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Tannehill J.C., Anderson D.A., Pletcher R.H. — Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
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Helmholtz equation 41
Hermite interpolation 686—688
Heuristic stability analysis 107 220—221
Homenergic see "Isoenergetic"
Hopscotch method for heat equation 143
Hopscotch method for Navier — Stokes equations 632—633
Howarth flow 480
Hybrid scheme 458—459
Hydraulic diameter 498
Hyperbolic grid generation schemes 694—696
Ill-posed 28—29
Implicit scheme 54
Incompressible 251—252
Initial boundary value problem see "Initial value problem"
Initial starting solution 19 445—446 461 550 609—610 615
Initial value problem 19 27
Integral methods 69—71 442
Internal energy 256
Internal flows 496—508
Inverse methods 478 482—489
Inviscid flow 235—245 259—327 321—332 351—437
Inviscid flow, compressible 321—332 351—431
Inviscid flow, incompressible 322—323 324—326 431—437
Irregular mesh 76—83
Irrotational 324—325
Isentropic flow 327—328
Isoenergetic 326
Iterative methods, block 160—165
Iterative methods, group 160
Iterative Methods, Point 153—160
Jacobi iteration 155
Jacobian 25—26 30 91 267 340 566—569 577 635—637 683
Jet flows 508—512
Johnson-King model 309
Jury problem 16
Keller box method for boundary-layer equations 462—465 477
Keller box method for heat equation 134—137
Keller box method, modified box method 136—137
Kelvin's theorem 425
Kentzer's method 408
Kinematic displacement thickness 304
Kinematic viscosity 290
Kinetic energy of turbulence see "Turbulence kinetic energy"
Kinetic theory approach 250
Korteweg — de Vries equation 41
Krause zig-zag scheme 523—525
Kronecker delta 253
Kutta condition 429 437
L-equation model 309
Laasonen method see "Simple implicit method"
Lagrange acceleration formula 325
Lagrange interpolation 684—685
Lagrangian approach 251
Laminar flow 272
Laplace's equation 11 16—19 32—34 144—148 326 431—437 688—694
Large eddy simulation (LES) 273 300 320—321
LAURA code 642
Law of mass action 261
Law-of-the-wall region 302—303
Lax equivalence theorem 56—57
Lax method for inviscid Burgers' equation 181—183
Lax method for wave equation 88—89 94—96 112—113
Lax — Wendroff method for inviscid Burgers' equation 184—187
Lax — Wendroff method for Navier — Stokes equations 632—633
Lax — Wendroff method for viscous Burgers' equation 227
Lax — Wendroff method for wave equation 99 117—118
Leapfrog method, for wave equation 116
Leapfrog/DuFort Frankel method for Burgers' equation 225
Leapfrog/DuFort Frankel method for Navier — Stokes equations 633 663
Left eigenvector see "Eigenvector"
Leonard method 224
Leonard stress 284
LGS methods 641
Liebmann iteration see "Gauss — Seidel iteration"
limiters 13 186 208 214—216 398
Linearization by extrapolation 455
Linearization, iterative update 450
Linearization, lagging 449—450
Linearization, Newton's method 450—452
Linearization, Newton's method, with coupling 452—454
Linearized block implicit (LBI) scheme 574
Local time stepping 627
Low Reynolds number turbulence model 315—316
Lower-upper symmetric Gauss — Seidel (LU-SGS) method 641 663
MAC method 668—670
MacCormack method, implicit/explicit 574 640
MacCormack method, original explicit 119
MacCormack method, original explicit for Euler equations 273—274
MacCormack method, original explicit for inviscid Burgers' equation 187—188
MacCormack method, original explicit for Navier — Stokes equations 625—628
MacCormack method, original explicit for PNS equations 574
MacCormack method, original explicit for viscous Burgers' equation 227—228
MacCormack method, original explicit for wave equation 119
MacCormack method, over-relaxed 228—229
MacCormack method, rapid solver 631—632
MacCormack method, time-split 166—167 230—231
MacCormack method, time-split for Navier — Stokes equations 628—631
MacCormack method, time-split for viscous Burgers' equation 230—231
MacCormack method, upwind 641
Mach number 6—7 266
Mapping see "Transformation"
Marching problem 19—22 45
Marker-and-cell (MAC) method 668—670
Mass-weighted averaging procedure 273 275
Matrix stability analysis 91—96
Matrix, aperiodic 94—95 717
Matrix, banded 138
Matrix, block bidiagonal see "Block bidiagonal systems"
Matrix, block tridiagonal see "Block tridiagonal systems"
Merged layer region 538
Mesh Peclet number see "Mesh Reynolds number"
Mesh Reynolds number 220—221 457
Method of characteristics (MOC) 352—364
Method of characteristics (MOC) for linear PDE's 353—361
Method of characteristics (MOC) for nonlinear PDE's 361—364
Metrics 267—270 516 519 576—577 682—683
Minmod limiter 209
Mixed problem see "Robin's problem"
Mixing length 301—317 320—321
Model equations 101
Modified box method for boundary-layer equations 462—465
Modified box method for heat equation 136—137
Modified equation 104—107 110—111
Modified strongly implicit (MSI) procedure 165 725—730
Modified Thomas algorithm 454 487
Momentum equation 252—255
Momentum equation, inviscid form 323—326
Momentum equation, Reynolds form 276—278
Momentum thickness 303
Monotone scheme 183—184
Multigrid method 13 165—176 627 652
MUSCL approach 204—209 217 395—396 400
Navier — Stokes equations 253—255 263—266 340—341 347 621—677
Navier — Stokes equations in general coordinates 340—341 552—554
Navier — Stokes equations, compressible 253—255 263—266 340—341 621—649
Navier — Stokes equations, incompressible 255 649—677
Navier — Stokes equations, integral form 347
Navier — Stokes equations, low speed 642—649
Navier — Stokes equations, nondimensional form 264—266
Navier — Stokes equations, thin-layer approximation 541—545 624
Navier — Stokes equations, vector form 263—264 622—623
Neumann problem 34
Newton linearization 450—453
Newton — Raphson method 450—452 483 563
Newton's method see "Newton — Raphson method"
Newtonian flow 6
Newtonian fluid 252—253
Nine-point formula 145
Nodal-point scheme 343
Nonconservative form 58
| Nondimensional form of equations 264—266
Normal pressure gradient 541—542
Numerical dissipation 622 see
Odd-even reduction 153
One and one-half equation turbulence model 313
One-equation turbulence model 310—313
One-half equation turbulence model 308—309
Operators see "Difference operators"
Order of accuracy notation (O) 47 54
Order of magnitude analysis 287—294
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 266—271
Orthogonality 691—694
Osher's scheme see "Enquist — Osher scheme"
Over-relaxation 156
Panel methods 431—437
Parabolic Navier — Stokes equations 550
Parabolic procedures, 3-D confined flows 585—592
Parabolic procedures, 3-D free-shear flows 592—593
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations 13 541 545—562
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations, applications 582—584
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations, derivation 546—565
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations, numerical solution 562—582
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations, thin-layer approximation 554—555
Partial Differential Equations, Canonical Forms 25—33
Partial differential equations, elliptic 16 25 32—33
Partial differential equations, general, second order 22
Partial differential equations, hyperbolic 19 25 26—29
Partial differential equations, parabolic 19 25 29—32
Partial differential equations, quasi-linear 22
Partial differential equations, systems of 35—39
Partially parabolized Navier — Stokes (PPNS) equations 541 584—609
Particle-in-cell (PIC) method 12
Peclet number 220 287 see
Perfect gas 258
Periodic boundary conditions 94 109
Perturbation 330 353
Phase angle 88 107—111
Phase angle, exact 108
Phase angle, lagging 109
Phase angle, leading 109
Phase angle, relative 109
Phenomenological approach 250
Physical domain 679
PIC method 12
PISO method 676—677
Pivoting 149
PNS equations see "Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations"
Poisson equation 40 145 651 689
Poisson equation for pressure 589 600 652—653 657 668 671—673
Polynomial fitting 65—69
Potential equation, methods for 413—427
PPNS equations see "Partially parabolized Navier — Stokes equations"
Prandtl mixing-length formula 301
Prandtl number 259 287
Prandtl — Glauert equation 331 353—361 429
Preconditioning 13 402 647—649 661 665
Predictor-corrector, multiple iteration method, for PNS equations 563
Predictor-corrector, multiple iteration method, for viscous Burgers' equation 232—233
Pressure based schemes 667
Pressure correction approach 588 661 667—677
Pressure update 590—591
Pressure, gauge 648
Pressure-implicit with splitting of operators (PISO) method 676—677
Primitive variables 650 667
Primitive-variable approach 659—677
Primitive-variable form 650
Projection methods 670—671
Property U 198—199
Pseudo time 646—649 652 665
Pseudo-compressibility method 661—665
Pseudo-transient representation 652
PUMPIN scheme 590—592
Quasi-linear see "Partial-differential equations quasi-linear"
Quasilinearization see "Linearization" "Newton's
Rankine — Hugoniot equations 332 413
Rayleigh problem 30—32
Rayleigh's pitot formula 7—8
Red-black scheme 160—161
Reduced Navier — Stokes (RNS) equations 541 562 605
Reflection method 407
Relaxation method 11
Residual form 146
Retarded density 419
Reynolds analogy 304
Reynolds averaging 273—274
Reynolds equations 273—285 624
Reynolds number 220 264 287
Reynolds stress 281 443 514
Reynolds stress models 300 317—320
Reynolds stress models, algebraic 318—320
Richardson extrapolation 158 466
Richardsons's method 129
Riemann invariants 358
Riemann problem 12 177—180 197—199 388
Robin's problem 34
Roe average 391—393 400
Roe — Sweby scheme 216
Roe's scheme for Euler equations 388—398
Roe's scheme for inviscid Burgers' equation 198—201
Roe's scheme for Navier — Stokes equations 642
Roe's scheme for PNS equations 574—582
Roe's scheme for viscous Burgers' equation 233—234
Roe-averaged state 393
Rotated difference scheme 417 399
Round-off error 54—55 84
Runge — Kutta methods for Euler equations 401
Runge — Kutta methods for Navier — Stokes equations 632—633 663
Runge — Kutta methods for wave equation 124—125
Rusanov method for inviscid Burgers' equation 188—189
Rusanov method for wave equation 122—123
SCM method 438—439
Segregated approach 588
Semi-inverse procedure 492
Separated flows 478—496 505—508 610
Separation of variables 16 20
Series expansion technique 546—551
Shift condition 106
Shock capturing 12 365—402
Shock fitting 12 365 371—373 411—413
Shock layer 6 540
Shock-capturing methods 365—402
Shockwave 6 12 411—413
Shockwave, bow 6 7
Shockwave, governing equations 331—332 411—413
Shockwave, normal 331—332
Shockwave, oblique 332 411—413
Similarity solution 31—32
Simple explicit method for boundary-layer equations 445—447
Simple explicit method for heat equation 53—54 83—87 93—95 126—129 137
Simple explicit method for PNS equations 563
Simple or fully implicit method for boundary-layer equations 447—459 477
Simple or fully implicit method for heat equation 63 130 150—151
SIMPLE procedure for incompressible N-S equations 671—676
SIMPLE procedure for PPNS equations 588—590 592
SIMPLEC method 673
SIMPLER procedure for incompressible N-S equations 673—674
SIMPLER procedure for PPNS equations 590
Slender channel approximation 508
Smagorinsky model 320—321
Small disturbance approximation 490—491
Small-perturbation theory 330—331 353
Smoothing see also "Artifical viscosity explicit"
Smoothing, explicit 121 191 573 630 639—540
Smoothing, implicit 639—640
SOR see "Successive over-relaxation"
SOR by lines 160—162
Source distribution 433
Space marching methods for Euler equations 365—370
Space marching methods for Navier — Stokes equations 665—667
Spalart — Allmaras model 312—313
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