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Haus H.A. — Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics |
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Marcatili, E.A.J. 220 234
Marcuse, D. 158 179 195 348 364
Martin, W.E. 334 338
Match 44
Material dispersion 179
Maxwell’s equations 5
McCall, S.L. 280 288 290 296 297 334 338
Michelson interferometer 55 71
Mihami, O. 220 234
Mode amplitude 199
Mode in guiding layer 173
Mode TE 177
Mode TM 177
Modelocking 268
Modelocking, active 262
Modelocking, saturable absorber 284
Mollenauer, L.F. 277 281 283 296
Momentum conservation 256 350
Multimode fibers 163 182
Multiple dielectric layers 241
Murata, K. 141 157
Near field limit 86 97
Negative uniaxial crystal 308
Nodar, J. 220 234
Noise equivalent power 371 372
Nondegenerate parametric oscillator 347
Nonlinear dispersive medium 281
Nonlinear Schroedinger equation 279
Nonreciprocal media 300
Normal (index) surface 307 309
Normal dispersion 185
Normalized amplitude 202
Normalized amplitude, frequency 176
Normalized amplitude, propagation parameter 176
Number of modes per unit volume 373
Nye, J.F. 320 326 328 338
Nyquist formula 375
Oliner, A.A. 173 195
Optical bistability 288
Optical damage 281
Optical fibers 41
Optical Kerr effect 358
Optical slab waveguides 41
Optical switch 223
Optical wave 334
Optical waveguide switch 223
Orders, diffraction of grating 46
Ordinary index 307 308
Orthogonality 147 189 190
Overcoupled 206
Panofsky, W.K.H. 6 7 30
Parabolic index profile 163
Parametric amplifiers 346
Parametric degenerate oscillator 347
Parametric down-con version 350 351
Parametric gain 349
Parametric nondegenerate oscillator 347
Parametric oscillator 346
Parametric up-conversion 351
Paraxial 82
Paraxial approximation 82
Paraxial wave equation 99 100
Partially coherent 76
Passner, A. 288 290 296 297
Penfield, Jr.P. 344 364
periodic structure 219
Permeability of medium 6
Perot, A. 65 80
Perturbation 187 200
Perturbation of Poynting vector 310
Perturbation, formula 189
Phase, matching 260 350 355
Phase, modulator 333
Phase, velocity 23 318
Phase, velocity of Gaussian beam 112
Phillips, M. 6 7 30
Pierce, J.R. 217 234
Planck formula 374
Plane waves 7 16
Pockels effect 327
Polarization 5
Polarization density 5
Polarizer 329
Positive frequency amplitude of a mode 198
Positive uniaxial crystal 308
Positive-frequency 199 203
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 328
Power 191
Power, conservation 62 218
Power, dissipated 208
Power, flow in anisotropic dispersive dielectric 313
Poynting theorem 8
Poynting theorem, complex 148 300
Poynting vector 10 102
Poynting vector, perturbation of 310
Primary 366
Principal axes 302
Propagation, along principal axes 302
Propagation, along single-mode fiber 178
Propagation, in general spatial direction 303
Propagation, vector k 16
pulse width 286
Pulse-width detection by SHG 356
pump 348
Q-parameter 162
Q-parameter of a Gaussian beam 128 129 134
Quality factors 207
Quantum efficiency 366
Quarter-wave layers 43
Quarter-wave plate 323
Quaternary compound laser diodes 182
Raising operator 146
Ramaswamy, V. 158 173 176 195
Ramo, S. 7 8 12 30 32 35 37 54 122 157 158 173 195
Ray transformation of optical system 132
Real symmetric dielectric tensor 301
Reciprocity, condition 59
Reciprocity, principle 56
Reciprocity, relation 62
Reciprocity, theorem 56
Reflected wave amplitudes 56
Reflection, coating 45
Reflection, coefficient 33 41 204 205
Reflection, filter 239
Reflection, gratings 46
Reflectivity 65
Refractive index 37
Reiman, A. 280 296
Resonance frequencies of confocal Fabry — Perot 128
Resonant modes of Fabry — Perot resonator 118
| Resonators with curved mirrors 118
Root, W.L. 374 385
Rowe, H.E. 344 364
Rulings of grating 49
Sample function 26
Saruwatari, M. 180 196
Saturable absorber 284
Saturable absorber modelocking 283
Saturation intensity 210
Scalar potential 11 159
Scalar wave equation 82
Scanning Fabry — Perot interferometer 128
Schiff, L.I. 145 147 157 372 385
Schmidt, R.V. 220 224 225 226 234
Schroedinger equation 160
Schroedinger equation, nonlinear 279
Second-order, harmonic generation 341
Second-order, processes 341
Second-order, susceptibility tensor 341
Secondary emission 366
Seigman, A.E. 121 122 128 157 262 275
Self-focusing 278
Separation of variables 14
Shabat, A.B. 280 296
Shank, C.V. 235 239 243 253 287 357 358 364
Shen, Y.R. 339 363
Shot noise 366
Shot-noise formula 370
Signal-to-noise ratio 371
Silver, S. 385
Single-mode fibers 163 182
Single-sided Fourier transform 74
Slater, J.C. 56 59 80 205 234
Small signal gain 210 267
Small-signal limit 348
Smith, P.W. 288 297
Snell’s law 32 35 37
Soliton 281
Soliton propagation in fibers 281
Space harmonics 237
Spatially incoherent 76
Spears, D.L. 334 335 338
Spectra as single-sided 27
Spectral density 26
Spectrum for positive frequencies 27
Stanley, R.D. 235 239 253
Stationary 26
Stationary statistical process 74
Statistical average 26
Statistical process 26
Steady state 349
Stegun, I.A. 260 266 274 275
Stolen, R.H. 277 281 283 296
Stratton, J.A. 5 6 8 30
Sturrock, P.A. 219 234 360 364
Sugiyama, K. 180 196
Susceptibility tensor 342
symmetric 164
Szoke, A. 288 290 296
Tamir, T. 173 195
Taylor, H.F. 220 222 234
TE modes 177
TE modes in general guiding layer 173
TE wave 32
Temporal coherence 56 77
Thin lens 134
Threshold 209
Tien, P.K. 158 195
Time reversal 62
Time reversibility 59 63 203
Time-dependent process 19
Time-resolved spectroscopy 359
Time-reversed solution 203
TM modes 177
Tolman, R.C. 372 385
Total internal reflection 37 52 158
Townes, C.H. 280 295 296
Transformation matrix 131
Transformation of Q parameter by propagation over distance d 129
Transformation of radius of curvature of phase front by lens 130
Transient response 212
Transit time 334
Transmission resonator 210
Transmissivity 64 243
Transverse, electric field 102
Transverse, electric modes 164
Transverse, magnetic field 102
Transverse, magnetic modes 169
Transverse, magnetic wave 35
Transverse, modulator 331
Treacy, E.B. 185 195
Tsuchiya, H. 180
Tunable filter 222
Two-dimensional paraxial wave equation 183
Two-dimensional spatial Fourier transforms 25
Two-port 58 62
Twyman Green interferometer 56 143 144
Twyman Green interferometer, its use 76
Undercoupled 206
Unfolded reflected beam 130
Uniaxial crystal 307 342
Uniaxial crystal, negative 308
Uniaxial crystal, positive 308
Unitary 62
Unloaded Q 200 208 246
Unstable resonators 122
Van der Ziel, A. 381 385
Van Duzer, T. 7 8 12 30 32 35 37 54 122 157 158 173 195
Variational Principle 228
Vector potential 11 84 116 159 169 278 315
Venkatesan, T.N.C. 288 290 296 297
Waist size of Gaussian beam 111
Wave amplitudes 56
Wave equation 7 159
Wave impedance 33 36 41 43
Waveguide couplers 220
Waveguide Mach — Zehnder modulator 334
Wavelength resolution 69
Weber, H.P. 40 54
Weiss, M.T. 344 364
Wherrett, B.S. 339 363
Whinnery, J.R. 7 8 12 30 32 35 37 54 122 157 158 173 195
Whitham, G.B. 280 296
Wiegmann, W. 288 290 296 297
Wolf, E. 46 50 54 65 71 73 74 76 80 81 87 107 141 151 157 298 309 326
Woodward, C.E. 334 335 338
Yamada, J.I. 180 196
Yariv, A. 65 80 122 157 208 209 217 234 255 263 275 298 309 326 352 362 364 365 385
Yen, R. 296
Yuratich, M.A. 339 363
Zakharov, V.E. 280 296
Zero dispersion point 282
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