and bookmarks 118
Authentication, and static content 143
Authentication, don’t store User objects in session 120
Authentication, rights, role-based 121
Authentication, stubbing out 136
Authentication, via secure URLs 209
Authorization see Authentication role-based
AutoComplete 18
Autocomplete, Autocompleter.local library 32
Autocomplete, improve performance 31
Automated integration and testing 171
Automation recipes 41-44 66-67 83-88 107 112-113 145-154 164-175 180-185 216-220 268-274
auto_discovery_link_tag() method 202
average() database function 105
Bar chart 45
Barron, Scott ix x 161 186
before_filter() method 117 123 232
belongs_to() method 94 96
Beta Gems 194
Black, David Alan ix 36
Block, passing to :has_many 101
Blog 164
BlueCloth 228
Bookmark (and authentication) 118
Bounced e-mail, handling 268
Buck, Jamis ix x 83 155 178 186 191
Bug, submitting fix for 195
Builder see View Builder
Bundling your application 227
Caching, enabling 225
Caching, generate static content with 143
Caching, sweeper 223
Calculations module, Active Record 105
Case, Tim ix 227
Character set (UTF-8) 231
Clark, Mike ix 41 129 212
Code downloading ix
Code Generation 138
Code generation, Javascript helper 8 (see also Generators Metaprogramming)
Code statistics 46
comma-separated values (CSV) 129
composed_of() method 108 110 189
Composite attribute (in models) 108
Configuration recipes 50-62 66-67 103-104 131-135 137 143 192-195 214-216 227-229
Configuration, caching 225
Configuration, database 66
Configuration, database.yml 55 103
Configuration, debug e-mail delivery failures 179
Configuration, debug_rjs 39
Configuration, dynamic database 103
Configuration, exception notification 178
Configuration, globalize 230
Configuration, international characters 231
Configuration, loading of libraries 229
Configuration, making helper available 245
Configuration, parameter parsing 251
Configuration, pluralize_table_names 65
Configuration, primary_key_prefix_type 65
Configuration, routes 131
Configuration, sessions in database 137
Configuration, skipping frameworks 54
Configuration, table_name_prefix= 64
Connection, problems with Oracle 61n
Connection, script/console command 236
Content-type, and RJS 30
Content-type, and RSS 198
Content-type, and UTF-8 231
Content-type, application/xml 249
continuous integration 171
Continuous integration, configuration 172
Continuous integration, sends e-mail on failure 173
Controller, access rights to actions in 123
Controller, after_filter() 127
Controller, before_filter() 117 123 232
Controller, cache sweeper 223
Controller, filter 117 123
Controller, in_place_edit_for() 5
Controller, logged_in() 136
Controller, named routes 135
Controller, redirecting in 124
Controller, rescue_action_in_public() 176
Controller, respond_to() 250
Controller, routes see Routes
Controller, send_data() 48 129
Controller, single-action action request Controller, handling 126
Coordinated Universal Time see UTC
count() database function 105
createEditField() method 10
createForm() method 10
create_versioned_table() method 79
Cross-site scripting (XSS) 244
CSS, customize in-place editor fields 6
CSV see Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Customer form helper 41
Damage Control 171
Database recipes 20-25 50-65 68-113 115-125 137 150-154 186-191 214-215 217-220 222-226 230-235
| Database, calculations using SQL in 105
Database, composite attribute 108
Database, configuration 66
Database, connecting to multiple 55
Database, creating tables in generators 170
Database, defining model in migration 112
Database, dump schema 84
Database, flattening structured data in 110
Database, format dates and times for 148
Database, grouping results 106
Database, join model see Join model
Database, join table to itself 68
Database, legacy 63 83
Database, many-to-many relationship 68 89
Database, migration 83 112
Database, overwrite data during migration 86
Database, polymorphic associations see Polymorphic associations
Database, primary key prefix 64
Database, running application without 50
Database, schema_info table 87
Database, scoping queries 107
Database, sessions in 137
Database, setting encdoding 231
Database, store times in UTC 186
Database, use model outside Rails 104
Database, using data in test fixtures 150
database.yml 55 66 103
Date, format for database 148 (see also Time zone)
Daylight Saving Time 191
Debugging Ajax and JavaScript 39
del.icio.us 131
delay() method 29
Delivery status (e-mail) 269
Development Process recipes 136 138-142 164-170 236-237
digest see SHA2 library
Discussion group for recipes viii
Distributing your application 227
Document (using RDoc) 216
Domain-specific language see Testing domain-specific
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, applied to database configuration 66
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, using plugins to foster 204
Downloading code ix
Drag and Drop 20
drop_versioned_table() method 79
DSL see Testing domain-specific
Dump session content 212
Duplication, removing see Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle
Dynamic test fixtures see Testing dynamic
E-Mail, .forward file 257
E-Mail, and CSS 256
E-Mail, debug delivery failures 179
E-Mail, handling bounced 268
E-Mail, mime type 253
E-Mail, rich content 253
E-Mail, send on exception 176
E-Mail, sending on test failure 173
E-Mail, sending with attachments 265
E-Mail, test fixtures 259
E-Mail, testing incoming 257
Edge Rails 192
Edit, live preview during see Live preview
Eijsvogels, Koen 244
Enumerations, group_by() 221
Enumerations, in_groups_of() 221
ERb, database configuration using 103
ERb, test fixture generation using 145
Error reporting via e-mail 176
error_messages_for() method 241
error_messages_on() method 241
Escape, HTML 245
establish_connection() method 56 59
Example code 276
Excel (Microsoft) 129
Exception, JavaScript 39
Exception, send e-mail on 176
ExceptionNotifiable module 178
Expiring sessions 127
Extending Rails recipes 41-44 180-185
Fanning, Shaun ix 268
File upload 217
File upload, file_column 220
Filter see Controller filter
find() method 107
FireBug (debugging extension for Firefox) 40
fixtures see Testing
Flattening structured data 110
Flickr 131
force option to add_table 86
Form, alternate colors of rows 44
Form, custom helper 41
Form, edit in place see In-place edit
Form, live preview during edit see Live preview
Form, observer 240
Form, save draft while editing 238
Form, tabular 41
Form, using mutipart for file uploads 217
form_for() method 41 239
form_remote_tag() method 76
Forum for discussing recipes viii
Fowler, Kelly x
Fowler, Martin 185
Framework, not loading components into Rails 54
freeze_gems 227
Fuchs, Thomas x
Functional test see Testing
Gems, Beta 194
Gems, documentation 216
Gems, freezing Rails 227
gem_server command starts, documentation web server 216
Generators 164
Generators, create database tables 170
Generators, file permission 168
Generators, manifest 167
Generators, README file 169
Generators, RubyGems as 166
Generators, shebang (#!) line and 168
Generators, standard files 166 (see also Code generation)
Globalize plugin 230
Globalize plugin, /() 234
Globalize plugin, loc() 234
Globalize plugin, setting up 230
Globalize plugin, setup 230
Globalize plugin, t() 234
Globalize plugin, translate() 234
Granger, Michael 228
Graph, generating 45
GraphicsMagick 217
Green-bar listing in form 44
Grocery list 20
Grossenbach, Geoffrey 45
GROUP BY, database results 106
Grouping enumerations 221
group_by() method 221
Gruff graphing library 45
Hansson, David Heinemeier ix x 71 171
Harvey, Josh 230
has_and_belongs_to_many() method 59 68 89
has_many() method 94 96
has_many() method, extending with block 101
Helper, custom form 41
Helper, HTML whitelist 244
Helper, JavaScript 8
Helper, making available to application 245
Helper, testing 161
Helper, test_helper.rb 52
Hewitt, Joe 40
Hook, :after_add 70
Hook, :after_remove 70
Hook, Subversion 172
HTML recipes 2-7 31-37 41-44 244-246
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