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Stoker J. J. — Water Waves: The Mathematical Theory with Applications |
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Motions, steady 199 201
Motions, uniqueness of unsteady 187
Motions, unsteady 149
Moving pressure point 217
Munk, W.H. 69 133 352 357 369 370 371
Nekrassov, A.I. 522
Nirenberg, L. 344 522
Non-existence of depression shock 323
Nonlinear free surface condition 11 513
Nonlinear shallow water theory equations 24
Nonlinearity of breaking phenomena 71
Numerical solutions for sloping beaches 73 75
Obstacles, flows over 344
Obstacles, waves due to 35
Occluded front 381
Ocean tides 421
Oceanography 133
Ohio River 505
Ohio River, flood waves 458 484
Ohio River, junction with the Mississippi River 457
Ohio River, model of 482
Open channel flows 451
Open channel flows, unsteady 469
Optics, geometrical 133
Oscillations, forced 55
Oscillations, free 55
Oscillations, in harbors 414
Oscillations, of a lake 423
Oscillations, of the atmosphere 374
Oscillations, pitching 250
Oscillations, rolling 250
Oscillations, simple harmonic 37
Oscillations, small 35
Oscillations, yawing 250
Overhanging cliff 73
O’Brien, M.P. 133
Particle derivative 5
Patterson, G.W. 370
Penney, W.G. 513 522
Periodic impulse, waves due to 171
Periodic surface pressure 57
Periodic waves see also "Waves"
Periodic waves, existence of 522
Perturbation procedure 19 269
Peters, A.S. 74 75 76 78 95 96 98 102 103 111 124 224 242 245
Phase speed 170
Pierson, W.J., Jr. 133 138 248
Pitching oscillation 250 278
Pohle, F.V. 513 515
Poincare, H. 181
Point source (or sink) 12
Poisson, S. 35 154
potential flow 9
Potential, singularities of 12
Preiswerk, E. 407 411 413 482
Pressure 3 see
Pressure, periodic 57
Pressure, waves caused by moving 219
Privaloff’s theorem 536
Profile, of a river 458
Progressing waves 57 see
Progressing waves, of fixed shape 461
Progressing waves, simple harmonic 45
Propagation of discontinuities along characteristics 474
Propagation speed see "Wave speed"
Putnam, J.A. 132
Radiation condition 174 209 see
Range of influence 299
Rankine, W.J.M. 76
Rayleigh — Ritz method 426
Rayleigh, J.W. 49 321 342 351
Re, R. 313
Rees, M. 476 477
Reflection of energy 446
Reflection of shock 330
Reflection of waves 71 95
Refraction along a coast 133
Rellich, F. 113 175
Resistance force 453
Resonance 58
Riabouchinsky, D. 25
Rigid body, floating 245
River profile 458
Rivers, backwater effects in 461
Roll waves 466
Rolling oscillations 250
Roseau, M. 74 75 76 78 95 146
Roughness coefficient 454 466
Roughness coefficient, Manning 457
Rouse, H. 451 462 468 482
Rubin, H. 146
Ruellan, F. 41
Running stream, waves on a 198
Russell, S. 342
Schauder — Leray theory 522
Schmidt, E., bifurcation theory of 529
Schwinger, J.S. 117 146
Seiche 423
Seismology 137
Seiwell, H.R. 138
Shallow water theory 22 291
Shallow water theory, accuracy 27
Shallow water theory, equations of 24
Shallow water theory, for sloping beaches 75
Shallow water theory, higher-order approximation in 28 32
Shallow water theory, linear 25 75 414
Shallow water theory, linear sound speed 419
Shallow water theory, linear, compared with numerical solution 75
Shallow water theory, mathematical justification 31
Shallow water theory, reformulation of equations 292
Shallow water theory, systematic derivation of 27
Shallow water theory, validity beyond the breaking point 362
Shallow water, floating bodies 431
Shallow water, long waves 291
Ship wave problem 219 224
Ship waves, diverging system 237
Ship waves, in water of finite depth 243
Ship waves, method of stationary phase 219
Ship waves, transverse system 237
Ship, as a floating rigid body 245
Shock 317
Shock, advancing into still water 323
Shock, back of 321
Shock, conditions 314
Shock, constant 326
Shock, energy balance across 318
Shock, front of 321
Shock, mass flux across 318
Shock, non-existence of depression 323
Shock, reflected from a rigid wall 330
Shock, resulting from the breaking of a dam 333
Shock, turbulence at front of 320
Simple harmonic waves 37
Simple harmonic waves, energy transmission 47
Simple harmonic waves, progressing 45
Simple wave 300 469
Simple wave, applications to problems of meteorology 891
Simple wave, centered 311
Singularities of the velocity potential 12 13
Sink 12
| Slenderness parameter 250
Sloping beaches 69 369 see
Sloping beaches, experiments on 71 73 75 373
Sloping beaches, numerical solutions 73 75
Sluice in a dam, flow through 407
Small amplitude theory 19 see
Small oscillations see "Oscillations"
Solberg, H. 376
Solitary wave 327 342 370
Solitary wave, approximation 343
Solitary wave, experimental work 351
Sommerfeld, A. 52 77 116 117
Sommerfeld’s diffraction problem 109
Sommerfeld’s radiation condition 59 65 111 113 175
Sound speed 26 see
Source 12
Southwell, R. 426
Sretenski, L.N. 234
St. Denis, M. 248 261
Standing waves, cylindrically symmetric 41
Standing waves, simple harmonic 37
Standing waves, three-dimensional 41
Standing waves, two-dimensional 38
Stationary front 378
Stationary phase 163 219
Stationary phase, justification 181
Steady flow, supercritical 405
Steady flow, with critical speed 344
Steady motions 199
Steady state problems, unnaturalness 175
Stelzriede, M.E. 132
Stoker, J.J. 111 451 482
Stokes, G.G. 96 373
Stoke’s phenomenon 117
Stoke’s Theorem 8
Stream, waves on a running 198
Struik, D.J. 17 21 342 343 344 347 522
Subcritical flow 305 406
Supercritical flow 304 406
Supercritical flow, supersonic flow 304
Suquet, F. 133
surface 11 see
Surface waves 18
Surface waves, typical problem 15
Surface, condition, exact 11 513
Surface, disturbance, motions due to 156
Surface, periodic 57
Surface, pressure, confined to a segment 58
Surface, simple harmonic 55
Surfaces of discontinuity in the atmosphere 375
Sverdrup, H.U. 133 357 369 371
Sway 250
Tepper, M. 375
Thomas, H.A. 451 462 467 468 482
Thompson, P.D. 375
Thorade, H.F. 368
Thornhill, C.K. 513 522
Tidal oscillations of the atmosphere 375
Tidal theory 22
Tidal theory, boundary conditions 422
Tides in the oceans 421
Transverse system of ship waves 237
Traylor, M.A. 133
Trim of a ship 251
Troesch, B.A. 451 487 505
Turbulence 453
Turbulence, at a shock 320
Undertow 71
Uniqueness 150 187
Ursell, F. 96 137 146 342 372
Velocity potential 9
Velocity potential, singularities of 12
Velocity, group 170
Velocity, of flow of energy 49
Vertical cliff, three-dimensional waves against a 84
Vertical wedge see "Diffraction around a vertical wedge"
Vibrations, of a lake 424
viscosity 3
von Karman, T. 410 482
Wallet, A. 41
Warm front 380
Water table experiments 412
Wave motions see also "Flaw" "Motions" "Waves"
Wave motions, in open channels 451
Wave motions, on discontinuity surfaces in the atmosphere 375
Wave refraction along a coast 133
Wave resistance integral 284
Wave speed 26 293 299 473
Wave speed, in linear shallow water theory 419
Wave speed, in meteorology 404
Wave tanks, experiments in 71 73
Waves see also "Flow" "Motions"
Waves, against a vertical cliff 67 84
Waves, breaking of 69 307
Waves, breaking of at crests 369
Waves, breaking of on shallow beaches 352
Waves, breaking point 354
Waves, centered simple 311
Waves, cnoidal 342
Waves, depression 306 352
Waves, diverging system 237
Waves, due to a moving pressure point 219
Waves, due to disturbances from rest 35
Waves, due to harmonic surface pressure 49
Waves, due to obstacles in a running stream 35
Waves, due to periodic impulse 174
Waves, energy transmission 47
Waves, existence of periodic 522
Waves, experimental work on solitary 351
Waves, experiments on sloping beaches 71 73 75
Waves, group 51
Waves, in open channels 451
Waves, in the atmosphere 374
Waves, initial, steepness 357
Waves, internal 147
Waves, of small amplitude 19
Waves, on sloping beaches 69 369
Waves, past obstacles 69
Waves, progressing 57 67
Waves, progressing, of fixed shape 461
Waves, progressing, simple harmonic 45
Waves, reflection from shore 71 95
Waves, roll 466
Waves, simple 300 469
Waves, simple harmonic standing 37
Waves, solitary 327 342 370
Waves, steady 207
Waves, transverse system 237
Waves, unsteady 210
Weinblum, G.P. 248 261
Weinstein, A. 40 87 208 342
Weitz, M. 141
Wells, L.W. 434 444 449
Wetted perimeter 454
Whitham, G.B. 368 377 378 388 389 395 399 404 487 505
Wiener — Hopf technique 108 141
Wigley, W.C.S. 246 257
Wilkes, M.V. 147 375
Wine glass effect 74
Yawing oscillations 250
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